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Everything posted by Harlem

  1. my man and i don't ! do you own handcuffs?
  2. i have a cupboard full in the garage lol do you own knee high socks
  3. my evening plans are just to sit in the bath and cry to this tbh -
  4. jesus christ WITCHCRAFT that video fucked my body up
  5. yeah i don't get the shea / trinity deserving to be the winner comparison my foot has more of a personality than shea, she's so boring trinity is actually interesting and funny etc
  6. nope do you own a macbook?
  7. im living for so many people owning dildos lmao
  8. Lbh the resident evil films have hardly ever been that coherent
  9. nope, i have a video of detox talking to me tho do you own ray bans?
  10. nope do you own lube lmao
  11. I love this thread already Ugh no, sour stuff is gross Do you own a whip?
  12. Ugh egypt is one of the best places i've ever been and one of the most beautiful countries on the planet but i'd be hesitant go back there because of how bad it's gotten there in the past 5 years, so sad
  13. trinity better win or i'll be so better, she's given us so much, comedy, pageant, VERSATILITY, she's all around great shea hasn't given me anything tbh, and her personality is kinda boring too thank god nina went home should've weeks ago boring af
  14. Harlem


    When DKMV is cringey teen-angsty pop garbage that I was fed up of being on my screen, on my facebook, on itunes To the point where i've just given up and put it on my itunes because I was so fed up of it I just started to enjoy it
  15. Already opened 53 loot boxes from the event henny
  16. Damn... an 8 year old was one of the victims http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/saffie-rose-roussos-manchester-bomb-10482449
  17. The entire premise of your whole argument was WRONG and you wanted to try and push a WOW IM SO OPEN MINDED and then you brought up a fuck load of stuff that had nothing to do with the discussion which was 'Terrorist Incident in Manchester' and argued against things literally no one was saying - and then when you were shown to be wrong you have the nerve to still argue on You really need to start taking your Thorazine because i've never had a back and forth with someone on this site who's this moronic before like ugh just read the stuff you post Like it's not even to drag the stuff you post is just flat out stupid Like..... Stupidity to the point where I can't even muster up something intelligent enough to make you realise. I'm done, carrying on rambling about italians and american school shootings though
  18. You tried the 'i'm so open minded ugh u people are racist for thinking this has anything to do with the muslim religion islam ur all so close minded' and then it SHOCK it was an islamic extremist terrorist bombing you've lost just shut up and leave lmao
  19. 'He could be italian for all you know' Trying to say Italian (Race / Country) is = Islam, Followers - Muslim (Religious Ideology that has no 'base' country as isn't limited to any place or skin tone) Your stupidity actually hurts, you're saying you don't know he's a muslim he could be italian for all you know!! You're actually talking as if people who follow a religion are now their own race BECAUSE MUSLIM IS A COUNTRY LMAO, If someone carried out a terrorist attack on behalf of ISIS it's basically they're a fact that they're muslim like... are your parents brother and sister? And then you bring up more unrelated shit like American school shootings - ugh i'm having an aneurysm
  20. Surprise surprise ISIS claimed responsibility so people who were discussing it being a terrorist bombing / and being related to ISIS / Islamic extremism were right But u tried IM FUCKING SCREAMING OMG IT'S THE 21ST CENTURY LIKE YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT CENTURY IT IS AND YOU'RE TRYING TO LECTURE OTHER PEOPLE ON 'NOT KNOWING STUFF' Girl bye go back to the year 2101 lmao
  21. 'Imagine thinking just bombing are terrorist attacks, can't relate, not that far up my arse.' First of all this sentence makes no sense in just general english (just bombing are terrorist attacks) though I guess you were saying 'Imagine thinking that bombings are the only means of a terror attack', let alone whatever point you were trying to make this was a stupid ass comment, mass shootings, mass stabbings, solo killers in the name of religion aka lee rigby, mass running over with vehicles - you're arguing against a point that isn't even there in the first place, no one said bombings were the only terrorist kind of incident that happens, BUT OBVIOUSLY PEOPLE ARE TALKING ABOUT A BOMBING BECAUSE A BOMBING JUST HAPPENED LIKE ARE YOU DENSE. 'why do people always have to bring Muslims into it? ' Because anyone with a lick of common sense would add 2 and 2 together and get 4, 4 being with the history of large scale attacks in recent years in europe that this would be a terrorist incident related to IS / Lonewolf IS / Islamic Extremists. Once again you're arguing against points literally no one is making, unless you're talking about things elsewhere in which case you didn't say that and when you spoke and then spoke to me you had the nerve to tell me what kind of incidents I call terror attacks because I judge on skin tone even though I doubt you've even read a post of mine before since I've never seen your user once before. And no one even brought muslims into it (on here anyway, like I said if you're talking about elsewhere you didn't mention that) people might be mentioning islam because whether or not it hurts your viewpoint of DON'T SAY ANYTHING BAD ABOUT ISLAM GOD NO POOR ISLAM the attack was most likely done under a follower or islam just like loads of others in recent years, its not hateful or racist to bring up that point - to then start saying WELL PEOPLE JUST JUDGE WHAT IS TERROR BASED ON A SKIN COLOR is completely irrelevant because you're just butthurt people are bringing up the religion that could be involved in what is most likely an Islamic Extremist attack and has nothing to do with the skin color, dragging a religion isn't dragging a skin color, if you can't differentiate between the two, you're a moron, brown =/= muslim. Your whole thing was stupid and made no sense, calling me ignorant because you have form a coherent point isn't a comeback. You've already shown yourself to be an idiot, you're now ranting about france and how its french peoples fault for banning burqa's that the terrorists attacks are happening like damn you're one classy person and all this shit that has nothing to do with the actual topic just like your first post Shut up and go sympathise with terrorists somewhere else babe But yeah you dragged this thread so far off point with your random incoherent poorly put together complaint posts - I already give to charity so i'm not gonna waste anymore time trying to explain your stupidity to you
