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Hello Heaven

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Everything posted by Hello Heaven

  1. Emilie Autumn - Syringe Nothing like what I'd usually listen to but this album really makes me appreciate how talented she is, I can't take it
  2. That you like HEARTSREVOLUTION and Alice Glass who insults everyone who passes any of your posts
  3. Hello Heaven

    Song vs. Song

    Never Let Me Go vs. Velvet Crowbar
  4. I wouldn't say I listen to them often enough to form a solid opinion on them but they're good and deserve a more recognition for sure.
  5. First thing I noticed was that fake tan they edited and the eyes make her look a bit creepy. The original picture was gorgeous, they should've left it more like the original.
  6. I remember when I was first becoming a fan of Lana and I watched these interviews and I thought she was the most perfect woman ever. The way she looked and her high pitched voice, she's so glamourous and sweet.
  7. She looked absolutely stunning but the photographs couldn't be taken at a worse timing. Still, if I pulled this face: you'd probably gasp in horror and see a face full of braces. Loved the hair too, that plait really suits her.
  8. I'm so happy for her, I really wanted her to get this. She looked so happy and her hair is gorgeous.
  9. Hello Heaven

    Song vs. Song

    NLMG vs. I Don't Wanna Go
  10. Hello Heaven

    Lana in 7 words

    The thing is, it's true. My music taste was so shit and such a mess before Lana came along and pretty much restarted my taste in music.
  11. Hello Heaven

    Lana in 7 words

    (A) sonically, thematically (and) visually dope, fresh2death, OG bitch. I could probably think of more of these...
  12. Hello Heaven

    Song vs. Song

    Bel Air vs. Never Let Me Go
  13. Adultery - Little Comets. So indie right now
  14. I always try to copy the emoticons of Lana on this forum and I think I've got it and end up pulling her facial expressions when I'm out but then every now and then I try copying them in the mirror and realise they all just end up looking like this:
  15. Hello Heaven

    Song vs. Song

    Slo Gin Slo vs. My Best Days
  16. My Lana dreams are always really weird because she's always on my mind but I'm usually also thinking of something really strange so then I dream about the two together. And @Ata, I've never actually had a dirty dream with Lana involved apart from once when there was this scandal that she'd accidently gone on stage naked.
  17. I dream about her so much. Once she was staying at my house as a hotel room and I was really shy towards her but then I pinched myself because it felt like a dream (I mean why was my house a hotel? I have these dreams a lot) and then it was because when I pinch myself in a dream you feel this tingling feeling like you have pins and needles, it's cool. Anyway then I thought 'Cool but not cool, at least now I can go crazy' so I ran around the room and started panicing about waking up so I sang a load of unreleased songs to look like a ~tru phan.
  18. Plus I think she's mentioned she has an album from back then anyway. Plus it's obvious it's her there's no denying it - although she sounds so young you can tell it's her voice and the lyrics are clearly by her. Particually For K
  19. That's bullshit. And what he means there is that there's no solid confirmed and officialy proof but whatever, we stalkers don't need that.
  20. Yeah, they're all fanmade. A lot of people seem to be converting to that cover which I can see because it's better quality but I kind of like the washed out, light original cover.
  21. These are very much repeated Q's in the interview. Why 'Born To Die'? 'Are you shy?' 'How does this effect you in concerts?' You can tell interviewers really do get the impression that she's as depressed as people make out for her to be. I liked the answer about the jewelry though, she always has some sweet answers that don't particually make much sense or aren't very relevant to the question. I like that.
  22. Hello Heaven

    Song vs. Song

    Gangsta Boy vs. Damn You
  23. Me too. I'm probably the worse person ever when it comes to meeting new people and since I was about 3 I've been really stressed and confused about the fact we're all going to die. I feel like me and Lana share a lot of the same thoughts.
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