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Everything posted by triangles19

  1. Another summer without the most summery icon of our generation
  2. I think if she's obsessed by piano it's because she's more jazzy than rock in her influences. Honestly, I don't understand how a LDR fan can be bored by her piano songs It's one of her main thing since the beginning. The album title "Blue Banister" sounds quite boring, but i think it will be a very domestic / woody record, so it seems to fit and it's a little out of the blue so it will leave its trace. I manifest for a 15 songs album without Cherry Blossom.
  3. Whatever, Blue Banister is not an album title anymore that's the most important thing. That mini era with the messy title tracks / messy covers / extraordinary tracks was perfectly iconic. Strange and ugly choices are always very efficient when the music is good and when you think you know an artist a little bit too much. + I'm READY for Behind the Iron Gates - Insights from an Institution, I can't wait, I still listen to Violets more than I listen to NFR! #etherealspokenmusictwerk
  4. You guys get exited really early for an album that only comes out december 17th
  5. i'm the queen of this thread
  6. * : Truest thing I've read on this forum, You and Me is one of her most moving songs and Guns & Roses is a true atmo banger * : Falsest thing I've read on this forum, MAC is so uninteresting and VB aged like milk to me
  7. I hope she'll make a digital release, I want some new Lana this summer !
  8. I'm still so in love with that album. This is my favourite one by now. I'm still moved by it and listen to it very often. The biggests tracks on it are Cocc itself (what a banger); Dark But Just A Game and Breaking Up Slowly (the mix is so warm and excellent)
  9. I love the tracks names, and the graphic design is good, hope it's true !
  10. I love that new track
  11. I do not personnaly agree with that ; I'm a huge fan since the really beginning and, after a little disappointment with NFR!, I can't love her music more than what she's doing since COCC, all is heavenly perfect and I listen to all of the new stuff almost daily. (My BF is so tired of COCC but I want to listen to it everytime I drive) But it's just my point of view and my own tastes. I can understand fans that want more of OTTR / Cherry type of songs.
  12. I heard them but wasn't sure. I'm the biggest fan of that new era, the three new singles are incredible
  13. I'm transcended. I love the 3 new songs so much, but Text Book is a magnum song to me, it's a banger, a slasher, a brand new West Coast
  14. Come as you are Diet Mountain Dew Cola Blue Hydrangea Maps To The Stars Hip-Hop In The Summer The Next Best American Record Lake Placid
  15. https://www.nme.com/features/every-lana-del-rey-song-ranked-in-order-of-greatness-2906205 1) Seeing my fave song ever as the last of the rank 2) Radio better ranked than Honeymoon (the song) THE CLOWNERY High By the Beach being on the top 10 is the only right thing
  16. I really hope it's not the real album cover, it would make a horrible object as a vinyl or a cd, I love this picture but if she wants to use it I think it would be better without any text on it. Just the original unedited pic as the cover, like that : My theroy is that she associates that picture for RCS and then BB to show us it's the same album she just renamed, not two diff albums. I dare to think it's her "Work in Prgress" visual and not an album cover.
  17. OMG the snippet is amazing, I love the lyrics so much, it's beautiful. So happy to have a 2nd record that nearly from the MASTERPIECE that is COCC
  18. Thanks <3 I like the cassettes cards and the shadow girls Chemtrails one, + the orange Krug one might be a previous album cover idea
  19. I'm so lost, I hope this is not the real cover art, I don't think so. + Blue Banister is a boring title imo. I liked RCS more BUT I don't really care about all that, I'm just so happy to have new music
  20. Can you show us the post-cards ?
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