  22. Ugh then don't read it you're clearly not able to muster up a decent response to me calling you incoherent With good reason like... is it nice? Not particularly? Is it based on past experiences and recent events over the past year... yes it is. Some people have a problem with religion, not it's people but just as an institute overall, so what. It's not prejudice and hate to think, hm the last 5 or so big massacres that have hit the news in the last couple of years have been IS / Islamd related so maybe this is too - thinking about details to do with an event isn't hateful like are you stupid? Oh my mind is open, but i'm intelligent enough to use reason to make a guess, could I be wrong, of course! But to have a hissy fit because some people are assuming its islamic terrorism Girl grow up, i'm not offended
  23. ...... what does that even mean..... ? Literally yesterday when bbc news were reporting about Anjem Choudary but ok, if the news are reporting about terror related incidents and the people involved are you expecting there to be a white person placed in if there wasn't one involved? If a white muslim didn't do anything then yeah why would I see them on the news? You're talking as if the news randomly picks muslim people are makes up stories about them like I don't get your point And if you're saying as me myself directly choose what I call a terrorist attack person of their race or religion please stfu and have several seats because you don't know me lmao, I always refer to things that are classified as terror incidents as terror incidents, hence why there's a discussion from earlier where I pointed out just like this the Dylan black church shooting attack was a terrorist incident like fair enough if you're commenting on others but seems like you're directing that at me as if you know my views on anything when we've never even spoken before and i have 0 idea who you are You sound unhinged like wtf did I even say something like 'brown people are all terrorists' white people don't do things You made a really fucking stupid ass comment of 'why are muslims (and so then islam) being brought into it' when it's just common fucking logic that it'd be discussed as a possibility and likelihood that its a that religion related terror incident, the past god knows how similar style many mass killings that 'rocked' europe have all been IS / etc islamic terror related you sound so dense jeeze
  24. Girl grow up tbh the last 5 major terrorists incidents that were a huge thing in england were all islam related whether you like it or not jesus christ Racism = not okay and it's gross to use deaths of innocent people as an excuse to push your hate on brown people. But on the muslim part (not a race, demonising anyone with brown skin as a result = fucking disgusting, talking unfavorably about one of many gross religions which is a cause of so much gross shit in the world = not racism) well yeah if they're doing it in the name of that religion of course it's going to be a fucking talking point lmao wtf and lol what white people can be muslim too have you ever been near a mosque 2005 7 July 2005: 7 July bombings: A series of four coordinated suicide attacks in central London in which three bombs exploded on Underground trains between Aldgate and Liverpool Street stations, Russell Square and King's Cross St. Pancras stations and Edgware Road and Paddington stations. A double-decker bus at Tavistock Square was also destroyed. The bombs were detonated by four British Islamist suicide bombers. The explosions killed 52 people and resulted in over 700 injuries. 21 July 2005: 21 July attempted bombings: Four more bombings, unconnected with those on 7 July, were attempted on 21 July 2005 at Shepherd's Bush, Warren Street and Oval stations, as well as on a bus in Shoreditch. In these incidents, each bomb detonator fired, but did not ignite the main explosive charge. 2007 29 June 2007: 2007 London car bombs: Two unexploded car bombs were discovered in London. The first device was found in a car parked near the Tiger Tiger nightclub in Haymarket. Two large gas canisters and a large number of nails were found in the car.[85][86] The second device was left in a blue Mercedes-Benz saloon in nearby Cockspur Street,[87] but was not discovered until after the car had been towed away as it was found to be illegally parked. 2013 22 May 2013: Murder of Lee Rigby: A British Army soldier, Fusilier Drummer Lee Rigby of the Royal Regiment of Fusiliers, was attacked and killed by Michael Adebolajo and Michael Adebowale near the Royal Artillery Barracks in Woolwich, southeast London. 2017 22 March 2017: In a terrorist incident in Westminster at around 2:40pm GMT, specifically on Westminster Bridge and at the Palace of Westminster, Khalid Masood, wearing black, drove a vehicle into several pedestrians, crashing the car into the Palace's perimeter fence. The attacker then exited the vehicle, proceeding to stab a police officer who was outside of the Palace. About 40 people were injured and there were six fatalities (including 1 police officer and the perpetrator)
  25. Yeah before I always found them super cringe and awkward but it was EVERYTHING in this music video
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