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Hello Heaven

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  1. lanarina liked a post in a topic by Hello Heaven in Favourite Lana Lyrics   
    Does anyone else find that often Lana's not so good or more boring songs have the best lyrics? I think it's because it's difficult to multitask on making a good tune etc as well as making it good lyrically. For instant, everyone knows Pawn Shop Blues is a lyrical masterpiece but it's also my least favourite on the album.
    Plus, Sirens is her worse album (you can't deny it, I love it but that's literally a fact) however, for me, it's her best album lyrically and if the poetry was lame, I wouldn't love it the way I do.
  2. vanillaiceys liked a post in a topic by Hello Heaven in Favourite Lana Lyrics   
    Does anyone else find that often Lana's not so good or more boring songs have the best lyrics? I think it's because it's difficult to multitask on making a good tune etc as well as making it good lyrically. For instant, everyone knows Pawn Shop Blues is a lyrical masterpiece but it's also my least favourite on the album.
    Plus, Sirens is her worse album (you can't deny it, I love it but that's literally a fact) however, for me, it's her best album lyrically and if the poetry was lame, I wouldn't love it the way I do.
  3. Hello Heaven liked a post in a topic by mermaid motel in Lana in the studio with Lenny Kravitz   
    Lenny posted this to his instagram earlier.
  4. bia liked a post in a topic by Hello Heaven in Favourite Lana Pictures   
    This one used to be one of my favourites when I first started listening to her a lot. I just found it again, I love this jacket

  5. my ol man isa batman liked a post in a topic by Hello Heaven in Favourite Lana Pictures   
    I'd kill for this in better quality
  6. eyelovelefteye liked a post in a topic by Hello Heaven in Daddy Issues   
    I've always been in love with this song - I don't understand why a lot of people seem to dislike it.
  7. Hello Heaven liked a post in a topic by Lad in Miss America + GET DRUNK SESSIONS   
    Idk why but I'm kinda into booklets and I made one for my Black Beauty fanmade EP   It's missing the borders from the backcover and the image inside the case but whatevs I'm gonna make it 2morrow

  8. MaterialDiamond liked a post in a topic by Hello Heaven in Lana Confessions   
    Everyday when I get home and there's nobody else in the house (except my cat and I think this is the reason why she's nearly deaf), I go in the bathroom where it's really echo-y and I sing on the top of my voice to the live version of Million Dollar Man. I've managed to get myself to believe I sound really cool, just like Lana but once I recorded myself just out of curiosity and... I don't want to talk about it 
  9. Wryta Thinkpiece liked a post in a topic by Hello Heaven in Dog is Dead   
    I actually saw them today! They performed at a local festival and I managed to get to the second row. It was mental, so much pushing and moshing - I loved it! Their music is perfect to rave to and best of all, when Joss went crowd surfing I touched his hair (it's really cute and curly) and then he got passed to me but not many people were around me so I kind of had to grab his ass (which was very soft) to stop him from crushing me. It was great, even though I have beer all down my legs and weed in my shoes.
  10. Foolish liked a post in a topic by Hello Heaven in "Break My Fall" will not be featured on Diana Vickers' Next Album   
    What an awkward interview
    Well, I guess I'm pleased about this? Her voice annoys me, she annoys me but I still thought her version of the song would be better than that mess. The instrumentation is such cheap trash and her voice really doesn't do it, it isn't suited for that style of music - she always tried to be the sweet, hipster on the X Factor. 
  11. Hello Heaven liked a post in a topic by NamiraWilhelm in Lana Del Rey Shooting New Short Film, "Tropico"   
    I don't know what the dialogue is but I'm about 90% certain it'll make me cringe...
  12. Hello Heaven liked a post in a topic by Blue Jeans in Lana Del Rey Shooting New Short Film, "Tropico"   
    Remember in one of her interviews, someone asked where the name Lana Del Rey came from and she explained that she was speaking a lot of Spanish with her Cuban friends in Miami? Maybe Tropico is the story of her time spent in Miami and Florida, that would explain all the chola stuff...it seems very plausible to me. Even the title of the video is Spanish. 
  13. radiodasirius liked a post in a topic by Hello Heaven in Idea: The Lanaboards Karaoke Contest   
    That's such a cute idea! If only I could sing but I'm still interesting on hearing other people, I agree that it'll be cooler with just Lana songs.
    Maybe someone could create a Lanaboards account with a public password so anyone can PM it to you/in a thread or whatever on that account so it's even more anonymous?  
  14. Hello Heaven liked a post in a topic by CarloDelRey in Your Lana Collection   
    Here's mine! Add me on fb if you want https://www.facebook.com/carlocongedo/media_set?set=a.4436873205723.74067833.1406022236&type=3

