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About callmedecember

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    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 07/09/1996

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  1. callmedecember

    Taylor Swift

    she said, pov: you're back in middle school
  2. callmedecember

    Miley Cyrus

    thanks!! i think Victoria hasn't leaked but have Naked, I Play With Fire, Golden G String, Cold Blooded and Mary Jane leak? they're the only ones i'm missing
  3. callmedecember

    Miley Cyrus

    so now that we know that the album is called plastic hearts and all that, what was the SHE IS MILEY CYRUS final tracklist and order? (or at least how do you have the songs placed?) thanksss
  4. so i read the jungle book, el aleph by borges and now i'm reading títeres de la magia
  5. can't believe there are people eating that long ass post, i thought y'all knew better to not trust anyone on the internet lol
  6. i'm going to list here the last films i watched • north country (abandoned) • the wind rises • the tale of princess kaguya (abandoned) • this is paris • cuties (abandoned, boring and made me want to vomit) • a star is born (rewatch) • coyote ugly (rewatch) • when marnie was there • miss americana (rewatch) • madoka's rebellion movie • el camino hasta bely basarte • the babadook
  7. so the ep is not related to the cry baby universe, right?
  8. this EP/minialbum is shaping to become his best work and one of my favorites tbh
  9. okay so the last movies i've watched were Pipas (a spanish short film from 2013), a lot of ghibli (tales from earthsea, arrietty, the two OVAS they have, ponyo and from up on poppy hill) and mulan (2020)
  10. callmedecember


    hmmm i think that the album could be coming in 2021 but not because she likes to release music in years ending in odd numbers but more because of the span of 4 years between albums 2013 - 2017 - 2021 like in four years you live enough things and go through enough experiences and changes to write an album etc. It's what taylor has said a few times that she liked to release music every two years because the year right after releasing an album the first things you do are very similar to your previous release but by taking a span of two years between them you change enough to release something that is actually different, and I really think that Lorde feels the same way but maybe she likes/wants to take more time than two years to develop things more and evolve more as a singer/writer/artist/person.
  11. i've had the weirdest dream with him tonight, i've dreamed that i was watching a movie and he starred in it playing a gay ice cream seller and for a motive he had to stole some clothing from the us army (wtf) so they [the army] chased him and they beat him in an alley and then i woke up lol
  12. i actually really love how it flows, can't wait until people receive their vinyls so 10/10 is available it's the only song i'm missing since i've found the easy writing session audio (and i downloaded the tyh acoustic version since i've seen it is a bonus in the target edition)
  13. so i added the video from idk if i'm awake anymore as an intro before tyh and it's cool
  14. callmedecember

    Dua Lipa

    can someone list me what are the most recent leaks that we had from her? thanks
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