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Beautiful Loser

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Everything posted by Beautiful Loser

  1. It's so unprofessional of Lana to time again and again blurt out album release dates, but I guess we're used to it by now. I'm not that upset to be honest; I expected it.
  2. I think he meant that Jack and Rick will become targets
  3. Banned because I only have 6 hours of daylight during the winters
  4. Banned for reminding me that it needs to be changed
  5. Oh, I don’t really wear things like that. But why don’t you tell me yours over dinner and maybe I’ll buy you a bottle? What are your friends like?
  6. Banned for having 58 999 reputation points and not 59 000.
  7. Seems like I had the same thought in 2020 - I’ll go ahead and merge this thread with the BTD post-release thread since Elle hasn’t said anything.
  8. I agree, it’s a bit sad. But I guess it’s because we’re still waiting for a proper announcement that the album’s still coming.
  9. Especially not albums she’s written herself! Lots of artists buy songs written by someone else and make them theirs.
  10. A week from now and we’ll have nothing but silence from Lana.
  11. No Yosemite slander, please. The closer we get to July, the less I believe we’ll have the album soon, haha.
  12. Without breaking down, without starting to cry, she told the judge all of this. She’s so incredibly strong and I don’t know where she gets it from. I really wish from the bottom of my heart that she’ll be free and people will be punished for what they’ve done to her.
  13. Hopefully, the judge was just annoyed about the audio link and is really listening to what Britney is saying. I don’t think anyone can sit in that court room and not be affected of the things she was sharing.
  14. Like you think it’s bad and then something else is brought up that’s even worse and then something even more worse...! And it’s people who are supposed to work for her that have done this! And family!! It’s sickening, I can’t believe how this has been going for so long as it has. I don’t know if I would even want to go on living if this shit happened to me. She deserves the world after this, I really hope it’ll come to an end now. This has to stop.
  15. I’m not the biggest fan of her music, but this thing has to stop. This is so messed up, I honestly can’t believe how long this has been going on for. I agree with her, the people who have don’t this to her should not be left unpunished. I’m updating my twitter feed like crazy.
  16. I heard on the news this morning that she’ll speak at court today, I hope it goes well. This conservatorship thing is so weird.
  17. I’m not a big fan of roses bloom for you the past ~2 years or so, but I have to agree that it fits with the “I’m trying to heal and become a better person” theme.
  18. I’m so hyped I can’t read, never mind, thanks guys
  19. I don't think it is. Personally, it's a song I love and if I could support Lana by streaming it or buying albums with the song included, I'd happily do it and never play the leaked file again.
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