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Everything posted by IanadeIrey

  1. I love Jack’s production so much but I’m also all about experimentation (if that’s what an artist wants to do) and artistic growth (which Lana has always done, despite making the most beautiful and coherent music from the start). If Lana never met Dan Auerbach at that nightclub last minute in January 2014, we never would have gotten a lot of people’s favourite album from her - Ultraviolence - the way it was. While I think Lana and Jack have great chemistry (an unpopular opinion on this site, I know lol) I am happy that she’s branching out and working with Mike Dean and switching things up - she’s so versatile and always stays true to herself so I don’t think anybody EVER needs to worry about her becoming a “sell-out.” And while I’m not really a fan of Dua Lipa or Doja Cat’s music, they are successful women who are clearly good at what they do so let’s not discredit them - or any artist - by making unfair insinuations about their genre or sound <3
  2. That’s from an IG story after her V Magazine shoot with Steven Klein on May 3, 2017. They were shooting at Steven Klein’s Hamptons home, and he took that photo of Kevin Federline, hence, it’s mounted on his wall. I really wish people on Twitter would at least try to get the full story before they misrepresent someone :/
  3. I think we can all agree that what makes Lana so special is that every album showcases her appreciation for every genre in music and that she’s a true master of whatever she puts her mind to. And I definitely think this album will continue to show that. If all her albums sounded similar, then we wouldn’t be able to appreciate them for what they are as much as we do. That’s what I love about her and we’re totally in for something new and unexpected, which is amazing.
  4. When she was fooling us all along with the album cover and release date and the whole album actually drops on Friday, May 21st to commemorate QFTC and that’s what BoZ meant by “2 weeks till the era starts properly” because she’s going to announce it on Thursday, May 20th (which is exactly 2 weeks from today) as a surprise release >>>>>>
  5. To be honest, I think it's more likely that she will follow through with July 4th than not. Here's why - 1. We have confirmation that the era will officially start in two weeks. That would be exactly 4 weeks after she announced the release date for July 4th. I don't know if 4 weeks is really a lot of time to change plans when so many manufacturers/companies/people are involved. 2. Lana has said during the LFL and NFR eras that she likes to "put stuff out when [she's] almost done" a record. A single is probably going to come in 2 weeks, so the album is probably being pressed to vinyl right now or is about to be. 3. She announced the September 5th date for Chemtrails in May, nearly 5 months before it was supposed to come out. The first single for Chemtrails didn't even come out until October, nor did she preview anything beforehand, so there wasn't anything concretely released until AFTER the original release date (plus, pandemic delayed things) 4. She's previewed the title track and has mentioned working on this album since November. 5. She likely knew that the pandemic would slow things down a bit (as it did with Chemtrails) if she didn't get ahead of it, and it seems that she did. 6. She's starting the era approximately 44 days before the album is supposed to be released. That is a similar pre-release length (in this case, meaning first single leading up to album release) to UV and HM, albums that could also be considered a very quick recording process (UV being 2013-2014, HM being 2014-2015, and BB being 2020-2021). If it doesn't come on July 4th, then I'd still imagine it would be out before the end of this year - and that's still very quick, considering we got an AMAZING 11-track album less than 2 months ago.
  6. Why have I seen two separate gifs of Trisha with banisters in them within the last 12 hours...this woman really does have a video for everything♥️
  7. No, we didn’t get one for Chemtrails unfortunately I’m thinking the same as you! I didn’t even think of that... could you imagine, those blue popsicle selfies screamed summer and were beautiful, I hope you’re right
  8. Also what do we think is coming in two weeks? His exact words were “2 weeks till the era starts properly” Are we thinking a single released alone? Or the album cover, tracklist, and pre-order released with a single? Or maybe a trailer that introduces us a bit to the narrative (like the LFL album trailer)? I think the most likely thing to happen is the title track being released as a single, since she previewed it already, but I would love if she had more up her sleeve
  9. I think the fact that the era is beginning on May 21st, exactly one year after QFTC, means that everything this time around is way more deliberate. Putting thought into something as simple as the day you announce/release something is a sign that the big things will be planned that meticulously as well. I’m not expecting a huge delay, then, and I think her working with a producer whose work could be categorized as more “commercial” suggests that the rollout would try and go for that too. I’ve never minded delays or Lana announcing things that don’t come to fruition, and I’m always happy to wait for an album, but this album coming so quickly after Chemtrails makes it seem like there’s an urgency to get out and do things a certain way. Telling her own story seems to be really intrinsic to who she is and it’s almost like it’s aching to be shared with the world
  10. I’m so excited! These 2 weeks are going to fly by. There’s always something special about new Lana music coming out as summer rolls around. Last summer was so much fun with all of us talking about Chemtrails so it’s even better that there’s new music to accompany that this time around!
