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Beautiful Loser

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Everything posted by Beautiful Loser

  1. Nylon praising Lana’s uniqueness in the pop industry https://nylon.com/how-lana-del-rey-sets-herself-apart
  2. Platform boots and bring a tall friend. People tend to stay away from tall people at concerts.
  3. Beautiful Loser

    Song vs. Song

    Brite Lites (Steve Mertens demo) VS Mermaid Motel (demo)
  4. I started to daydream of going to the European leg and see Lana but I think all the tickets are sold out now. I couldn't buy it before because I didn't know how my schedule would be in spring but I know now and I'll be "free" in all spring (except for exams I need to re-take)... maybe it's for the best, I probably can't afford ticket+flight+hotel anyways...
  5. We already have Lust For Life so I’d love to hear Groupie Love, When at war, 13 Beaches, Love... yeah.
  6. I always imagined that line as someone going out with their boy- or girlfriend to nowhere special at all, it’s just nice and fun to look nice for each other and just have each other’s company. Not doing anything extraordinary at all, just hanging out. I never thought the line as in doing those things for yourself, which I do! I like to dress up and just go somewhere around my uni town, listen to music or just watch people. Doing it for myself as a change from studying and feeling like I have no friends. Which I don’t have. But whatever. Those are some of my happy times in my uni town honestly.
  7. Still! I hate sparkling water. >___< Daisies or roses?
  8. May I ask how many people participated? My bad, never mind.
  9. I was gone for like an hour or two and you guys are having gif wars already.
  10. Yes To Heaven because of the heavenly production although I've overplayed it and got a little sick of it Dried or fresh garlic?
  11. Christmas Twinkle Little Star or Baa Baa Black Sheep?
  12. B.B. King - I'll Be Home For Christmas https://open.spotify.com/track/4A48DmYkwdZtHtodXEjZ70
  13. Where have you been? Where did you go? Those summer nights seem long ago So is the girl you used to call The Queen of New York City
  14. Yep. Do you agree that Lana should call a fan and wish them a merry christmas?
  15. I’m sorry for changing the topic into something else but OMG TAEYANG HAS A SWEETHEART AND IS ENGAGED TO HER! I’m so happy he found someone!
  16. I mean, shit, Shinee were super huge back then. Why can't their agencies take care of their idols better??
  17. I'm not a Shinee fan, but that's just sad. Edit: oh wow, it's all over my twitter feed, it's so sad how the k-pop industry is so harsh and mental illness is frowned upon, I bet there's a lot more idols and artists who are feeling bad.
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