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Beautiful Loser

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Everything posted by Beautiful Loser

  1. 1 hour and 15 min. I just realized I booked two laundy wachines half an hour after she starts her show... I hope I won't miss much from the last 15 minutes. I'll hurry down to the laundry room and throw my stuff in. Btw, is it ok to spazz with everyone here on this thread? It'll be my first time, I've never had the chance to fangirl about Lana with someone else before.
  2. Ah, yes, wrong word. ( > w < ) I've used Hola before, so hopefully it'll work great for Lana's performance.
  3. Thanks guys! My laptop kind of died recently so I'm using my dad's old one instead, let's see if I can download it.(Luckily I saved all my lecture notes on Dropbox) Approximately 3 hours.
  4. Can people see it worldwide or do you have to be in the UK?
  5. I'm not sad about the delayed release date but, omg, such an adorable video! What an experience! I don't even know if I would be able to sing for her, lol.
  6. Lana just tweeted about tomorrow, "we out here, see you tomorrow Xxx" ".
  7. Even though she said the album is for us, I also feel like this is just as much for her. I think she really enjoys recording songs with others and feels happy with having them on her album.So I wouldn't worry, I'm quite sure that Lana is the happiest right now. This is a new experience for her as well, I think. And, off topic, yas "Blackest Day" instrumental is my favorite to listen to... SO good!! Has anyone tried to speed it up too? It sounds totally different then..!
  8. I had to go back what felt like 100 pages to see what Ben had said - I can't help but to feel sorry for him, he seemed really frustrated... but yes, you can let your frustration be known without sounding so angry. That last line felt unnecessary to me... But I guess fans have been nagging a bit too much in him. I suppose I would lose my cool too. :/ I'm just glad we finally got the correct release date, now I can (try to) focus on my exams instead.
  9. I thought she was going to play today and that I totally missed everything, haha! Nice, now I have something to look forward to and take a break from the exam studies.
  10. Oooh, this seems fun to take! I can't relate to Ultraviolence at all (but I still love it the most so far), let's see what I get. I'm a Brooklyn Baby!
  11. I personally don't think Lana would've stopped after BTD since she's been working so hard to get there. But let's say she did stop - I think we would have been looking up her old songs as Lizzy and perhaps telling her how much we wished her to write new songs for a second album. But since Lana seems to enjoy playing a character when she sings (either as a jazz singer, a sad girlfriend, a Lolita or Marilyn Monroe inspired character etc.), I also think it would be possible for her to create a new world around her as someone else, with a different story to tell. But I really would have missed Ultraviolence..!
  12. ^ As a k-pop fan, I've seen much messier (and ugly) announcements, I'm ok with this. 2 months is nothing, I just hope people won't be rude and try to leak it.
  13. So... Lana wrote this morning on Twitter that it's July 21st. I was really hoping it would be tomorrow.
  14. I also heard on the (Swedish) radio some month ago that Spotify has signed a "deal" where new albums would be released on Spotify 1-2 weeks after the actual physical album is released. Meaning, if Lana would drop Lust For Life on Friday, we would get to listen to it 1-2- weeks afterwards on Spotify. Not sure when the deal is happening though, they've signed the papers but I think it would happen in June? July? But I suppose this is for everyone who don't have the Premium version of Spotify. EDIT: Here are some links about it. Both articles say that Universal was a part of the deal and the second article says that it will be 2 weeks (*sobs*) https://www.engadget.com/2017/03/16/spotify-might-delay-album-releases-for-free-users/ https://hypebeast.com/2017/4/spotify-delay-album-release-free-users
  15. FINALLY someone who knows! Now I can search for it a little more! ♥
  16. I got Breath of the Wild (Zelda) as my birthday gift yesterday! Soooo happy! ♥ I'm a huge Zelda fan!
  17. This dress here is similar, except for the collar.
  18. I'd love to be a part of finding stuff she has worn, but the time is a bit tight right now... Maybe in the future? Thanks for sharing the thread! It's not easy being new here..! ^^'
  19. Does someone know what dress this is? My brother's fiancee and I really want to know. After a quick search on Google, I found this webpage which suggested that Lana dyed her dress red (?) and found a similar dress here. But we really love the collar on Lana's dress, and I suppose one could cut the collar off of the similar one and sew an extra button but... it would be nice if we knew the actual dress (I guess it's super expensive ). Btw, is there a Lana fashion forum thread? A website? Should we start one?
  20. You know you're a Lana Del Rey fan when the first song that starts in your mind in the morning is hers.
  21. If this is the Philippines, I sincerely hope you will be ok and everyone you know - even though I'm a new member here and I have no idea who you are. I read about some damage that happened there... it did NOT sound good. ♥
  22. Beautiful Loser

    Song vs. Song

    Angels Forever vs. For K, Pt. 2
  23. ^ Couldn't agree more! It feels like Lana is spoiling us with all these singles, photoshoots and interviews. I'd love it if LFL is out on Friday (so close to my birthday (which is today)), but I know I won't go and buy it until after my exam... and I don't even know if there is a record shop here in my university town. TT___TT
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