  15. Hello Heaven liked a post in a topic by TMCBryan in Idea: The Lanaboards Karaoke Contest   
    Hi everyone! So I was thinking of a competition for us to participate in: karaoke.
    Here's how it would work:
    1. You'd send me (or whoever runs the contest) an mp3 of yourself singing a song...preferably a Lana song. But there is no limit as to what song to perform as long as it's in English and not screamo/death-metal. It can be either acapella or with a backing track. No Auto-Tune or similar voice modification (obviously )
    2. At the deadline (to be decided) I'd post links of the mp3s I received. I would not post who sent the links, and I would try to disguise the best I could who sent it; this includes uploading to a different file host, removing mp3 tags, and what other steps I must take to hide their identity.
    3. Everyone else who did not submit would have the pleasure(?) of listening to the mp3s and PMing me which mp3 they liked the best. After the voting deadline, the winner is revealed. The losers will not be revealed.
    4. Repeat steps 1-3 who knows how many times. After we get a good hand of winners, maybe 5-6, we will have the finals. The 6 winners of the past weeks will sing another song and send it to me. There will be one final vote, and the winner will be revealed! The prize will be gloating rights.
    If anyone would be interested in participating or helping out, post it! Thanks a bunch!
  16. Hello Heaven liked a post in a topic by lola in How do you feel about Lana's leaked songs?   
    i didn't listen to paradise when it leaked shortly before it was released because i wanted the first listen to be ~*~special~*~ but i'm listening to the newer songs bc the new album hasn't even been announced yet. i hope lana doesn't use the leaked songs for the next album. i know she wanted black beauty to be the first single but i'm sure this will affect sales and it just takes the surprise away. i'm sure she's written plenty of other songs she could use.
  17. Hello Heaven liked a post in a topic by elllipsis in Cassie   
    You're welcome!
    I guess I know all too well what @@maru meant when she mentioned begging people to listen to Cassie's music.
  18. elllipsis liked a post in a topic by Hello Heaven in Cassie   
    I've heard a few of the songs on there but I never got round to downloading it so thanks for the link!
  19. fessle liked a post in a topic by Hello Heaven in How do you feel about Lana's leaked songs?   
    I feel sorry for Lana, her fans draw more attention to her unreleased discography than to her actual released material. Yes, it's made her more famous but it's made her music very vulnerable and there's some real messy songs out there that she'd probably prefer stayed under the rug although then again, there's some really good songs that don't fit her current image or any future albums that deserve to be appreciated so I'm sure she doesn't mind that much about certain songs. I don't know.
    But of course I'm going to listen to them. I'm sorry if I'm being insensitive but I love Lana's music and I'm happy for her unreleased discography to leak (although I'm not a fan of people who leak future releases). I'm not one of those idiots who say shit like 'I HATE leaks! I'm still going to listen to the songs anyway because they're way better than her albums but whoever leaked them should rot in hell!!!!' 
    I want her songs to leak! If I only had Born To Die and Paradise then there's no way I'd love her this much because I can't get into an artist that much with such a small discography.
  20. Viva liked a post in a topic by Hello Heaven in How do you feel about Lana's leaked songs?   
    I feel sorry for Lana, her fans draw more attention to her unreleased discography than to her actual released material. Yes, it's made her more famous but it's made her music very vulnerable and there's some real messy songs out there that she'd probably prefer stayed under the rug although then again, there's some really good songs that don't fit her current image or any future albums that deserve to be appreciated so I'm sure she doesn't mind that much about certain songs. I don't know.
    But of course I'm going to listen to them. I'm sorry if I'm being insensitive but I love Lana's music and I'm happy for her unreleased discography to leak (although I'm not a fan of people who leak future releases). I'm not one of those idiots who say shit like 'I HATE leaks! I'm still going to listen to the songs anyway because they're way better than her albums but whoever leaked them should rot in hell!!!!' 
    I want her songs to leak! If I only had Born To Die and Paradise then there's no way I'd love her this much because I can't get into an artist that much with such a small discography.
  21. Hello Heaven liked a post in a topic by elllipsis in Cassie   
    Have you listened to her new (well, released this year) mixtape? It's freeeeee and it's fabulous.
  22. elllipsis liked a post in a topic by Hello Heaven in Cassie   
    I really like Cassie. I'm a fan! I need more of her discography but I love her Supermodel mixtape (especially I Never Knew) and the Velvet Night mixtape is really chill. My favourite song at the moment is I'm A Lover, it's perfect 
  23. Hello Heaven liked a post in a topic by butterflies in How do you feel about Lana's leaked songs?   
    not sure but there is irony in your posts, right?
     yes. I love you. 
  24. butterflies liked a post in a topic by Hello Heaven in How do you feel about Lana's leaked songs?   
    I feel sorry for Lana, her fans draw more attention to her unreleased discography than to her actual released material. Yes, it's made her more famous but it's made her music very vulnerable and there's some real messy songs out there that she'd probably prefer stayed under the rug although then again, there's some really good songs that don't fit her current image or any future albums that deserve to be appreciated so I'm sure she doesn't mind that much about certain songs. I don't know.
    But of course I'm going to listen to them. I'm sorry if I'm being insensitive but I love Lana's music and I'm happy for her unreleased discography to leak (although I'm not a fan of people who leak future releases). I'm not one of those idiots who say shit like 'I HATE leaks! I'm still going to listen to the songs anyway because they're way better than her albums but whoever leaked them should rot in hell!!!!' 
    I want her songs to leak! If I only had Born To Die and Paradise then there's no way I'd love her this much because I can't get into an artist that much with such a small discography.
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