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About Kerrigan

  • Rank
    Female Venetian Canine

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  1. Has anyone here ever asked a professor for an extension? Evidently she's changed her mind on some of the music she would like to put forth. It's her choice, and we all know how meticulous she's famed to be while making her craft. (I personally haven't been impressed by any track except for Mariners, so I am OK with it.) Getting worked up over our expectations will solve nothing. Whatever will be will be, no matter how hard you may wish otherwise.
  2. This angsty song. It's fabulous.
  3. Coffee is one of those words that's fun to say in a thick new york accent.
  4. Kerrigan

    Techno Music

    This has a delicious baseline. House music slaps.
  5. The nostalgia this song brings... :')
  6. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kjD1X2SD2-I
  7. I went the past 3 years They will most assuredly sell them. I'd be going if I still lived in New Orleans.
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