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Beautiful Loser

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Everything posted by Beautiful Loser

  1. It's too much to write and it's nothing new so I give up now after ~7 mins of the interview. Took me 40+ minutes.
  2. I'm working on writing the interview down, give me some time.
  3. I absolutely LOVED Cherry when it came out, but it became more dull after a while... I feel like she's not singing it properly and could have done it better, the instrumentals were pretty basic but the bass and guitar saved it (yes, even before the instrumentals leaked) and I still can't really take "sippin' on ya like a Coca-Cola" and "lookin' at me like a magazine" seriously somehow. But, cola and magazines do hint back to her early Lana days and Lizzy days.
  4. Holy macaroni Terrence Loves You sounded great! https://youtu.be/qX8_Qbz084E?t=1m18s
  5. I got to see a little of Chuck's insta live while brushing my teeth in the morning, too bad I was in a hurry and couldn't watch it all! (But I saw your comment right after mine, hehe! @@Elle ♥)
  6. Carmen and Sylvia... I wonder if it's gonna be pretty and cinematic.
  7. Hum hum hum... last week? Yeah. When was the last time you treated yourself something nice or yummy?
  8. Banned for banning me and therefore making this site worse
  9. Banned for being a manga and anime fan
  10. If I may predict the sound for the next album, even though we have nothing to base my predictions on... I think it will sound more upbeat and have more pop songs that are cool like a breeze on a hot summer day. Maybe the trap beats will still be there since they're in both HM and LFL. She's been recording songs with Rocky, so it's not impossible if she has another hip hop inspired song again. With or without collabs. She's worked with The Weeknd and BORNS, both with pop sounds, and likes Ariana Grande who also have a pop sound. Lana seems to be happier these days and more confident, so I wouldn't be surprised if her next album (album, not EP or some kind of extension of LFL) would go back to something alike BTD.
  11. A chill person that is one with nature and is concious with the choices they make. Tries to make the world a better place. A nerd in some topics but that's not so noticeable if someone doesn't know you. Have tons of scented candles in the bedroom.
  12. Banned because I didn't have the heart to ban you yesterday ♥
  13. No. Do you own a makeup brush?
  14. Can't remember. When was the last time you had a cup of tea?
  15. Summer olympics Missing a finger or a toe?
  16. I'm in the mood to watch a movie and have some ice cream and treat myself since I have no one to do it with tonight (or any night lol), any recommendations? Please write a little synopsis what it's about too. ♥ I better post this as a status update so people will read this...
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