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Everything posted by Harlem

  1. The only one im missing from halloween is Rein's, watch them fuck us over by making all the new skins from Halloween Year 2 Mercys witch skin with her gold weapon is GAG worthy, I love it so much
  2. Woo, I finished the event and got all 168 unlocks!! Now to patiently wait for halloween
  3. Harlem

    Taylor Swift

    can we not even mention swish swish in here tbh i LIVED for that song but the video was the most boring cringey bore-fest i've ever seen like everything about it was just so bad it was s o b o r i n g the only good bit about it was how good nicki looked
  4. Harlem

    Taylor Swift

    the birdcage outfit was fucking GLORIOUS and then all the past taylors climbing up ugh SHE DID THAT r.i.p katy
  5. yes gawd It's my favorite game!!! I'm level 550 and currently at 2910 SR !! But i've played like barely any comp at all this season just because icba but ima try and throw myself into diamond before the season ends to get more CP's This event overall was a fucking flop tho, lucio ball is boring as shit and that was it I bought 50 loot boxes and only got 2 event epic skins which is some major bs Looking forward to the halloween event I guess tho MEI'S CINEMATIC WAS FUCKIN EVERYTHING M8 oh and the mercy changes are..... interesting tho kinda seemed uncalled for imo oh and i main like.... symm and then in comp i usually just play tank / mercy because people in this game suck ass and pick DPS while not actually doing shit 90% of the time
  6. do you really need to make a thread for every live video you come across .....
  7. Harlem


    a legend an icon who doesn't know most of her songs my fucking favorite ugh
  8. someone post the webcam slap one
  9. Harlem


    she seems kinda unhinged on insta today tbh
  10. Makes a valid point you don't like = is troll ok boo
  11. Damn you sound pressed as hell, pull the stick out your ass. Well then..... more fool you for your lack of research I guess? Neither did I the first time, there's always some kind of signage about it if you keep your eyes open, usually a barrier that has a 'O2 priority queueing entrance' - the first time I went to a concert, I saw it, googled what it was, found someone with O2 while I was on my own so ..... /shrug Do I think it's acceptable there's some kind of priority for users of another service the venue owners provide? Yeah I do - might not be nice but it's not about 'fairness' - you're 46 (since that's relevant) somehow, should kinda know how the world works and about businesses and customer loyalty/perks by this point then, this is nothing new or surprising and has been a constant in god knows how many venues / places in the world for a good 10+ years now. If you're gonna get so pissed about this, how about going on a presale for people who bought the album rant. Lots of people had to buy the album a second time to get priority tickets, how is that any different from people being on O2 getting priority access. I'm not being rude you're just sounding like a brat, from your tone you make it seem like you weren't allowed in LMAO - boo hoo you didn't get to be at the front The first world problems Being direct isn't being rude. And if you did I doubt i'd care
  12. 'changing the face of concert going' Are you high this has been the standard for pretty much any O2 venue concert for as long as I remember, I went to concerts 5+ years ago and we all knew this was a thing It's not discrimination Shoulda made the effort to find someone with O2 priority, I've been to 3 concerts and each time i've found someone with it and gone in with them
  13. This song is literally fucking me + cute guys that give me attention At first it didn't hit me It felt a bit burdensome When asked about it, I just kept quiet and nodded I know he's a good guy, But he's really not my type Even though I wasn't planning on being friends with him… Where and how did it happen? While unaware, I totally fell in love Did something cause it? How it got in I can't remember From this heart-shaped virus It looks like I've become sick Not a single injection can cure it Only you I think about I can hardly concentrate You're not cool at all All of my friends around me Shockingly ask, "What's so good about him?" But up until now there hasn't been A person with such genuine eyes I couldn't resist them How could something like this happen? If I notice, I'm doing stuff like waiting for your mail… And crying as I listen to "LOVE SONG"… I'm sick with girls' "Absent Mindedness" This heart-shaped virus Seems to have changed my personality You make me hot I can't breathe My mind's gone blank I didn't know the meaning of love [spoken] This can't be happening! Or so I thought But you know I grew to like you From this heart-shaped virus It looks like I've become sick Not a single injection can cure it Only you I think about I can hardly concentrate
  14. like.... THE SONG i would lip sync perform the fuck outta this when i was home along queen
  15. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z_VVDrhfJ3o the most important k-pop song ever
  16. Harlem


    Does anyone by any chance have everything she's done in the highest quality? (I'm assuming it's all available in 320kbps) Bubblebath (Explicit) 3:36 (Music to sleep to) Everybody Wants to Be Poppy Lowlife (Were the single versions any different to the one on bubblebath?) Lowlife (Slushii Remix) Money (Were the single versions any different to the one on bubblebath?) if they weren't... kinda tempted to put them in again separately if they had cute cover artwork lol Adored I’m Poppy Computer Boy Let’s Make a Video Bleach Blonde Baby Interweb I'd be rly fucking grateful, i'd love to just get all her shit done in my itunes
  17. Harlem


    is 'Plot Twist' one of the biggest bops of 2017 so far yes yes it is
  18. if someone gets a spare presale code pls hit up ur boi xxxx i actually wanna go to this lol its so close to my house bless
  19. Harlem


    some of ya'll are so salty go home interweb sucked but CB / LMAV were amazing goodbye go home
  20. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iWUDiF_5qPI
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