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Everything posted by DEMONDELREY

  1. He was alluding to something about plagiarism too, I’m so confused. Also, why does he look like Stone Cold Steve Austin lmao
  2. Boop Boop Del Rey 1) Betty Boop Boop 2) Betty Boop Boop Extended Edition 3) Betty Boop Boop Acapella 4) Betty Boop Boop Surf Noir Demo 5) Betty Boop Boop - Instrumentals
  3. I want songs as deranged and delirious as Catch and Release
  5. I agree, it was very innovative for sure. Before Lana, I had never seen anything like her 2011-2012 persona. I feel like she was way ahead of her time. She created such an immersive world with her music and apperance, it was truly magical. Even the Lizzy Grant era was very unique, now I see a lot of young girls aspiring to create a watered-down version. Maybe the "ahead of her time" point can relate to the hate she received, people didn't understand it when she first came out
  6. A mini-documentary would be amazing, you should totally do that! There's so much you could discuss because her impact extends to so many different areas!
  7. YES TO ALL OF THE ABOVE! She brought back a lot of trends; like flower-crowns (I am still convinced that standard flower-crown Snapchat filter was made because of her); cinematic music video projects (like Tropico); and her whole general aesthetic. I'm aware she didn't necessarily "invent" these things but she definitely brought them into the spotlight. She never gets recognised for it though! You know how people always say fillers became "trendy" because of Kylie Jenner? Well I have a theory she was influenced by Lana because she was a fan of Lana before she (Kylie) got her new lips lmao I can literally see Lana's influence within most popular things though so I don't know if I am actually just insane or what?
  8. Well according to the six degrees of separation theory wE AlL KnOw LaNa
  9. Ummm Lana was the reason why stiletto nails and lip fillers became a mainstream trend again
  11. You should just leave it, don’t waste your energy on pathetic people like them
  12. I know there are multiple International Conventions to consider, but there is no such thing as an international copyright. The Berne Convention tries to create harmony in terms of granted rights, but protection against unauthorised use does depend on National Law. Anyway, I agree! Law tends to be outdated and does not consider globalisation/new media.
  13. Does anyone know which jurisdiction is applying to this case? I know it's a matter of Private International Law and choice but I was just wondering if anyone is aware. If we are looking at this from a UK perspective, Creep is absolutely eligible for protection. Work doesn't necessarily have to be "original" in the way that we understand it. The test established in both statutory and common law considers skill, labour and judgment. So, Radioqueef have a case. Now, within the UK jurisdiction, Courts tend to look at two aspects in order to determine if an infringement has occurred: similarities and how much is actually copied. 1) Looking at similarities is straightforward. If the similarities are significant enough to infer that copying has occurred, they will go onto the next step. Get Free does appear to have some similarities, we all acknowledge this to an extent. What most get confused about is the quantity question. 2) In terms of quantity, the Court will consider if copying has occurred in relation to a whole or substantial part of the original work. In regards to "substantial part"​, quantity isn't as important as quality (this can get confusing). Lana could copy as much as she wants as long as it is not an important part of the "original work". Important is determined by recognisability and etc (think of this as an iconic part of a song, like the riff from Black Sabbath's Iron Man). I do believe Radiosdjkfshdfk have a strong case. I'm just not sure about the remedy. It will be very difficult for Lana's team to prove Get Free was created independently. But anyway, once again, I have only studied Law from a UK and European perspective. So if anyone has studied Intellectual Property Law in the US feel free to add to this so we can compare tests - I think US Law will most likely apply here. Disclaimer: this is a juvenile description, if anyone wants more detail I can go into it but I prefer Human Rights Law so I kinda don't care much for Intellectual Property
  14. "This is what you'll get when you mess with us" - Karma Police by Radiohead, they better start listening to their own tracks PSYCHIC LEGENDS
  15. I agree. I feel like she tries to avoid drama but I hope this is the year she starts standing up for herself instead of going under the radar and letting things slide
  16. Radiohag just want coins, at least Miss Del Rey is donating to charity
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