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Everything posted by baddisease

  1. someone on the lana reddit claimed there was one
  2. I like how random stans on a forum know how to promote her better than her own managers do.
  3. Is there any truth at all to the rumor that there was an Architecture/Best American Record video that got scrapped?
  4. Wasn't Lust For Life (the song) released worldwide at once? IF it would come on Friday, I assume it would come Lana's time and be worldwide at once like that.
  5. tbh if Lana's pissy over that, that's her own problem. it's not our fault she couldn't answer a simple question. she coulda said July 21 during her interview after her KROQ performance but...she had that edited out. Normally I respect Lana's feelings, but all that spamming and stuff was her fault. It's not like she had anything big planned for when she announced the date anyway, clearly.
  6. exactly! idk who arranged this, but they did a bad job at it. I hate to break it to you, but Lana's representatives confirmed the July 21 release date. :/
  7. Why is Lana on the garbage tier artist stage but Rita Ora and Sean Paul get the main stage?
  8. What if Lana does what Lupe Fiasco did and release a Lust For Life Light with like, random shit that didn't make the album tomorrow? That would be cool. I mean, I don't expect it, but it would be cool.
  9. Did Ben and Ed actually do anything on their end about leaks, though? It's still weird that they bothered Elle about Lanaboards when it's apparent someone from Lana's team is giving stuff to people.
  10. Lana wasn't really an anti-feminist. She said it didn't interest her. Something can not interest you but you not be anti-it.
  11. Other physical magazines referred to Lust For Life in terms of it already being released.
  12. I can't say I understand people calling other Lana fans "ungrateful". Lana owes us nothing, but we also owe Lana nothing. I'm hoping for a tracklist as long as Born To Die: The Paradise Edition, though...
  13. I don't really feel guilty about her stuff leaking at all, tbh. Lizzy Grant the person might not like it, and I genuinely feel bad about that, but Lana Del Rey the platinum selling, concert packing, world famous singer has benefited from those leaks. I started the era thinking the album wouldn't come because of the radio silence from Lana and from Ben saying it might not come. The entire tone of the era felt off to me, too.
  14. I became Team August, and I started this era believing this album wouldn't even drop, so, I'm not all that disappointed about the date now. I don't understand why she chose to do all her promo in a single burst in May, though. We have one last magazine, the French Inter performance, Big Weekend, and I think that's it until her performance in July. And knowing Lana, that's ALL she'll do until July 21st. I don't want this era to be dead. Hopefully, big stuff will leak (not from the album) and it'll boost excitement for it in June and July, like how Meet Me In The Pale Moonlight made people more hyped for Ultraviolence.
  15. One of the tracks on Lust For Life will be about Lana eating G-Eazy's ass. One of the tracks on Lust For Life will be about Lana eating G-Eazy's ass.
  16. i would eat a girl's ass. i'm bi so i'd eat pussy too. post a pic so they know you're not jorge.
  17. I'm still team August lmao. That MUST be the cherry on top for this mess of an era.
  18. lmao. am girl, have eaten guys asses before. it's fun!
  19. 1. Love 2. Lust For Life 3. Beautiful People, Beautiful Problems 4. Tomorrow Never Came 5. Cherry 6. God Bless America 7. Yosemite 8. While The World Was At War We Kept Dancing (which may not even be on the album) We have 7, possibly 8, songs. That's not a whole album. Manager trumps Elle guy and Courtney Love.
  20. BPBP (the acronym) sounds like a wild designer drug. Ben (her manager) said she was still recording for the album and it wasn't done.
  21. You have to prepare yourself for the inevitable. It ain't finished, the tracks haven't been finalized, there's no release date, and no preorder....
  22. I'm not off Team May, I think it's possible - although very unlikely - that the album will come that day. But if it doesn't, it would be nice if Lana said something about it to us. Like, gave us more info or a tracklist or a preorder. But I also think that this album could very well not see release until August or later, if it doesn't come in May.
  23. Thank youuuuuuu! I have another question: I've been buying different import versions of Lana's albums and I was wondering: are the Russian Federation editions of Lana's albums (specifically Honeymoon and Ultraviolence) real? The supposed Russian edition of Ultraviolence features all of the Ultraviolence bonus tracks and a second CD of remixes. The supposed Russian version of Honeymoon has Dayglo Reflection and Wait For Life as bonus tracks and a second CD of random remixes. I, at first, assumed they were fake but the packaging for the albums *looks* real (with shrink wrapping and everything)
  24. Paradise, Ultraviolence, and Honeymoon didn't feel torturous like this to me.
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