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Beautiful Loser

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Everything posted by Beautiful Loser

  1. Change is like the only song that sneaks into my mind and stays there for hours, so naturally I have to praise it here for the masterpiece that it is. The melody is perfect. It has me humming all day. I can't believe that this woman wrote it in just a few hours.
  2. The way she sang Body Electric oh my gosh I need this for an anniversary edition of BTD/Paradise or something. I'M DEAD. https://instagram.com/p/BY6EbNHl_xn/
  3. Although I'd love a documentary, I wouldn't want it now. I'd rather wait a few year to see what it'll be like, I feel like Lana's career has just begun and this new life of hers as well. A documentary needs a story to tell and in order to tell it, it needs a lot of information to create it.
  4. Hate it. Unless it's made into guacamole. Cotton candy/candy floss?
  5. Action. I can't stand horror movies. TT^TT Emoji or kaomoji?
  6. What is it, a soup? What's in it?
  7. Hm... no. Every country has its good and bad things. Do you agree that mint flavored chocolate is better than orange flavored?
  8. So prettty much what to look forward to after WM video: Tour dates
  9. Let's skip the games, let's quit the playin' Boo, let's get aquatinted on the toilet
  10. Two mini focaccia and a yoghurt for lunch/snack/dinner. Listen, I woke up late and was out all day and didn't want to buy expensive food from the food trucks yesterday, don't judge me.
  11. This baby blue dress she wore looks very simple and I thought it can't be very hard to find look-a-likes. But I can't find what bra she's wearing that pokes up over the edge. This one (click on the link) looks close enough but has a bow at the back and I don't know if Lana has it on her dress. Also, this dress by Nicole Miller (click on link) below look very similar as well, but also have bows on the back.
  12. Oh yes, they played it quite a lot when I was a kid. Ok you win.
  13. Hm, I'm not sure. I think it's ok here too, but this... might be a little too much. It's not really "hidden" in the lyrics (if you compare with Summer Bummer for example) it's right in your face if you know what I mean.
  14. I just wanna shake Lana's hand some day or give her a hug, she looks so soft and her hands are so elegant.
  15. I had a thought yesterday... I think Cherry would be very good on the radio, too bad they're not playing it. (Ofc they would have to take away all the cursing and censor it but still. I think it'd be a great success on radio.)
  16. I know, I'm so excited! I'm counting down the days for my first vinyl to be shipped!
  17. gjdhdydjgvbfjdjjvcff this is just too funny not to share https://instagram.com/p/BYwKPxelpvX/
  18. I'm sorry for bumping this up but I just have to express my love for this album. I remember when I bought it. And read the lyric book while waiting for my train to come. And tonight I've sung pretty much all the songs after each other, starting Off To The Races and now I'm at Blue Velvet. My voice is getting sore, haha. I love these songs. They're so pretty. I love them.
  19. These three. I loved this drama series. It made me wanna read the novel as well but then I found out it is like 1000 pages... and have two different ending depending on which version you read. And Anna Karenina bored me to death, so no more Tolstoy for me. https://open.spotify.com/track/4RAsPaLr3nCAv46KEHBwL6 https://open.spotify.com/track/3FuIwtiMNisauMhKOdmPjO https://open.spotify.com/track/63iUJICJkJCjkV0WNWd0PC Or https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uarBdLJx6FQ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fgVYKKTCuh8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YfvwBaUA1wA Perfect for studying!
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