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  1. Summersault liked a post in a topic by HEARTCORE in Ultraviolence - Pre-Release Thread   
    My personal belief is that she sings like a storyteller. In Boarding School, for example, she sings about being pro-anorexia alongside other serious things but I don't believe she honestly believes these things. She is a storyteller; she undergoes different people and different lives and tells stories. Half the stuff she sings about are unlikely to have even happened to her, but she is such a fantastic storyteller that she can sing in such excessive detail and make us believe it's truthful.
    Remember: Lana did say this album would be "unlistenable". She wasn't going to be simply singing about missing a lover, she was bound to stray into dangerous territory. Some of that may anger some of you, some of you may find it completely fine. Regardless of that, this is the reaction Lana wanted; she chose to sing about such dark topics to make the album more personal.
  2. Summersault liked a post in a topic by bummersummer in Ultraviolence - Pre-Release Thread   
    No, it literally isn't. And the fact that you changed your mind about it or that your personal sexual preferences changed doesn't make it so.
  3. silver starlet liked a post in a topic by Summersault in Ultraviolence - Pre-Release Thread   
    This is very important to remember when dealing with Lana. She glamourizes a lot of potentially harmful /controversial things and even in her sweeter songs there are often themes of tragedy, resignation and sadness. That is a big part of the appeal for a lot of people, myself included. 
  4. Trinity liked a post in a topic by Summersault in Ultraviolence - Pre-Release Thread   
    This is very important to remember when dealing with Lana. She glamourizes a lot of potentially harmful /controversial things and even in her sweeter songs there are often themes of tragedy, resignation and sadness. That is a big part of the appeal for a lot of people, myself included. 
  5. TrailerParkDarling liked a post in a topic by Summersault in Ultraviolence - Pre-Release Thread   
    This is very important to remember when dealing with Lana. She glamourizes a lot of potentially harmful /controversial things and even in her sweeter songs there are often themes of tragedy, resignation and sadness. That is a big part of the appeal for a lot of people, myself included. 
  6. Lirazel liked a post in a topic by Summersault in Ultraviolence - Pre-Release Thread   
    Because if she's actually singing about abusive relationships and we still like her music, what does that say about us?   
    I think that is why critically discussing art is so interesting and important. Lana is exploring some seriously dark themes, but doing it in a way so it appeals to lots of people. Or in the case of feminism: I'm guessing most people on this board agree on the basic principles of feminism, yet we are really into the music of a woman that sings about submission constantly. Why is that? Why does glamourized darkness, or beautiful tragedy or whatever you wanna call it appeal to us?
    Some people decide that they don't wanna listen to an artist like that, because she's not politcally correct or will bend the meaning of Lana's lyrics so they can justify still liking her. That is totally ok. 
    As long as we can all agree that Lana has every right to write the songs she do 
    (This got a little out of a tangent but I feel like it still has some relevance to Ultraviolence)
  7. PrettyBaby liked a post in a topic by Summersault in Ultraviolence - Pre-Release Thread   
    Because if she's actually singing about abusive relationships and we still like her music, what does that say about us?   
    I think that is why critically discussing art is so interesting and important. Lana is exploring some seriously dark themes, but doing it in a way so it appeals to lots of people. Or in the case of feminism: I'm guessing most people on this board agree on the basic principles of feminism, yet we are really into the music of a woman that sings about submission constantly. Why is that? Why does glamourized darkness, or beautiful tragedy or whatever you wanna call it appeal to us?
    Some people decide that they don't wanna listen to an artist like that, because she's not politcally correct or will bend the meaning of Lana's lyrics so they can justify still liking her. That is totally ok. 
    As long as we can all agree that Lana has every right to write the songs she do 
    (This got a little out of a tangent but I feel like it still has some relevance to Ultraviolence)
  8. Summersault liked a post in a topic by Sebastian in SINGLE: West Coast   
    Lorte-journalistik! Dem burde skamme sig! 
