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Everything posted by toshi

  1. Yeah its crazy to think that someone hacked the video director or someone who has the video etc. Lana must be so angry about this, I'm shocked she is being so nice in their DM's too eachother.
  2. So this might be out pretty soon then since the lead single has a video already and clearly finished by the sound of it. @eclipse how did you see the video? Lana share it with you privately or because you can get access your own way
  3. I think Lana needs to release something as epic and interesting as BTD though, thats one of the reasons why that album was huge, it was interesting. I love Honeymoon and I think its some of her best work, but that's as a Lana fan, she needs something bigger for those who aren't as invested in her music.
  4. Is there a Born To Die boxset? Just Born To Die rather than Paradise?
  5. I'm thinking late spring album, her music fits summer well. First single possibly Feb/March.
  6. I think its more people don't want her to work with people like Max Martin etc, because they already know how she feels about SS being remixed by Cedrig, even though it was a hit she hated it, so in theory its more people would rather her not sell out just to have a hit. As far as I'm concerned her music hasn't changed that much from the BTD era anyway, different sounds, but still her signature sound etc, her music is very recognisable from any album, for me the problem is probably more budget related, no big flashy videos, promotion (even if she did cancel most of it ) High By The Beach was the most listable song on Honeymoon and not that different to what was on BTD so if her label had pushed it more it probably would have done better.
  7. There are so many negative opinions about all her albums... Are you guys really her fans lmao! I just want BTD Visuals back as in Music Videos. I need iconic masterpieces such as BTD, NA, and Ride back in my life! In terms of sound, Lana has a sound anyway so I'm excited to see where she goes with it because her 'sound' is evident in all her albums, I do hope for some more upbeat songs too though. Also for looks I would love for glamorous Lana to come back, Beauty Queen Hair, Ginger hair too!
  8. This! Sales are not an indication of quality. Honeymoon is a high quality album, it just isnt mainstream. Her album had hardly any promotion either, which considering the amount UV got too, most casual listeners probably weren't even aware she had a new album out.
  9. toshi

    Britney Spears

    Someone PM me Just Luv Me and Clumsy please.
  10. I agree with Lana doing product placement, it would help so much with the budgets. I was watching Blue Jeans before (comparing it to Zayn's 'Its You') which isn't even one of my favourite videos from her but it was amazing re-watching because of how expensive the video looked, it was so polished. I would kill for her to go to those style videos. It wouldn't be hard for her either, I mean she could literally use coke bottles and that fits her aesthetic anyway. It doesn't have to be as obvious as beats.
  11. This! I honestly think this is one of her very best songs she has ever made.
  12. toshi

    Britney Spears

    Have the songs leaked or are you just talking about previews? Where can I hear them?
  13. High By The Beach is a great video though, most people don't like it because its not got many scenes etc. The story line is perfect though.
  14. I personally crown BTD as my favourite album, but I know what you mean. I think that's one of the difference between the two albums, BTD's era was huge, the videos where huge, the promotion was great, she performed live constantly and everyone was talking about her, where as UV had great music, but the promo was shit and the video's where hit and miss and she appeared virtually no where so there was no hype for it.
  15. I heard a lot of artists are going the route of not much promo before hand and just releasing an album at a moments notice for chart reasons etc. Maybe the label is doing this with Lana now, tbh she probably doesn't handle any of her promo so once she has music done etc, its probably down to the hands of her label who decide how its going to be revealed.
  16. I really hope it's for Salvatore, but most importantly I hope the visuals are great and its a great video, her past few videos have been disappointing. I love every song on HM tbh, some more than others but as long as the video is great I'll be happy. Be good if its for a new single too though because that would mean a new album soon and I can't have enough Lana music.
  17. I like it dark or light so what ever. I just can't believe she dyed it dark again, like all that effort to go light to just dye it dark again haha.
  18. What have all her albums sold so far then?
  19. Yeah I don't really pay much attention to sales and charts for any artist I like really. Its nice when an album goes to number 1 or a hit single, but It doesn't really affect us fans so I don't really care so much. I do think promo would actually help sales etc though so maybe it is the reason we don't get the glossy videos anymore as there isn't a big budget for them, which is a shame. Those video's are great, I hadn't heard Ride before so that was nice to listen too! The ones she did at The Premises is the type I was talking about just exclusively for her youtube channel. I imagine those videos would count towards streaming for her album sales too! Ariana Grande recently released loads of videos where she performed new songs off her album at a small show, but it was filmed professionally and put on her channel which is so smart. I wish Lana would do something like that since she tours anyway and we could get to hear some of the album songs live in good quality.
  20. I'm surprised she performs so many BTD songs, only thing I can think of apart from it being her choice is that she is told too because those songs come from her biggest era. She always seemed to praise UV and HM a lot more than BTD, but maybe she is that state of mind right now and that makes me wonder if we're going to get another album similar to BTD since she's performing all those songs and she even looks like she did during that era. I'll be very happy if we get some uptempo's on the next album similar to OTTR and maybe some songs similar to HBTB. I adore Honeymoon but I think its time for a change in pace.
  21. Yeah I agree her music has never failed which is the most important part so as long as her next album delivers ill be happy regardless, its just that her videos are so iconic she needs to get back to that level. I agree about the promo too, she hardly does anything now which is a shame because it always great to see her perform live. I do hope the videos come back in full force though as I doubt she will ever go back to the promo she used to during the BTD era. I'd like it if she even just did a live performance in a small studio with no audience, just for her youtube so we could get to hear her sing some of the songs live.
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