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Everything posted by baddisease

  1. what is so special about Apple machines? Windows ones can be better, or at least much stronger and work-friendly.
  2. I'm trying hard to not compare the situations in the colonized world to the situation in Ukraine but it's hard. I see stuff on TV of European countries accepting Ukrainian refugees while these same countries (like Poland) embraced far-right, borderline white nationalist, political parties and groupings when the colonized came to Europe. But aside from that: I am growing more and more concerned about Putin's idea of the future.
  3. The Korean War (idk if it was televised) and the Vietnam Wars were America's worst, most inhumane and pointless wars.
  4. I know who Putin is referring to. I was pointing out that Jewish people can be white supremacists or tools of them (like Stephen Miller, who openly spouted Nazi shit but supported Israel). And I am aware that Russia is a authcap state.
  5. at the end of the day, Russia's efforts to demilitarize Ukraine will fail, just like the USA's demilitarization efforts in Afghanistan and Iraq.
  6. I can't remember, did I post the tweet saying that the Azov Battalion has been shooting Ukrainian people for trying to leave? Because they're doing that.
  7. It wouldn't be the first time a Jewish person serves the purpose of white supremacy. Stephan Miller - from the Trump administration - was a white supremacist.
  8. there are some really good books on Yugoslavia that I wish I could share here.
  9. You put it better than I could have. We must acknowledge the full history of Ukraine.
  10. wouldn't they cancel each other out? also heroin is more fun than meth. don't ask me how i know.
  11. Uhm what. This comes off as a terrible attack on non-European nations. True enough.
  12. ehhhhhh portraying someone like Putin as being deranged or out of control makes it easier for people to take his threat less likely.
  13. that would be a very easy way of getting nobody to help treat your illness.
  14. He wouldn't attack a NATO country. He is not suicidal.
  15. I love Lil Peep and I love slowed and reverb songs, so this is perfect
  16. it was aired exactly one time... and it helped President Johnson win anyway.
  17. I didn't know sct was deadly! I know that with the invention of Cabenuva (the super long acting HIV medication) is one step towards a functional cure, since you don't need to take it every single day. Eventually we'll be able to make it so people with HIV can go for a year or longer without having to worry about medication.
  18. CHICAGO, Feb 15 (Reuters) - A U.S. patient with leukemia has become the first woman and the third person to date to be cured of HIV after receiving a stem cell transplant from a donor who was naturally resistant to the virus that causes AIDS, researchers reported on Tuesday. The case of a middle-aged woman of mixed race, presented at the Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunisitic Infections in Denver, is also the first involving umbilical cord blood, a newer approach that may make the treatment available to more people. Since receiving the cord blood to treat her acute myeloid leukemia - a cancer that starts in blood-forming cells in the bone marrow - the woman has been in remission and free of the virus for 14 months, without the need for potent HIV treatments known as antiretroviral therapy. The two prior cases occurred in males - one white and one Latino - who had received adult stem cells, which are more frequently used in bone marrow transplants. "This is now the third report of a cure in this setting, and the first in a woman living with HIV," Sharon Lewin, President-Elect of the International AIDS Society, said in a statement. The case is part of a larger U.S.-backed study led by Dr. Yvonne Bryson of the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA), and Dr. Deborah Persaud of Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore. It aims to follow 25 people with HIV who undergo a transplant with stem cells taken from umbilical cord blood for the treatment of cancer and other serious conditions. Patients in the trial first undergo chemotherapy to kill off the cancerous immune cells. Doctors then transplant stem cells from individuals with a specific genetic mutation in which they lack receptors used by the virus to infect cells. Scientists believe these individuals then develop an immune system resistant to HIV. Lewin said bone marrow transplants are not a viable strategy to cure most people living with HIV. But the report "confirms that a cure for HIV is possible and further strengthens using gene therapy as a viable strategy for an HIV cure," she said. The study suggests that an important element to the success is the transplantation of HIV-resistant cells. Previously, scientists believed that a common stem cell transplant side effect called graft-versus-host disease, in which the donor immune system attacks the recipient’s immune system, played a role in a possible cure. "Taken together, these three cases of a cure post stem cell transplant all help in teasing out the various components of the transplant that were absolutely key to a cure," Lewin said. First woman reported cured of HIV after stem cell transplant | Reuters
  19. I saw this video on TV. I hope this never, ever comes to pass.
  20. hey is it possible to embed spotify?
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