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Everything posted by IanadeIrey

  1. Manifesting two picture disc vinyl variants like the ones from the Ultraviolence boxset -
  2. With LDR Village, I feel like she could make some really cool merch for Rock Candy Sweet! 1. I would love if she made crystal-themed merch for each song on the album, since actual rock candy bears a striking resemblance to crystals. Maybe a necklace with a crystal pendant using an amethyst or something like that, or the actual crystals themselves. 2. And I don’t vape or smoke or anything like that, but I feel like it would totally be up her alley if she sold crystallized/bejewelled vapes in collaboration with Mi-Pod (since she owns so many of their chunky square vapes) and each variant came with a different flavoured pod, all with candied flavours (like cotton candy, for example). 3. Since there’s a beauty salon at LDR Village, I would love if her rumoured collaboration with Gucci Beauty also led to a full line of makeup sold exclusively online at LDR Village and select retailers like Sephora or Ulta. She could do an eyeshadow palette and name each shade after a song on the album, and make lipsticks named after various lyrical motifs from the album. It’s about time we have false-eyelashes and lip-liner sold by Lana. I also feel like she could sell a really cool highlighter using very on-the-nose/meta imagery for Rock Candy Sweet. so many ideas! I might have to do some mock-ups just for fun lol <3
  3. Excuse me, but what "lack of photoshop skills" are you talking about?! This is amazing!!! <3 and YES - we can DEFINITELY manifest this colour scheme. These pinks + blues are a dream and the way you edited this really reminds me of Neil's pictures for Honeymoon. Absolutely gorgeous and I hope she goes in this direction visually! I also love how you did the font for the album title - it looks like those neon LED signs and I love it so much. Please share more of your artworks because I have a feeling that with enough of our collective pining after this vibe, it will come to fruition!
  4. This is probably so random coming from me, but suddenly the whole revenge-plot of Rock Candy Sweet is reminding me of: And just her delivery of those lyrics, mixed with how chaotic that song is, is truly iconic it’s really giving Dealer/Noir comparisons from last year but on a serious note and all jokes aside - I really am excited to hear how she’s going to seek revenge on this album. Brooklyn Baby, Money Power Glory, and Fucked My Way Up to The Top really explored her more vengeful sentiments regarding her place in the music industry perfectly. I cannot wait.
  5. It really reminds me of an east coast beach in the early summer morning, when the sky still has a slight haze over it and everything seems sort of washed out. The air is really gentle but has this fragrance to it. I get a really strong baby blue and cream vibe from it. Some tracks on the album also remind me of the feeling of a warm blanket. I also like to imagine what Lana’s life looked like at the time. I think of New York in the early 2000s and how early adulthood sees people hustling a bit, how they’re on the brink of a huge change.
  6. Covid really has me blurring all the days together too, I feel you And I know, him and Lana really do look good together
  7. Those were from November 24th, and I remember thinking at the time that it was on set for LMLYLAW live on Fallon (which it was). The pics in question are these: https://www.instagram.com/p/CM_LzF7Bf3l/?igshid=1pkjw3n46qe44
  8. Haha yes! As queen @bel air rose said: 1. Lana posted that selfie of her in the orange/teal-striped top on March 26th. (Unrelated, but that was also the day we found out Chemtrails went to #1 in the UK and that selfie of her holding her accolade went up). and then 2. On the evening of March 28th, Clay posted those pictures to IG where a video director named Connor Gould (who was involved with Don’t Call Me Angel) commented “no photos on set please,” to which Clay replied “?” So I definitely think it’s possible she filmed something around that time. I don’t necessarily think that beautiful selfie she blessed us with was for a video, because the makeup looked very day-to-day for Lana and we know she usually glams it up a bit more for her videos and usually Etienne or Sheridan will post the set to their IG stories, but given the fact that selfies have been used as promo lately, I definitely could see that selfie being taken amidst other photos that we’ll see eventually! Especially since what we think is the Blue Banisters single cover is a selfie!
  9. Some thoughts about producers for Rock Candy Sweet: Maybe it’s wishful thinking, but I wonder if Blake and Byron are involved with this record? They have credits on Summertime the Gershwin Version and have been in LA for a while. We know that Jack is involved again, as per that tweet from that fan who met Lana in Texas, but I also think it’s likely that Lana laid a lot of the material down in the fall of 2020 when she was working on her cover albums, which we know she did with Zach and some of her musician friends/bandmates. And then the wild card is Mike Dean, who liked Lana’s IG post announcing Blue Banisters. I think that was the only post he liked of hers, and of course, they recently followed each other so that must hint at some sort of collaboration (namely Blue Banisters). TL;DR: based purely on speculation, an album produced by Jack Antonoff, Zach Dawes, and Mike Dean with additional production/instrumentalist credits by Blake Stranathan, Byron Thomas, and others could very well mean a fiery sound with lots of electric guitar, and maybe a few synths here and there. Probably a subtle country influence with the guitars being steel-pedals but almost Hendrix-inspired in nature, riff-wise, if Blake is playing. And then maybe a harsher beat with some slight hip-hop/percussive influences if Mike Dean is involved.
