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Beautiful Loser

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Everything posted by Beautiful Loser

  1. Banned because you seem to be an awesome person
  2. Banned because I was an civil engineer student in evironmental science, so you're a copy cat. Banned because this lecture is boring
  3. Banned for being into research but I don't know in what field.
  4. I haven't watched many, but I liked Stardust as a kid and the book was pretty good too. Your favorite classical paiting?
  5. Stargirl: if she wasn’t struggling so much, she’d conquer not only this planet, but also all of space quicker than you can ever imagine with the help of her robots. All named Sophia. And that would be alright because as soon as you’d see Stargirl, you’ll have been blessed by her beauty and amazed by her clever mind and you silently express your gratitude to be a witness of that moment.
  6. Tropicum: that person who has few friends but are very tight with them all, a bit goofy and has a totally different personality online.
  7. Banned because it’s Monday tomorrow
  8. I would have liked Cherry a lot more if she sang with more power. Sometimes it feels like she’s just singing it to her over with it. It sounds pretty different when sung live.
  9. I think we all saw how this was gonna end after y, o and s.
  10. Stella was in Australia for the New Year’s and is currently in India if I’m not mistaken. Maybe she’s having a break/vacation and will be back afterwards?
  11. The magazine Gaffa let the prize for best foreign song go to Lana for Lust For Life
  12. Banned for living in a cold place
  13. Banned for backing me up without me asking for it. Oops, wrong person. Banned for being annoyed at me.
  14. Banned because I had period cramps earlier today
  15. She’s so cute cuuuute! I swear, Lana and cars will always be a concept I like, and now I wanna see her with a F1 racing car in a video!
  16. Banned for using lyrics by Icona Pop to ban someone.
  17. Banned because of that pink beach signature with filters.
  18. They are real! Just go to a botanical garden or something.
  19. Banned for drawing great portraits
  20. Banned for getting Lana to dedicate her first line in Love about you ("Look at you Kid(s) with your Vintage music...")
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