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Hello Heaven

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Everything posted by Hello Heaven

  1. I can imagine I'm probably going to be adding to this list a lot. But here goes nothing... Trash Magic Come When You Call Me America Junky Pride Lolita I'm going to add more later when it isn't mornig and I can think.
  2. Omg this gives me goosebumps, probably because i hate bullfighting and i have a phobia of old, bad quality film but i like things that creep me out
  3. Hello Heaven

    Well at least it'll get some good publicity from hipster poseurs who are looking for the next most hipster artist to stan for, I guess?
  4. I'm not particually interested in the royal family but I really like having a royal family for some reason. Diana died a year before I was born unfortunatly But yeah, I only really pay attention to the royals when it's like the Queen's speech or whatever. And William and Kate's weddng, oh my God I got up at half four in the morning to watch that in Florida
  5. Well I love the song, it's grown on me quite a lot lately but I have to agree with you about the introduction. It's a lot louder than the rest of her audio and when it pops up on shuffle an you just here this really loud, annoying "I won't cryy myself to sleep like a sucker" it just sounds a bit annoying, I don't know why. But it's a good song, particually the verses.
  6. Hello Heaven

    I know but a lot of people who like Lana like Grimes or vice versa (and grimes likes lana ) so they probably mean MØ's somewhere in the middle if that even makes sense. Still, it's strange to mention just those two names because it doesn't make it very clear at all at what kind of music it even is.
  7. Yes! So I'm not insane? Or at least, I'm not alone. These two songs are my top 5 favourites from btd. I would ask if either of you like the Dark Paradise album version but I don't want to push it.
  8. Hello Heaven

    I've never heard any of her music but I'm a really big fan of Grimes and obviously Lana so I might get into her. I quite liked the songs you posted so you never know(:
  9. I agree, they're really nice photoshoots but she doesn't even have auburn hair anymore and these have all been used in magazines before. Oh well, at least she's being featured a lot!
  10. Hello Heaven


    There's a few for just over £20 + shipping on discogs: http://www.discogs.com/sell/list?release_id=2878638&ev=rb
  11. Hello Heaven

    Song vs. Song

    Pin Up Galore vs. Making Out (v2)
  12. There's something about it that's really unsettling, like it wasn't planned. I like it though, it leaves me feeling cold at the end. I really like the song though, grows on me everytime I hear it. I just don't like the beginning bit because it's really loud compared to the audio on my other Lana songs and it just annoys me idk why.
  13. Hello Heaven

    White Ring

    Wow, it's actually really handy listening to them! I'm also researching witch house for this music project I'm doing that I started today which will be cool because the teacher's useless so it's just a joke - I'm dropping it soon anyway.
  14. Yes, someone clearly hasn't visited this thread: http://lanaboards.com/index.php?/topic/437-boarding-school/page-6 - Other than that, although I have no idea what you're talking about, that's gotta be a good thing because you must know a lot more about Lana's voice than me who just knows that it's good and better than anything I could do with my voice.
  15. 10. Lo always makes me smile when I pass that picture for some reason
  16. Hello Heaven

    White Ring

    Wow, okay. This is really weird but my English teacher is really crazy and she's decided to get us to film a modern version of Macbeth and I chose to be in charge of sound and I've managed to get White Ring featured in there twice. Then my teacher was like 'Hang on Rachel, do you listen to this like... for your own pleasure? Really? How long have you had this condition? How long have you been this way?' I'm actually really good at scaring people with WR
  17. (Nothing more gorgeous than a) Hundred Dollar Bill (live)
  18. life will tear us apart - heartsrevolution
  19. Wow this looks like one of those films I'd watch with my friends as a joke (yes that's how I spend my time) but I'll watch it because Burning Desire would be featured for like the intro and credids, haha.
  20. Hello Heaven

    Song vs. Song

    Boarding School vs. Us Against The World
  21. Cheers! (I have so many guitar chord pages open now, where do I start? )
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