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Everything posted by bff

  1. bff

    Azealia Banks

    i’m sorry but i cant care enough to talk about AB discourse. stream FHAN, and soon Tarantula (which will hopefully have the arca remix)
  2. bff

    Azealia Banks

    RT i live for those poorly mixed and mastered soundcloud demos
  3. bff

    Instagram Updates

    I doubt it. It’s not really that big of a deal IMO, nicki minaj full on exposed someone’s phone number and everyone thought it was peak comedy.
  4. okay so i forgot to share my opinions on here about halloween kills! disclaimer: dont read if you haven’t seen it i absolutely LOVED kills. it was so bloody, gruesome, and pretty terrifying. michael was such a terrifying villain, the name lives up to the content. it was honestly one of my favorite in the franchise… probably top 3
  5. 1. Ultraviolence 2. Honeymoon 3. NFR —BARRIER— 4. Born to Die 5. Blue Banisters 6. AKA 7. Paradise 8. Chemtrails —BARRIER— —DEPTHS OF HELL— 9. Lust For Life 10. Sirens
  6. she came on this bitch mad as hell!!
  7. bff

    Instagram Updates

    i love lana as much as the next person… but this wasn’t rational. i’m good friends with some of the people who were in this gc and i know that lana was really, really mean. these people had dedicated time, energy, money and so much more to just lana.. and wanted the best for her. was it entirely respectful to assume lana wasn’t mentally well? nope. but it was equally as disrespectful for lana to be so cruel to them. BUT i do think lana’s become more aware to how stans treat her, and she hasn’t become as trusting as she was in the past (i think LFL era was the last time she actively interacted with fans a lot?)
  8. bff

    Kim Petras

    Literally its such a bop. Especially the outro… i hate to say it but the production snapped
  9. bff


    saw the kelela thread being active and y’all got my hopes up thinking there was an announcement or some shit. shame on y’all.
  10. bff

    MARINA (and The Diamonds)

    The reason being laziness
  11. bff

    Taylor Swift

    Evermore is her best album. Ivy is her magnum opus. Argue with the wall
  12. bff

    Azealia Banks

    oooo yeah youre completely correct LMAOO
  13. bff

    Lady Gaga

    ma ma pa pa pa perfect illusion
  14. bff

    The J-Pop Thread

    The way there hasn’t been a comment here in over 2 years omg? Anyway Ive been listening to a lot of Seiko Oomori, Hikaru Utada, Sheena Ringo, Namie Amuro, Ayumi Hamasaki, and Asobi Seksu. I have so many albums and artists on my jpop list to listen to, but i’m excited to do discography dives and get invested! I already entirely prefer J-Pop to K-Pop, as there is literally no room for artistic integrity or any artistry in general in K-Pop, it’s become so manufactured… edit: oh and i LOVE perfume. they are what kpop idols should base themselves on… truly pop perfection
  15. bff

    Heidi Montag

    Superficial pop classic she deserves her flowers
  16. bff

    Azealia Banks

    per usual the mixing sounds like shit but lets hope she at least gives the give youre not wrong but at least we get those droplets and sometimes they’re absolutely groundbreaking AKA anna wintour and treasure island. the only thing she needs right now is a budget and maybe we’ll get a good follow up record.
  17. bff

    The K-Pop Thread

    Yeah i agree. I think Insomnia by Yukika was the best comeback of the year, followed by Aespa savage. There weren’t really that many highlights tho
  18. bff

    The K-Pop Thread

    Ugh let me in by wjsn is so good i can’t stop listening. wjsn has probably become my favorite kpop group
  19. bff

    Azealia Banks

    and you have every right to feel that way. it’s completely understandable! and i’m not trying to give azealia a pass on anything whatsoever. i’m not excusing her behavior at all. her behavior is erratic, mean, and sometimes even cruel. but i hope she finds peace in her life—as i hope everyone does. have a good day, thank you for being civil <3
  20. bff

    Azealia Banks

    I’ve already stated my opinion on Azealia and her behavior, but i doubt anyone actually took the time to read my statements lmao. I’m not looking to engage in any fighting, can we just discuss Tarantula or something!
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