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Everything posted by PinUpGaloreLana

  1. 13 Never have I ever touched a jellyfish
  2. http://24.media.tumblr.com/8fac37211c0e342ef6e4a1d0bbb807c2/tumblr_mh5j55lugW1qjsp4bo1_250.gif Uh, i was showing someone this GIF...
  3. PinUpGaloreLana - 12 Never have i ever managed to actually jump on a pogo stick...
  4. I love that hahahaha, that'll piss the bastard off
  5. Well, uh, he's no beauty himself tbh... So i dont know why he caters for the beautiful kids and complains about the ugly kids, when he was CLEARLY one himself? What a cunt.
  6. Lana. I know you're behind this. We all know your obsession with diamonds and shiny things.
  7. 22,699 Followers, 1 photo Aw lana fans are such cuties
  8. Yeah, we'll get some blue blue streamers in there too i think That wasnt very nice, he's 14. Give him a break
  9. I just need to bask in the sexiness and glory without drooling or doing something of that nature
  10. I always envisioned a really cool action packed, dangerously sexy lana in an off to the races video. But that will never happen. Young and beautiful made me cry. I hated the video. ajdsnfhseonh. THEY'RE GETTING SO LAZY OMG.
  11. I Get Known How Friends Do Other Slutty Little Favours, Happily GGRGWHJHNYLO
  12. I think at first they were a little excessive, but then i grew to love them :/ I like her lips when she gets them done lol Like if you just imagine those lips kissing your neck
  13. I hate the video for Young & Beautiful. Omg i expected so much more, not just Lana fumbling with her face and turning away from the camera every chance she got, what happened to the Born To Die type of quality videos? Arghh, they're all getting lazy, this isnt very nice at all
  14. Sigh- People like him justify torture in prisons. In my opinion anyway.
  15. Yes, Under Every Railroad Kevin Just Injects. That was dark.... RORGKIAWSP
  16. Sorry, i dont know why but this really annoys me. Yes her hair was nice light, but you shouldnt go making a petition for it. I mean why should she dye her hair? If she likes it, then she likes it. Tough. It's her hair, it's her choice. I mean why should she feel the need to dye her hair because someone on a forum started a petition saying she should? It literally has nothing to do with you. Maybe you should just accept the fact that she wants her hair dark and get the fuck over it. Oh god im so sorry. Im in a bad mood and bitchface bateman is coming out to play.
  17. This is the first of the lana leaks that i actually dont like... ....I had to...
  18. How in fucks fuck is Juno temple on this list. Gods sake.
  19. It is so wierd how much Marina looks like my friend georgia. I think its just the smile really but lol they're really alike when you see georgia in real life and shes laughing. Her laugh is like marina's. The eyes and the mouth. Sorry about the size differences
  20. Born To Die 15 Off To The Races 15 Blue Jeans 17 Video Games 14 Diet Mountain Dew 11 National Anthem 15 Dark Paradise 13 Radio 13 Carmen 10 Million Dollar Man 15 Summertime Sadness 23 This Is What Makes Us Girls 21 Without You 13 Lolita 16 Lucky Ones 16
  21. Please do! I would absolutely love you to come up to Newcastle And honestly Nadia, i think you deserve to feel special. You deserve to feel appreciated. You are so perfect! I have no words left to describe you and how much i love you! xx
  22. Oh my god Naddy. Excuse me while i just wipe the tears. I love you haha. I think you're "fucking beautiful like a flower." seriously. I made the pickup line up haha You're so open minded about everything and everyone's views and you just say "well thats fair enough, but heres what i think.". You dont discriminate. You dont hate anyone because of their cultures, sexuality or gender. You're really warm when people take the time to get close to you and get to know you more. You're such a softie deep down, haha. (I'll admit i was scared of you at first because i was like, damn she's smart! I'll feel really intimidated.) But i wasnt! You were way more inviting and kind than i first thought, then i realised i was silly for thinking i would feel intimidated. Really, I'm glad we started talking! I have never met anyone like you, and i'm so happy i did So, why dont we go get high, go on a long roadtrip, and blast Cola, singing along at the top of our voices and not give a fuck about the stares we'll get and the parents covering their children's ears. xxx
  23. I love kind you are Bas! Your name is beautiful. You're so sweet to people without even knowing, for someone like you, you dont even need to think about it when you're saying something nice to someone. It just happens because you are so naturally cute Aw and when you think something is wrong you always cheer me up<3 you sweetie haha x
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