  9. Poison Ivy liked a post in a topic by Summersault in Ultraviolence - Pre-Release Thread   
    Because if she's actually singing about abusive relationships and we still like her music, what does that say about us?   
    I think that is why critically discussing art is so interesting and important. Lana is exploring some seriously dark themes, but doing it in a way so it appeals to lots of people. Or in the case of feminism: I'm guessing most people on this board agree on the basic principles of feminism, yet we are really into the music of a woman that sings about submission constantly. Why is that? Why does glamourized darkness, or beautiful tragedy or whatever you wanna call it appeal to us?
    Some people decide that they don't wanna listen to an artist like that, because she's not politcally correct or will bend the meaning of Lana's lyrics so they can justify still liking her. That is totally ok. 
    As long as we can all agree that Lana has every right to write the songs she do 
    (This got a little out of a tangent but I feel like it still has some relevance to Ultraviolence)
  10. COLACNT liked a post in a topic by Summersault in Ultraviolence - Pre-Release Thread   
    This is very important to remember when dealing with Lana. She glamourizes a lot of potentially harmful /controversial things and even in her sweeter songs there are often themes of tragedy, resignation and sadness. That is a big part of the appeal for a lot of people, myself included. 
  11. Summersault liked a post in a topic by evilentity in Ultraviolence - Pre-Release Thread   
    I don't know Swedish, but it's pretty similar to Danish and I know enough Danish to be able to say Google Translate has translated it back to English pretty accurately. Whether her words were accurately translated into Swedish in the first place is another question, but I'd be surprised if they weren't. Scandinavian languages have pretty similar grammar and sentence structure as English and Scandinavians learn English in school from an early age.
    (FWIW, if Lana and her management end up trying to claim she was misquoted or something was lost in translation, I'd be disinclined to give them the benefit of the doubt. They tried to pull that trick before with the quote about her name coming from "a series of managers and lawyers over the last 5 years who wanted a name that they thought better fit the sound of the music." That came from a pre-fame interview that had the fingerprints of Ben Mawson's heavy-handedness all over it: "A very special thanks to Lana and to Ben @ SSB, for all of their time and help." )
    I have to say I'm perpetually amused by how many of you bend over backwards and contort yourselves in knots to rationalize comments of hers like these or the fetishization of domestic violence in her work ("oh, she's just into S&M"), or to defend her against charges of being antifeminist (or at least insufficiently feminist). My enjoyment of her work doesn't depend on this very much so I don't feel compelled to deny what is undeniably a current in her work or abstain from criticism of it.
  12. HausOfMark liked a post in a topic by Summersault in Ultraviolence - Pre-Release Thread   
    This is very important to remember when dealing with Lana. She glamourizes a lot of potentially harmful /controversial things and even in her sweeter songs there are often themes of tragedy, resignation and sadness. That is a big part of the appeal for a lot of people, myself included. 
  13. Poison Ivy liked a post in a topic by Summersault in Ultraviolence - Pre-Release Thread   
    This is very important to remember when dealing with Lana. She glamourizes a lot of potentially harmful /controversial things and even in her sweeter songs there are often themes of tragedy, resignation and sadness. That is a big part of the appeal for a lot of people, myself included. 
  14. PrettyBaby liked a post in a topic by Summersault in Ultraviolence - Pre-Release Thread   
    This is very important to remember when dealing with Lana. She glamourizes a lot of potentially harmful /controversial things and even in her sweeter songs there are often themes of tragedy, resignation and sadness. That is a big part of the appeal for a lot of people, myself included. 
  15. Leo liked a post in a topic by Summersault in Ultraviolence - Pre-Release Thread   
    This is very important to remember when dealing with Lana. She glamourizes a lot of potentially harmful /controversial things and even in her sweeter songs there are often themes of tragedy, resignation and sadness. That is a big part of the appeal for a lot of people, myself included. 
  16. lanasgirl liked a post in a topic by Summersault in Ultraviolence - Pre-Release Thread   
    This is very important to remember when dealing with Lana. She glamourizes a lot of potentially harmful /controversial things and even in her sweeter songs there are often themes of tragedy, resignation and sadness. That is a big part of the appeal for a lot of people, myself included. 
