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Everything posted by IanadeIrey

  1. The way she deactivated her accounts to serve as an allegory of Arcadia and how the public shut her down last year…but then reactivated to represent her resilience and is now about to drop Black Bathing Suit, the revenge single exploring her liberation of femininity.
  2. Queen of doing whatever she wants whenever she wants
  3. Living Legend gets me so emotional every time — it’s such an honest and heartfelt song I’m so happy it has a home on Blue Banisters
  4. There seems to be a lot of lyrical continuity throughout Blue Banisters, which I’m so excited about! Wildflower Wildfire — I wouldn’t know how the cruel the world was Nectar of the Gods — What cruel world is this Cherry Blossom — it’s a cruel, cruel world Thunder — if you’re on fire, you should just keep burning Wildflower Wildfire — not to turn into a wildfire[…] like the others, baby, burn, burn, burn And of course, themes of familial conflict and resolution are kind of peppered throughout, more explicitly on songs like Text Book and Wildflower Wildfire, and more latently on songs like Living Legend and Cherry Blossom. I’m sure Sweet Carolina will also deal with that theme a bit and provide a natural conclusion to it.
  5. I. My ranking based on how they preface the narrative of the entire album (not as individual songs ranked against each other) 1. Honeymoon 2. Cruel World 3. Born to Die 4. White Dress 5. Ride 6. Norman Fucking Rockwell 7. Love II. My ranking of the songs as they are individually, according to my personal taste 1. Honeymoon 2. Cruel World 3. Text Book 4. White Dress 5. Born to Die 6. Ride 7. Norman Fucking Rockwell 8. Love
  6. Honeymoon is my personal favourite opener, as it’s just so ominous and entrancing, and immediately brings in this film noir feel with her clear vocals delivering the opening lines, followed by another swelling of strings
  7. Same! I really like Mermaid Motel as it is on AKA but there’s just something so timeless, sultry, eerie, and hypnotic about the demo. The drums, guitar, and layered vocals are so perfect that I do not have the vocabulary to explain why I love it so much lol. It’s among my top 5 favourite songs from that stage of Lana’s career.
  8. To me, Lana’s songs aren’t really sad or depressing the way people make them seem. They are thoughtful and contemplative, and they definitely elicit an emotional listening response, but I think everyone conflates sadness and reflection. I’m never put into a “depressive mood” when I listen to Lana — if anything, I feel uplifted and understood!
  9. These are so so so gorgeous and you absolutely nailed each colour based on the title of each song <3
  10. IanadeIrey

    Trash Magic

    Ooh definitely trying this out! Thank you
  11. IanadeIrey

    Trash Magic

    Well, to me it’s not about the year, just the vibe really! And Lana’s released albums usually contain songs recorded in separate years! I guess I’d call it a curated playlist rather than a legit EP organized in my iTunes library lol — that I organize by year, so you’re right on with that haha
  12. IanadeIrey

    Trash Magic

    Trash Magic, the Mermaid Motel demo, Wayamaya, and Pin Up Galore — a glamorous little “surf noir” EP
  13. Sheridan was filming from a recording studio…do we think there’s a live performance in the style of LMLYLAW coming soon? Or maybe a music video that has lip-synching scenes in a studio? I cant see why else he would be down at the studio with Lana (unless he was just there to listen to new material, but I feel like he’s definitely teasing a new visual)!
  14. If you think Nikki Lane is “lame”, that’s a shame.
  15. IanadeIrey

    Song vs. Song

    On Our Way vs. Last Girl On Earth
  16. While the phrase “blue banisters” is significant within the context of the song, the word “banisters” lends itself to the image of stairs in someone’s home, with the operative word being “blue” — used in the emotional sense (perhaps meaning a sad home life). And that’s the album title, paired with songs like Text Book and Wildflower Wildfire. The layers continue to unravel…can’t wait to hear the entire album!
  17. Ever since I told myself that the people in my life who dragged Lana needed to go, everything just got better!
  18. Completely agreed! I feel like even switching the type of guitar used on the track would have lessened the similarities — you would think Jack would have thought to do that, with him working on both albums — but it is what it is. It’s great that Lana and her team are recognizing where credit is due (if this story is, in fact, true lol). You never know why situations like this are meant to happen — perhaps there’s a karmic connection there!
  19. For what it’s worth, Radiohead was sued by The Hollies because “Creep” sounded like their track, “The Air That I Breathe”, which came out years earlier. And Lana implied that she won the lawsuit against Radiohead anyways. This is all just to say that similarities are bound to happen between artists (especially ones who work with the same producer), but the fact that Lana allegedly does not want any money speaks volumes to the way newer female alternative singers have dismissed her in the past, despite Lana basically forging the path for them. It’s about paying tribute where tribute is due, not necessarily about the actual musicality. I would be livid if a fellow musician publicly said horrible things about my personal experiences that I documented in my songwriting, but then later copied my songs. It’s about the principle and the hypocrisy of it all.
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