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Gone user

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Everything posted by Gone user

  1. Gone user

    Charli XCX

    Lock You Up.............. a gem
  2. Danny and her did an hour long special listening to and explaining the album today. Side A is getting lower and lower into fear and shame and loneliness etc etc; Insomnia is the lowest point of them all. Then she reaches the highest point again in Parachute after climbing and climbing through side B
  3. What an amazing album... I feel like I've been numb all my life until I pressed play on this album and it's such a weird but pleasant feeling
  4. omg the art of letting go is amazing jgklsdjf
  5. I was very skeptical at first about 1984 for maaany reasons: the classic actors leaving, slasher themed (I really dislike slasher films), overall seemed like a lazy production... blablabla But this season... OMG, I may be dramatic right now, but I gotta admit it's by far my favorite season EVER. Not any of the previews seasons (well probably Asylum... oof, legendary) has had the pace and the intensity of 1984 and i love that. I definitely know my opinion is going to be and remain super unpopular. Sadly, because 1984 is a GEM
  6. OMG!! Worth It being an ugly piece of trash just like I predicted I should be a prophet
  7. Gone user

    Zella Day

    OMG SHE'S COMING WITH A NEW SONG CALLED "YOU SEXY THING" https://twitter.com/ultrasubversive/status/1184580893186449412
  8. Gone user

    Melanie Martinez

    The fact that Cake live could save her entire tour yet she probably won't sing it. Tragic!
  9. Gone user

    Charli XCX

  10. Gone user


    how did i not think of that lmao
  11. Gone user


    Is there a way to visit/see the old Allie X thread? I'm super curious about what people said and what people discussed about during the CLXI days u_u
  12. A mí un miembro del fans club de Marina en Chile me dijo que Warner les había confirmado que Marina estaba en el lineup, de hecho les habían dado detalles hasta de la posición en la que se encontraba en la lista ???? Tenían todo calendarizado para anunciarlo, hacer un hashtag para pedir un sideshow y todo, y luego finalmente no apareció, quedé muy muy confundido jfjdf
  13. the song is annoying in full i swear omg- The weird sample from the beginning instantly gives me a headache
  14. Norman Fucking Rockwell - 9 Mariners Apartment Complex - 18 Venice Bitch - 18 California - 16 Bartender - 81
  15. Not really excited to go ngl, but well, it's surprising that she's coming again and so soon! i guess
  16. She's releasing a new song next Monday! Also we stan a concept album omg https://twitter.com/polacheknews/status/1182425365945475072
  17. Gone user

    Charli XCX

    LMAOOO my friend and I were on class with our headphones on, not even listening to the teacher and speaking loudly while waiting for White Mercedes, but once we watched it omg it was the most awkward silence ever, it was so bad!!!!!! What a tragic video for one of our favorite songs
  18. NEW NORMAL https://twitter.com/polacheknews/status/1182030730974695436
  19. The power this one has....... No words. AOTY coming and i'm sure of that now http://twitter.com/polacheknews/status/1181662793935785986
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