  17. Summersault liked a post in a topic by Leo in Ultraviolence - Pre-Release Thread   
    Before people start taking this interview (assuming it actually took place) too literally (too late it seems), let me remind you that what Lana actually said was first translated into swedish by the interviewer or someone else on the newspaper, then translated back to english by Google Translate and me. So please chill, this is most likely pretty far from what she actually said.
    However, I personally don't find the interview very upsetting even in it's current form. There's a big difference between describing fantasies/themes and actually supporting domestic violence. So once again, please don't blow this out of proportion.
  18. Summersault liked a post in a topic by Wryta Thinkpiece in LanaBoards Server Appreciation Thread   
  19. Summersault liked a post in a topic by DUKE in LanaBoards Server Appreciation Thread   
    This server is so underrated, really. Poor thing. Deserves a Grammy.
  20. Summersault liked a post in a topic by Wryta Thinkpiece in LanaBoards Server Appreciation Thread   
    Because seriously whenever the server goes down, I experience an intense existential crisis as I am reminded of how much of my time is invested into connecting with my disciples/followers favorite community and I then devote my evening refreshing the page, looking at cat gifs, listening to Lana, having an existential crisis, fawning over Morrissey, and refreshing some more, praying to see the beautiful homepage once again.

    NOW. YOU. DO.

  21. Summersault liked a post in a topic by Wryta Thinkpiece in Ultraviolence - Pre-Release Thread   
    Because MPGIS gifs are how I breathe in Jesus and breathe out peace and serve as a small reminder to laugh when people are extending their worries a little too ahead of themselves.
    Really though, I understand the concern about the acceptance of violence, I have my concerns, too; but my issue is that nearly every little thing gets thrown under a microscope and it gets done with cherry-picking. The cherry-picking is what irks me the most, because we'll hear the same themes from many other artists, and no one says a word, but then when it's convenient to be concerned, you see people frantically trying to throw capes on their back. Maybe it's just that I interpret things abstractly, but it gets frustrating when written interviews are handled with a linear and negative perspective. There's no room for doubt, and that bothers me. Because then everyone's getting upset over something that may be mistranslated, or may be entirely false.
  22. Summersault liked a post in a topic by Poison Ivy in Ultraviolence - Pre-Release Thread   
    It's very sad if she does seriously think like that ~ I have a feeling she just likes the the idea of men like that or relationships like that, I don't think Barrie is that way but who knows. She always sings about men who don't seem to be him which is why I think it's in her head more than anything. 
    That's probably why she hires assholes like Swallow for her videos
  23. Summersault liked a post in a topic by Poison Ivy in Ultraviolence - Pre-Release Thread   
    Ha, I do wonder how the general public will perceive it, but I don't see how people who know AKA/her unreleased songs can be surprised by lines like 'he hit me and it felt like a kiss' (unless you're surprised she keeps taking lyrics from other songs). But she might've meant she expressed something along those lines in the songs, not that exact lyric? Anyway 'beat me and tell me no one will love me, better than you do' 'I like em tough and mean, Jim is the worst that I've ever seen' , Push Me Down, Afraid, Backfire; I think she always had the tendency to romanticize violence, and this is ultraviolence after all 
    Not that I agree with the sentiment behind it myself, but I find it interesting when used in art not in real life. 
  24. Summersault liked a post in a topic by evilentity in Ultraviolence - Pre-Release Thread   
    Ha, that would be a very Lana thing to do. Reuse lyrics that weren't even original in the first place:

    Lana, of course you're going to get shit for that in 2014. Radio stations stopped playing that song because people protested when it came out in 1962, an era when domestic violence was more acceptable.
  25. Summersault liked a post in a topic by Rayse in Lana accent   
    I think she might have put on an accent when she was younger and it just became a lot like that. She sounds like a 50s movie star with a little rich girl from the jersey suburbs and southern flair
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