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Everything posted by Harlem

  1. Harlem

    Katy Perry

    she looks so good in the video until she shows off the short hair at the end so fucking ugly
  2. god bless the uk tbh i've never had to pay for any medication, dentist visits, gp visits, hospital visits etc in my life thank god im not american the i remember someone I know had cancer treatment and was from the US and his bill was like 100,000$ + or something mess
  3. when cynthia took that dress off to reveal that gross bra and panties girl
  4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7hz6Xluj0zE
  5. eureka is that kinda person i just find completely insufferable and she's so ugly n ugh on the show delete it fat go home her look was fucking gross too, hot pink ugh delete farrah was a bit meh this ep I loved Aja's sexy look though, her nude face look was so cute
  6. Because cimb doesn't actually care, he just likes making drama like a little bitch
  7. Harlem


    I was at that Kjell and Company store at 0:06 the other month lol, yas for that 100 NOK portable phone charger
  8. i was GAGGED Farrah wasn't in the bottom, but so fucking happy She's my favorite but overall Kimora looked a lot better and outfit was more interesting imo But then I saw neither of them barely knew the words to such an iconic home along bop song, shoulda sent them both packing just for that tbh!! Hopefully kimora gets brought back, would've liked to see more from her Hopefully Cynthia, Shea & Peppermint go home soon, kinda boring me Charlie too
  9. Harlem


    'Queen Elizabitch was taking down from every store cuz I "PAID" key word "paid" for a beat that was sold so many times from a shady producer. The same moment I got the email "ur album has been taking down" is the same moment I got the email "hi ur album will be on billboard Monday". The beats was buy "2" get one free , the other beat he gave me free , i sit down and I'm listening to the radio and FUTURE WAS RAPPING ON IT. 10 days is all I'm going to say !!!!!!!!!!'
  10. She looks like a Romanian peasant farmer.... just a weirdly colorful cat print version
  11. I admit i'm not the most 'up to date on fashion' kinda guy but wtf is she wearing
  12. The only other person i'm super into atm besides Farrah is valentina, it wouldn't surprise me if she made it really far So elegant The 'can I say something' thing she does is annoying though Eureka needs to go ugh, mess
  13. If she does, my interest in this season will kinda die I've never been so struck with someone as much as Farrah
  14. Gonna be interesting to watch this unfold I guess We're all gonna blow ourselves up eventually anyway, we're just delaying the inevitability of it
  15. its so fucking stupid i HOWLED they all fucking celebrate because the cop drank a pepsi? like crowds of people smiling and laughing and jumping because one cop drank a pepsi? jfc so stupid lmao
  16. Wasn't that in Austin Powers or smth? The one with Beyonce
  17. Eureka sucks ugh she's just offputting, for me she fulls into the garbage big girls pile with Penny, Jiggly, etc, would've been nice if we got another darienne lake I like Alexis too
  18. Charlie is so annoying, I love how she keeps talking about her videos as if these famous people she does them about actually watch them She's saying 'she knew i was insecure because of the nasty things i said about her in my videos so she wanted to reassure me' Bitch what, it's just like that lana comment bs what the hell are you talking about lol
  19. Farrah is imo the best looking queen from the onset that's ever been on the show, she's so fucking pretty it hurts She's so cute too, completely floored by her already Snatch the crown queen!!!
  20. ugh i can't find a decent version to watch online anywhere
  21. Harlem


    So hyped CupcakKe is just so fucking cute ugh i hope this growth is just the beginning and she blows up big time
  22. It's weird such a small incident is getting so much coverage but the constant stabbings in London which easily take more people every day barely get any coverage
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