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Beautiful Loser

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Everything posted by Beautiful Loser

  1. Saaaame, it might be full of only ballads but her lyrics have been superb lately so I don’t mind really!
  2. Yay we got something she looked so pretty the song sounds pretty too it’s 5:30 in the morning and I thought the Krug picture was a face swap photo by some insta fan but this is good she acknowledged that the album is late but still being made I wonder what the next lines will be in the song alright I’ll go back to sleep now bye <3
  3. I’ll just remind everyone that it’s okay to feel disappointment, but, please, do not be disrespectful to Lana and her team, including her managers. If you write a comment to them, make sure it’s not offensive or malicious.
  4. Sounds like another hint that Cherry Blossom will be on the album.
  5. So how are we doing, are we super disappointed or are we just chillin’ and vibing to older songs?
  6. I still haven’t ordered the splatter vinyl And that limited hand-drawn cover looked soooo cool, but I didn’t feel like I could spend money on it + reshipping parcel company fees.
  7. Good luck on your exams and these final two weeks!
  8. So here’s the finished illustration I made for my brother to use for his important presentation.
  9. Noo I thought you were on summer break already?
  10. New single is out! https://open.spotify.com/track/0oRkwWGvhjsArCICdJtCg8?si=MZ4dyVRBSnW0rnHpw23iQg&dl_branch=1
  11. Yeah guys, it's okay to be disappointed but if you want to complain, do it in a mature way and without offeding anyone. I'm sure that would make someone listen instead of brushing the commenter off as a troll.
  12. What happened? Edit: okay wait, I read the Insta comment, poor Ben didn't deserve that.
  13. I've never seen this picture before lmao
  14. Omggg the baby has arrived, I hope Chuck and the baby are healthy and happy!
  15. Oopsie, I never noticed after merging the threads yesterday - thank you for letting me know!
  16. Thank you so much for sharing this, this was really interesting to listen to.
  17. Very random: Violet will be translated into Swedish and out for sale September 11th 2021! “Violet böjde sig baklänges i gräset”, foreword by this music journalist I know and huge Lana fan Fredrik Strage, ISBN: 9789198696028.
  18. I actually prefer this way over the NFR situation. She kept teasing so much that she pretty much shared entire songs, and it made me think that something was gonna happen soon. But nothing did happen, and I was just left disappointed and frustrated. Now, she's so silent that I'm not expecting anything, and she's been sharing so little that I don't know what to expect. That makes me think less about it and more sane I guess, haha.
  19. I've been starting to think lately that her revenge isn't only on the critics (if she's still intending to put any tracks on the album where she's mentioning critics... or if she ever wrote a song about critics...) but on her life in general, and possibly family too since she's mentioned her mom father's wife. She got friends, her life seems pretty sweet, she seems to be in a much better place mentally than a few years ago, she's doing well in sales and can still remain somewhat anonymous and keep her personal life to herself. This is, in a sense, her biggest revenge on her darker side.
  20. I can already see the enraged comments under her happy 4th of July post on Insta
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