  10. To me, White Dress has a staying power and is truly up there with West Coast, Venice Bitch, Shades of Cool, Mariners Apartment Complex, and Hope is a Dangerous Thing as Lana songs that remain untouchable. Wow. This whole record is just outstanding and gets even better with each listen (as if that’s even possible)!
  11. Thinking about how Mike Dean could potentially have producing credits on Rock Candy Sweet. Really got me thinking about something colourful, vivid, and electric. Inspired me to make this - manifesting!
  12. Well, that selfie from today is absolutely gorgeous. And you guys already know how I am about Lana and her nails...last time she had baby blue acrylics was when she did that beautiful shoot for Interview Magazine. Lana + baby blue nails are always a win, so something must be coming soon!
  13. Seems like they had a premonition about who to approach to help announce LDR Village! you truly do channel Miss Del Rey to the fullest
  14. Also this new theme matches the design of LDR Village perfectly you guys totally nailed this one!
  15. The Mystery Surrounding @IanadeIrey can finally be put to rest after all these years....
  16. This is stunning! Amazing job and thank you so much to everyone who worked so hard on it - I love it so much the pastels are to die for <3 I’m also such a fan of some of the headings being in a serif font thank you!!
  17. Yes! I’m sorry, I’m so late to this but yes, Kali Uchis released Sin Miedo on Wednesday, November 18, 2020 at 10 AM PST which I thought was unusual, since albums are generally released on Friday, and she also released that record under Interscope. But since she did it, I don’t see why Lana - an artist who really can do whatever she wants without worrying too much about it - couldn’t! Also haven’t been on here lately but I just wanna say I’m so excited for Blue Banisters! I really do think it’s a song, the lead single from Rock Candy Sweet. The format was the same as White Dress’s teasers and I think if she were to tease a poem, she would just post her typewritten page-scans or post a spoken-word visual. Since she posted it on the 10th, I feel like it’s going to come on April 30th or sometime next month! Can’t wait!
  18. I knew this thread was going to be on fire. We obviously know Lana does not mean to justify any actions of the Royal Family and made it clear in her caption that she just admired the way Phillip and Elizabeth loved each other - much like how she’s used JFK/Jackie and Elvis/Priscilla as motifs in her career. Maybe I wouldn’t have acknowledged them at all, but we know she’s not insinuating anything harmful at her core. Let’s not feed into any damaging narratives spun by fake-woke Twitter users who likely don’t even bother to fact-check infographics that they spread around.
  19. I’m so excited for the writing on this record. Chemtrails was amazing in that she really sung about her relationship with herself, which made for a record that was probably her most uniquely personal (not that her previous records were anything less than personal, just that Chemtrails was personal in a different way from her last records) and uniquely intimate. I really hope she continues to examine her life as a whole through the records, as it seems each album does that more increasingly. I admire her commitment to telling her story through her records and I can only imagine this one will dig even deeper than ever before!
  20. Regarding people being upset about differences of opinions: I think it’s one thing to say you don’t prefer ads and another thing to speculate on someone’s finances (which is nobody’s business) and to make very unfair judgements on someone you don’t even know.
  21. I don’t see a problem with the ads - as said earlier, they truly are the most minor of inconveniences and I didn’t really think anything of them! It’s such a small thing and if it’s earning you more then that’s amazing! <3
  22. This record is so incredibly close to my heart. I think a lot of us can say that every single song speaks to us in some way - I certainly can. My relationship with the music has only continued to grow over the last 3 weeks and it’s just so special in every way. She truly poured her heart and soul into each song and her generosity of spirit really does shine through. an outstanding album that only adds to the genuineness of a true artist.
  23. Omg this is amazing! Thank you so much, queen I love Lana’s tour outfits, literally every single outfit from the NFR tour is my favourite so it’s amazing to have them (and all the tour outfits) in one place! <333
  24. IanadeIrey

    Song vs. Song

    Yosemite vs. The Next Best American Record
  25. I got Dance Till We Die! I’d say it’s very accurate and it’s my favourite song on the record so there’s that too <3 this was really cool, thanks for making it and sharing it with us. Also so happy to see you back here!
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