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Everything posted by IanadeIrey

  1. That was so fun! That first fan’s excitement could be felt through the screen it was also nice to see her interact with Joanna and Allison since she’s kind of built up this cute rapport with them over the years <333
  2. You perfectly summed up how I feel about this record. It’s just so good and every song adds something to it as a whole. <3
  3. Yes, exactly my thoughts as well! It’s a beautiful song, so I would love if it made an appearance on the album.
  4. The mention of a “leaked previously unreleased song” being on the album is intriguing. That means it’s not a known outtake from another album that remains unleaked (like Yosemite). If I had to guess any song, I would think Cherry Blossom, like others have said. It ties in with what we’ve heard of the title track and she’s acknowledged it on two occasions, once on Instagram in June 2016 and then again on March 22nd of this year. She posted that picture of her on the swing to both Twitter and Instagram, which she doesn’t always do, unless it’s an announcement of some sort. That means something, in my opinion!
  5. Yes, I think both LMLYLAW on Fallon and the BB music video were shot back-to-back on November 24th 2020 at Pappy and Harriet’s Pioneertown Palace, a restaurant in Pioneertown, CA!
  6. Thank you so much!! So happy to see you around again btw
  7. Blue Banisters album cover and vinyl concept. Tried to go for a classic feel with this one and edited a photo of her by the stairs from Complex 2017 to match her look in the teaser. Hope you like it Can’t wait to see the actual album cover (assuming we haven’t already seen it )
  8. Okay so since there’s a lot of confusion about the album title and release date being changed, here’s what I think is the most logical thing that happened; 1. Rock Candy Sweet was the title that “summed up 18 months of [her] life” and was initially the album title, for release on June 1st. 2. The Blue Banisters video was already recorded on November 24, 2020, so it was likely always a defining song for her eighth album. 3. Somewhere between March 20th and April 10th, she changed her mind about what the title track should be and probably thought the sentiments of Blue Banisters best represented the journey of this album. It was also likely the title that came out of “having a close circle of country music friends”, so she was probably already bouncing between RCS and BB. 4. Perhaps due to the change of title, production for physicals only commenced once she decided it was going to be called Blue Banisters for sure (which was probably early April, since she posted the title first on April 10th). 5. 90 days from early April would be early July, namely July 4th, the new release date.
  9. When I think about the Blue Banisters snippet, I’m really, really reminded of her unreleased catalogue from 2013. Not only do I think of the Black Beauty demo, Fine China, Living Legend, Cherry Blossom, and Colour Blue sonically, but also lyrically. Blue Banisters could be a natural evolution to portray the flip-side of emotions she was feeling in those 2013 songs. I also think this album is going to contain direct parallels to Behind the Iron Gates. We obviously haven’t read the book yet, so we can’t rule out any similarities to COTCC, but she finished writing COTCC in February 2020 and didn’t finish Violet until late June 2020. I’m guessing she started writing Blue Banisters in the beginning of the pandemic (with Dealer) at the same time she started writing Behind the Iron Gates, posted QFTC, and shared Patent Leather Do-Over. That poem is so personal and beautifully crafted - I’m expecting a similar quality/nature/thematic content of lyricism on Blue Banisters, especially since she said in several interviews when Violet came out that her poetry writing while working on Behind the Iron Gates got better, as she stopped practising other things, but writing is writing - it’s bound to affect her songwriting positively too!
  10. Ugh preach, you know you’re my fav by now, don’t you
  11. Also when you think about the context of songs like Black Beauty and Fine China, what Blue Banisters is shaping up to be is really poignant and beautiful. I really, really hope this album contains songs about this culmination point of her life where she’s reflecting on how far she’s come and how she’s found beauty in the things that maybe once bred pain. It preemptively feels like one of those legacy albums where you think about the circumstances that bore it - and knowing how this last year went for not just Lana, but for all of us, this record could really be one of those albums that serves as a sign of the times, but also stands the test of time.
