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Beautiful Loser

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Everything posted by Beautiful Loser

  1. (The way no one plays the game how it’s intended to be played ) I can’t remember. It must’ve been sometime before the war broke out. What hobbies do you have?
  2. Changing my name wouldn’t let me take charge of my life. If only I could get rid of this crest I was born with...! Seen any cute girls around?
  3. I... I don’t know. It would be weird knowing they’re dead but at the same time, they’re not. I’m not sure if I could survive the heartbreak though. Would you fight your best friend if necessary?
  4. @lanasbottom @DeluluKing @TrashMagiq This is me warning you to drop the Beyoncé discussion or take it to the Beyoncé thread.
  5. Honestly, let’s stop with the Beyoncé comparison and move on, please.
  6. Nah I’ll just go back to packing stuff before I gotta move and play my video game
  7. I agree. Her first album titles were so simple yet filled with ways to interpret them. BTD - it’s a fact that we’ll all die one day, is it a yolo name or a more melancholic meaning to it? Paradise - religious undertones etc. Honeymoon - something romantic and sweet, but knowing Lana, it doesn’t have to be. Then we got Norman and we were all “huh??” because no one really got it, and then Chemtrails was another long title so many speculated was tied to conspiracy theories (turned out not to be linked to that at all). To me, Blue Banisters is a meh album title. I never liked Rock Candy Sweet either. Arcadia... eh. I don’t know. If it’s a special place Lana likes to visit, I can buy it, but the word itself has no meaning to me.
  8. Yes, Lana liked an instagram post where the caption mentioned Cherry Blossom and Thunder being on the album.
  9. Damn @Arcadia you legend, inspiring Lana to name a song after you, the rest of us could never!
  10. Here's one! http://lanaboards.com/topic/9451-new-lust-for-life-merch/?tab=comments#comment-556466
  11. I love how she mentions them all in the final part of the song. She went from this guy who had all these promises and then left her, to having friends and family supporting her and being there for her when he’s not. I love the storytelling in the song.
  12. Lana lands on the lower tier of having unique words per 1000 words in her lyrics. https://word.tips/singers-vocabularies
  13. I’m not so sure anymore : )))) Banned for participating!! ;P
  14. Banned for not knowing that I actually witnessed it all
  15. @Bunny Mozart You know, that cover art you made a few pages back, I would’ve loved LOVED it if it was for Chemtrails, it’s absolutely stunning in its simplicity.
  16. And I might be in a very small minority, but I’m kinda hoping WW has its instrumental reworked for the album... I think it can become a little bit better, sound a little more greater.
  17. Yosemite does a wonderful job of letting the lyrics speak while having a “bombastic” instrumental at the same time. I wouldn’t mind hearing something similar on this album.
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