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Beautiful Loser

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Everything posted by Beautiful Loser

  1. I think Elle requested DMD sometime before the show, like at a Instagram live or something? I might be wrong though.
  2. No, it belongs to my brothers. Do you own an itchy sweater?
  3. "Long live our reign, long live our love" in BPBP sounds so majestic somehow, and like you're really proud of this love and the person you share it with. Like as if you're praising it and aren't afraid of showing it. May it lead to good things.
  4. Last week, or earlier this week, I dreamt that I told Lana to keep Blue Jeans in her set list for the tour and she laughed at me mockingly as if I was just a casual fan who didn't know any other songs and left. I felt terrible, I never got to explain how much I love her.
  5. Now that LFL had been out for a while, I relate to a few of the lines in Get Free. Sometimes it feels like I got a war in my mind I want to get off but I keep riding the ride [...] I wanna move out of the black, into the blue
  6. Petition for my new favorite GIF to become an emoticon here.
  7. Doing something you've dreamt about for years.
  8. I guess nothing is better than a greenhouse.
  9. Hm, yeeaaahhh but I had it when I was like 8 and it's hidden and I haven't touched it for years. I'm still the owner, so I guess the answer is yes. Do you own jewelry in gold or silver?
  10. No... not sure what you mean either. Do you agree that orange juice is better than apple juice?
  11. House of sand and fog is another excellent movie, it ends so tragically. I haven't watched it for years, but it's really great. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0315983/?ref_=nv_sr_1
  12. It was somewhere around 20 minutes before the end I think!
  13. Also, that story with horses pulling you by the thingy... horrible!
  14. Kind of disappointing how it ended, but it felt like the most realistic way to end it.
  15. I started watching Brokeback Mountain yesterday and will finish it soon tonight. I think it’s a really good film, has any else seen it?
  16. Ayumi Hamsaki - 卒業写真 ("Sotsugyō Shashin") Here's a video of it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lHZy2vDn-og
  17. They're available now! https://store.lanadelrey.com/products/cherry-white-hoodie?variant=1774739161109
  18. They must have missed her Gucci boots. AND i LOVE FLIPSIDE, CAN YOU IMAGINE IT BEING PLAYED LIVE??!
  19. No. Do you agree that snow-rain really sucks? Meaning, it's like a mix of snow and rain falling from the sky.
  20. No. Do you own a vinyl record player?
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