  12. I’m just so excited for this record now that we’ve heard a brief snippet of Blue Banisters and have seen a bit of the video. It seems like it’s really going to be a soulful, mature piece of songwriting. Her vocal delivery had this richness to it and the instrumentation felt very grandiose while still being super intimate. It reminded me of Black Beauty and the title track of Honeymoon!
  13. Manifesting something hopeful, introspective, and beautiful.
  14. We know Lana doesn’t really film music videos until the album is at least halfway done. This video was filmed in November 2020 and we know she finished Chemtrails that summer, so I really do think July 4th is a legit date and that she’s been working on this album for almost a year (at least). I mean, there’s actual proof of a song that was recorded and produced and a video is an even further indication of something concrete coming.
  15. I feel like this album is going to be even more personal than Chemtrails was. She seems to be all about telling her own story and I hope she really owns her own narrative on this record. I am happy to hear her sing about wanting stability, a happy and peaceful home life, and how she will continue to be herself authentically. That, to me, is the revenge she could very well be talking about. Finding balance even when circumstances suggest otherwise.
  16. Thoughts about why this is the title track; 1. A banister is a structure formed by multiple parts (namely the uprights and handrail) that acts as a support for stairs. 2. So I wonder if “paint my banisters blue” refers to marriage (something borrowed, something blue). Establishing a foundation (symbolized by the banisters) and honouring it through marriage (symbolized by blue). 3. It seems that she’s talking about the men who have come into her life and promised to “come back every May/fix [her] weather vane” and make “an honest woman” out of her, be there for her, etc. 4. The shots of her and Clay lead me to believe that this song represents finally finding someone who you can depend on and share your life with, hence, that’s why it’s the title track.
  17. Man, I can already see the beautiful album cover and images that could have potentially come from this video set
  18. Aw. The lyrics and her delivery sound really heartfelt; paired with the visuals, it’s really stunning.
  19. The title track sounds AMAZING. WOW. VOCALS AND HER WHOLE LOOK! Also Clay’s there and it seems to be the same place/outfit of his from IG post on November 24th! I think they filmed this back in November, then (based on the manicure and Clay’s outfit) - this definitely has been in the works for a while. I’m excited! <3
  20. I think it’s very obvious that this cover is intended to be a self-parody in response to all the criticism she got for her cover arts over the last year. I don’t think it’s the real one, but rather just a “placeholder” that was meant to incite shock and conversation. She’s basically embracing the infamy that overshadowed every musical endeavour she did in 2020 and turning it into a promotional strategy for her art. This is the same woman who writes beautiful, multi-layered complex songs time and time again, and whose visuals consistently show effort (look at the Chemtrails Over the Country Club video if you think otherwise - there’s a lot of investment there clearly). I think we should give her more credit than a lot of people have been lately. Reminder that she literally said in a 2019 interview that she stopped promoting her records after Ultraviolence because “nobody cared” - she knows what people are saying (or not saying - it seems she feels the media will talk about anything BUT the actual music, and she’s right) and seems to respond to that through everything surrounding the music.
  21. BLUE BANISTERS - blood red splatter and powder blue split vinyl concept.
  22. Ellie Benuska! @/elliebenuska https://www.instagram.com/elliebenuska/?hl=en
  23. After all the commotion about the Chemtrails cover, she must have known that posting this photo was going to incite just as severe of a reaction. At the risk of over-analyzing, maybe it’s some sort of performance art! It wouldn’t be all that far-fetched if she’s going to address the controversies of last year and seek “revenge” on the media.
  24. Well, now that we have a new date to look forward to I guess we can also start looking forward to the first single, the tracklist, and the pre-order! We are basically getting all of those things in the next 2 months if everything goes according to plan - pretty surreal to think when we just got a new album a little over a month ago.
  25. I also find it interesting that there are quotation marks on either side of her in that photo. It could just be a fun little border she overlaid on the photo, but I wonder if that’s meant to mimic “Lana Del Rey...” as it would appear in headlines by the media?
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