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Everything posted by Rebel

  1. Rebel

    Y'all should help me get THIS to Mø! Tweet it to her or something. SHE SAW IT https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=673497062696724&set=a.264822450230856.60132.254898234556611&type=1&theater
  2. Rebel

    I could not stop smiling! She's so cute, I'm so happy for her and her success!
  3. If anyone thinks this is legit... I don't understand the people who want her to /still/ remaster old stuff and go back to her pre-BTD sound. It was understandable in the summer of 2012 but it's 2014 now and she's /clearrrrrly/ doing new stuff.
  4. Excited to see her perform I Blame Myself tonight! Can't wait for a video.
  5. UGHHH BRADLEY NOOOO lol Andy Mandy best not use that aspect ratio for Tropico again
  6. This is so exciting. I wonder what sayin they got down in the west coast...
  7. Got nothing to do with Vietnam, I doubt she even knows where it is on a map.
  8. I love them so much. I listen to them when I'm walking around or want to be ~sentimental~
  9. Rebel

    Lady Gaga

    This looked so much better than what we got. I know she wanted simple and clean, but it was borderline boring when the back cover design and all the trippy grid patterns included were so tacky and ugly. And yeah, the app, which does absolutely nothing (shoulda been connected with LittleMonsters or something) and god damn Volantis, which I REFUSE to call a dress.
  10. That betta not be the cover/style because that picture is so blah and that type/style doesn't really relate with the image
  11. Rebel

    Mr Little Jeans

    I did a quick search and can't seem to find a thread for her so I apologize if there already is one but... I CBA to make a whole introduction post so I'll just say that she was recognized for her stunning cover of Arcade Fire's The Suburbs And her debut album Pocketknife was just released, you can stream it here.
  12. I pray for the return of Lily Rabe, she really really realllllllly shined in Coven.
  13. Rebel

    Until The Ribbon Breaks

    Anyone wanna buy this song? I can't find it anywhere on the internet https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/songs-from-low-winter-sun/id720787399
  14. Rebel


    Ugh that was already over what the fuck I really need answers okay Also Fucking Marnie.
  15. Get rid of that monstrosity that is Adriana Venti Latte from the Sky thread!
  16. Rebel

    Until The Ribbon Breaks

    You got a HQ rip? Mine's buggy and won't play the whole way through.
  17. Rebel

    Until The Ribbon Breaks

    Listen to the new EP here http://pigeonsandplanes.com/2014/03/ribbon-breaks-the-other-ones-ep/
  18. I loved her in season one, but her acting and character in the third season was just unrelatable and annoying and awful and I found her acting really stiff, haha. And for Emma, I just think that she's just not in the same league as the rest of the cast.
  19. Oh god I hope Lily Rabe is back insteas of Taissa or Emma Roberts, and I hope the show is darker than Coven, since Coven was more comedic than it should've been, but it was their point so w/e. But Emma and Taissa are definitely a no no. I hate Taissa so much now.
  20. Rebel

    Lady Gaga

    There's a plot okaaaay
  21. Rebel

    Lady Gaga

    Because not everything is literal, and at the same time, not everything is symbolic? Random =/= no sense
  22. Rebel

    Assuming there's a Night Version to every song on the album, we'll need these next: Red In The Grey Waste of Time XXX 88 Walk This Way Glass No Mythologies to Follow Dummy Head Gone and Found I don't hear Night Version for some of these though
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