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Everything posted by Harlem

  1. Harlem


    2 more days until we get it here, sigh
  2. girl you have no idea my level of trash fandom
  3. they need to never do the accents again even the bitch that 'flew in from london' DIDN'T REMOTELY SOUND LIKE SHE'S EVEN EVER HEARD WHAT A LONDON ACCENT IS LET ALONE SPEAK WITH ONE im floored that and sarah paulsons accent mess
  4. Harlem


    Alola ninetales and vulpix were defo the pinnacle of this game already tbh so flawless can we get a ban up in here
  5. Harlem


    Yeah I don't see why they're so unpopular compared to other gens, they were insanely good, couldn't fault anything, I couldn't even imagine the amount of hours logged in on them. Whereas with Sun & Moon.... eh... headache. I'm not too hooked on them, for me it's like they're trying to do TOO much, Z moves, changing up gyms, tiki battles, all that crap. The thing that annoys me the most is the fact that Zygarde is being brought over into this game, that should've been finished in X/Y, ridiculous that it's still not been given to us, that and the fact they found Hoopa, Diancie & Volcanion when XY came out and we didn't even get them all until this year. Now we get ultra beasts instead of some actual legendaries (like every legendary in S&G / R&S / D&P / B&W were FLAWLESS), XY we got barely anything, S&M we get ultra beasts (i'm assuming they're the 'legendaries' we're gonna get) and they're all just lackluster. I really miss the days of the fixed pokedex lineup ugh
  6. give it 2 someone who isn't cringe-ly brown-nosing
  7. Harlem


    Absolute mess that anyone could even think these games could come anywhere near close to what DP&P were
  8. rly fucking terrible music lmao the videos are so cringe
  9. That episode was amazing, it really gives you the feel of just good classic horror like season 1 Loved every bit of it, hopefully they keep it up Definitely a breath of fresh air after last season (and season 4)
  10. Harlem


    Kyary announced at yesterday’s Nippon Budoukan concert that she will release her 13rd single on November 9th. It will be produced/a collaboration with a foreign artist 'SOPHIE'
  11. i've been on here for years n still fucking forget how to add a video tbh
  12. not surprised tho the lana fanbase seems to be full of rly fucking weird ass abnormal fans there's even a bunch of people on this forum that just present themselves as rly OTT - can't americans legally shoot people who break into their property tho? guess thats something on her side as a plan b
  13. lana is a m-f transgender ex cop
  14. Harlem


    'steam rolling' is not an adjective
  15. Ah didn't notice this thread too, thanks whatever mod posted! Sorry if they're crap, it's just screencaps from the digital edition on my iphone
  16. rumoured to be on iggy azalea's new album?????
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