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Everything posted by baddisease

  1. I wish we'd have gone for independence. I also wish all Puerto Ricans would have been allowed to vote. But, that doesn't matter. This has happened before. A lot. And America just didn't even address it. So nothing is gonna happen this time around either.
  2. Roses Bloom for You was definitely an outtake, she said so herself. I don't think it's reaching to assume that the others she deleted were also outtakes.
  3. I'm not fully convinced we'll ever get Cherry tbh.
  4. I kind of feel like the Lust For Life we'll be getting won't have the songs she's mentioned in interviews on it. It's just a guess though, based off of the tone of the songs she's shared with us. (Going from overt political songs to Cherry to Daisy Chain to White Mustang and Change doesn't really make sense to me)
  5. uhhhhh. i realize a self-proclaimed "right-wing extremist" might not get this but... because it's not genuinely celebrating their lives? it's selling a product, first and foremost. it was no longer profitable to call Michael Jackson a pedophile or make fun of him because there was money to be made and albums to sell after he died. he went from people not wanting to touch him with a 10 foot pole to being in Jeep commercials. do you really consider that a celebration of anything? doing a complete about-face, going from completely trashing someone to sanctifying them?
  6. Ahh. Then those don't count. She performed as Lana Del Rey then, but those performances predate her Interscope deal.
  7. Hundred Dollar Bill Boarding School Yayo (AKA version) Gramma That being said, how do you define "being Lana"? Because she performed these under the stage name Lana Del Rey, but she was also doing other performances as Lizzy Grant at the same time.
  8. Title. I really wanna see what critics were saying about Lana before she became Lana. I know about the Index interview and the fancy iTunes review, but was there anything else?
  9. "So many songs left on the cutting room floor but this was a special one I wrote in March called ‘Roses bloom for you’. I don’t film all my live takes but I’m glad I got this one because I was very excited about the beautiful chords my producer Rick Nowels found for this gem." - Lana, on Instagram.
  10. She teased Roses Bloom for You and she herself said it was an outtake. Also: Life is Beautiful.
  11. tbh i don't think they will. other songs recorded for other albums weren't leaked (I Talk To Jesus, for example).
  12. Why does everyone think the snippets she's showing us will be songs on the album? The only possible album one is that cursed Daisy Chain song.
  13. she could be snorting cocaine off of g-eazy's hard dick right now for all we know.
  14. just as long as she isn't collaborating with that culture vulture.
  15. I think she could have potentially been a feminist without finding the actual topic particularly engaging. I do, however, wonder what made her go political. She's seriously interested in the climate change and the war-related aspects of politics but...still. It's possible that it's genuine but it's also possible that either her or her managers realized that her vintage Americana stuff wouldn't play well in a post-MAGA world (whether it was ironic or unironic).
  16. Okay so I'm excited again for this new song. I wonder what the configuration of Lust For Life was before it was pushed back vs. what it's like now. Maybe it's less political now.
  17. I'll get excited after it comes out. I just feel like with no new music from the album and no more information about the album, plus that enthusiasm-dampening IG video from a few days ago...I just don't really feel hype anymore.
  18. People who are still excited about this album: how are you still excited for it?
  19. Nothing noteworthy has happened since like, the BBC performance lmao.
  20. I think blaming Tumblr is a lazy and reductive cop out. Especially in this instance, when it comes to Lana Del Rey.
  21. I wanna see more from Lana's old facebook pls.
  22. Kreayshawn needs to come out of retirement and do a song with Lana.
  23. Good. And tbh I don't get why the gays on here love that washed up bitch so much, it's not like she likes any of you lmfao.
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