  11. I was reading the replies of Anthony Fantano's tweet asking for fans to post questions to ask Mike Dean, and what I've gathered from a lot of the questions is: - Mike Dean often works on his music when he's under the influence of marijuana. - The electric guitars we hear on his songs are actually auto-tuned (which is really, really cool). Knowing that Lana has often implemented psychedelic elements into her music makes me wonder if his production with her will also be trippy or "far-out" in that sense. His work with other artists and his solo work definitely has that touch of psychedelia, even within a more hip-hop-esque sound, but since Lana's brand has consistently been rooted in the 60s/70s, I could see him fully leaning into a more electric-guitar-heavy soundscape. Psychedelic rock was obviously born from/popularized by musicians who often were under the influence of psychedelics, so all of these things considered, I would love if Lana and Mike leaned all the way into that summery, late 60s sound, but with a touch of something more contemporary. I think there's a lot of room for passion within that sound in general, and since Lana has implied this album will have a bit of an angry edge to it, I can envision songs that are both lighter/happier in nature and angrier/rawer in nature still being cohesive within that genre.
  12. This is singlehandedly the most unexpected thing to happen in this pre-release so far Also I love how Mike Dean seems to be EVERYWHERE now for Lana fans, including ones who weren’t already familiar with his work. It’s serendipitous
  13. I wonder if this album is meant to contrast the sonic hype of BTD, as well as her reputation. Like, it’s something of an allegory, coming 10 years after her debut. - Mike Dean is primarily a hip-hop producer. BTD is heavily laced with hip-hop influences. - Blue Banisters appears to be a ballad about broken promises in love, wanting to settle down but having not done so yet, which kind of complements the whole sentiment of Video Games (how the verses were the reality of being in love but also somewhat cast aside, and the chorus was how she wished things had gone with another person) - Lana attracted negative attention that was unwarranted in 2011/2012. This whole album has kind of been born out of the negative press she’s gotten over the last year. I don’t think it’s an entirely intentional thing (like LFL being a “full-circle moment” from BTD) but I wonder if it’s her paying homage to that early sound and putting respect on that narrative, especially since she was proud of it at the time! And it was unfairly critiqued. That could be the revenge in question; putting respect on BTD’s name (and everything in between) and proving the point that she was unfairly judged from the start.
  14. I rewatched a clip from his livestream and it seems that the audio briefly cut out in the middle of his sentence, so I think his exact words (based on lip-reading) were “You all have at least one song on the new album” as opposed to what we thought it was at first: “you all have at least one [AUDIO CUTS OUT] new album” And paired with him saying that they haven’t finished anything, I could take that as meaning that more songs are on the way! But they’ve definitely got one song together that’s finished for the album (possibly the title track).
  15. Reminder that the mute feature exists and we don’t have to feed into negative banter that derails the thread!
  16. I feel like Weyes Blood really does a great job of having a singer-songwriter feel with atmospheric/grandiose instrumentation. I think NFR and COTCC were like that too, but the stylization of UV and HM added into the mix would be a natural progression from the organic sounds of NFR and COTCC - just to tie everything Lana’s done together while opening herself up to something new!
  17. Ahhh, okay - thanks for explaining! I’m sorry to hear you didn’t have the best experience with her
  18. Is there something I’m missing about her...?
  19. Why are you guys slandering Ashley, she is so nice
  20. No lol, it’s edited but keeps getting reposted as real unfortunately
  21. Colin Tilley followed Lana back, as well as Alex (her dancer/close friend). Maybe they did film a video and Alex is in it too, then?
  22. Can’t believe it’s been 10 years! The amount of music she’s made within this past decade - released and unreleased, including songs we haven’t heard or don’t even know about - is unreal.
  23. We’ve noticed that the leaks before Chemtrails (I Talk to Jesus and Living Legend especially) kind of fit the sound of the album, so I hope French Restaurant’s vocal treatment in particular is an indicator of Blue Banisters. Not only did it fit sonically with the BB snippet, but I feel like that very pretty and faintly synthetic vocal style is very possible with Mike Dean’s production.
  24. I am sorry, bestie, but no thoughts today, just vibes ♥️
  25. LOL true, plus, I bet things are always changing behind the scenes. We never know the full-scope
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