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Beautiful Loser

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Everything posted by Beautiful Loser

  1. This interview sounded almost like a Wikipedia article, I wonder how long they got to talk to her and how much info they had to fill in to get a full article.
  2. For Lana's next tour, I want a small orchestra with real strings and proper backup singers so Alex and Ashley can keep on dancing and Lana will drop those playback vocals. Real backup singers would make her concerts a lot better instead of playback, and she wouldn't drown out either. The songs would sound different too, in a good way, if the playback is gone.
  3. This dress from ASOS has crochet lace and bell sleeves, but no v-neck... and is sadly out of stock, but it might come back? £66 (20 on discount). http://m.asos.com/glamorous/glamorous-lace-tiered-dress/prd/7845036 A cheap black lace dress from H&M too: http://m2.hm.com/sv_se/productpage.0587740001.html Edit (2018-02-26): let me add some more Zara: https://www.zara.com/se/sv/spetskl%C3%A4nning-p07901036.html?v1=5689537&v2=719020 Zara (but it's white) : https://www.zara.com/se/sv/kl%C3%A4nning-med-brodyr-och-h%C3%A5lm%C3%B6nster-p04786078.html?v1=5560062&v2=719020
  4. I know, right? I need to find a cheaper version...
  5. A similar dress (or the dress?) to Lana’s Arizona show of the tour, but in white instead of black: Lovelorn Dress by Zimmerman, $665 on Net-A-Porter. Edit: Just found it in black too, now I’m very convinced it’s her dress. It looks so pretty! €860 on Zimmerman’s European webshop.
  6. Loved her dress!! Now I need to find a black lace/crochet dress with dramatic sleeves too! xD Also, I loved her little dance during BTD, she’s so cute. https://twitter.com/nationalxanthem/status/963670821175689217
  7. Oh wow. I didn't expect it to end like that. Elio and Oliver looked so cute together, it didn't feel or look wrong at all. If you don't focus on the age difference, because it doesn't matter for the story line, they looked like any cute couple out there. Now I understand why some of you got upset when I wrote in my early comments that I've read reviews and just remembered that the film was supposed to be good and about a teen boy and an older man. It would maybe have been better if the reviews didn't focus so much on that. Also, I love how they filmed the end credits. Just focusing on Elio's face, feeling his sadness and disappointment in Oliver, while the rest of the world goes on as if nomething had happened. It was a great way to show two sides of reality at the same time. It was a nice film, I'm glad everyone here on LB has been discussing it so frequently so I got interested enough to watch it. I think I'm gonna read the novel too, whenever I have time to.
  8. Nope. Do you own a copy of a classic novel?
  9. Well I don't know what will happen yet! I won't watch it during lunch lol, just some evenings before I go to sleep. Don't judge me
  10. I haven't checked this thread since my last post a loooong time ago when I haven't seen the movie (just read reviews in news papers that said it was good!) and I'm watching it a little by little. Seems ok so far! I haven't seen a full hour of it yet though, Elio's dad just found that Venus statue or something.
  11. Saturday. I felt more content than happy this evening and Sunday was bleh. When was the last time you used a calculator?
  12. Sunday night (mom). When was the last time you got something on discount?
  13. I’m down for a continuing story of the Ride monologue.
  14. I think the hotline was pretty iconic.
  15. ♥ ^ That person who seems to be fine when being around people but as soon as they're alone, they're feeling all sad. Which is why they seek things to occupy their mind with.
  16. That person who wished they could live in the world of the last novel or movie they read/saw and really liked and will like for the rest of their lives.
  17. Banned for collecting (un)leaked songs
  18. Banned for banning the wrong person
  19. Banned for not daring to ban me completely
  20. Banned because all the teachers won't give us a 15-minute break (and too many want to skip them completely) and I need to ban someone to feel better.
  21. Banned for overusing that brutal kitty
  22. Can I ban Salvatore for writng "ban" too much in a single sentence?
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