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  1. Agnese13 liked a post in a topic by evilentity in A fan found in Lana's Malibu home   
    BTW, let's not forget that this is what Zeena LaVey looks like:


  2. Agnese13 liked a post in a topic by whitman in A fan found in Lana's Malibu home   
    It isn't ironic how these things happened when the bad side of fame became such an important issue in her music? Lana talks about a story about feeling like someone is stalking in her own house, recorded a video about the same issue and ended up being stalked and stolen. Life really imitates art after all
  3. Agnese13 liked a post in a topic by brooklynbaby91 in TMZ: Lana gets restraining order on 2 fans from Russia.   
    I don't get people who humiliate themselves in front of of their idols like this. The last thing I would want Lana to think of me is that I'm a creepy, crazy bitch.
  4. Agnese13 liked a post in a topic by renaissance in TMZ: Lana gets restraining order on 2 fans from Russia.   
    I honestly think all this shit is stemming from how down to earth Lana is with her fans, who are taking advantage of that. I find this absolutely repulsive because her friendliness towards her fans is one of the things I admire most about Lana and for people to start taking advantage of that to literally commit crimes is fucking repulsive.
    I'm scared that Lana's going to stop being so down to Earth about these things. It pains me to see how scared she is, she won't even tweet/instagram about any of this happening, probably because she doesn't want to bring attention to this.
    I'm so scared for her, and none of this shit should ever happen to anyone, let alone her.
  5. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by Agnese13 in Lana and the Illuminati   
    Well, conspiracy theories are interesting, however, I think a lot of it is over-exaggerated. I personally don't really believe in the Illuminati, (well, as far as I know it was some kind of organization around 16-17th century, somewhere in Germany or smth like that) but not exactly nowadays. Although all the triangle symbols etc. are kind of too obvious in all the music vids, and it's not just in USA anymore. Like, the other day I saw a Russian music vid and it was over-loaded with the assumed Illuminati symbols. So, I'm just thinking, what's the point? Like, if Illuminati was real, wouldn't they try to hide their existence from the public? Because, the way to control people is better when they don't know how and who controls them.
  6. Lirazel liked a post in a topic by Agnese13 in Lana Del Rey: 'I wish I was dead already' (The Guardian Interview)   
    Ok, here's how I see it. I just think she has a very philosophical mind, overactive mind, always wondering about existential things. Money is great, because we all need it (whether we like it or not), but it doesn't bring peace, it doesn't answer the questions. Another thing is just that feeling she doesn't belong in this world. I mean, I feel like understand her on that level so well. And then death is like a salvation for her, I don't even think it's depression, but it's a sort of obsession with death. Like, to me the idea of death is exciting, I'm more excited about death than I am about life, because I know death is not the end. So, I kinda feel it's smth similar with Lana, but maybe I'm just writing here complete nonsense and couldn't be further from the truth. It's like, a feeling that unless you die, you will never really find peace&home. It's not like I wanna go and kill myself, but it's not like I wanna live either. Oh Lanz, but there's always the music and I hope she finds that salvation in it and some little bit of peace&happiness in people she loves. She has a very beautiful&sensitive soul and all those idiots who crush her with their negative energy should just shut the fuck up for once. Like, there is smth called an opinion, but that can be said while still remaining respectful towards the person, and then there's just plain stupidity.
  7. Lanakai liked a post in a topic by Agnese13 in Lana Del Rey: 'I wish I was dead already' (The Guardian Interview)   
    Ok, here's how I see it. I just think she has a very philosophical mind, overactive mind, always wondering about existential things. Money is great, because we all need it (whether we like it or not), but it doesn't bring peace, it doesn't answer the questions. Another thing is just that feeling she doesn't belong in this world. I mean, I feel like understand her on that level so well. And then death is like a salvation for her, I don't even think it's depression, but it's a sort of obsession with death. Like, to me the idea of death is exciting, I'm more excited about death than I am about life, because I know death is not the end. So, I kinda feel it's smth similar with Lana, but maybe I'm just writing here complete nonsense and couldn't be further from the truth. It's like, a feeling that unless you die, you will never really find peace&home. It's not like I wanna go and kill myself, but it's not like I wanna live either. Oh Lanz, but there's always the music and I hope she finds that salvation in it and some little bit of peace&happiness in people she loves. She has a very beautiful&sensitive soul and all those idiots who crush her with their negative energy should just shut the fuck up for once. Like, there is smth called an opinion, but that can be said while still remaining respectful towards the person, and then there's just plain stupidity.
  8. letsescapelizzy liked a post in a topic by Agnese13 in Lana Del Rey: 'I wish I was dead already' (The Guardian Interview)   
    Ok, here's how I see it. I just think she has a very philosophical mind, overactive mind, always wondering about existential things. Money is great, because we all need it (whether we like it or not), but it doesn't bring peace, it doesn't answer the questions. Another thing is just that feeling she doesn't belong in this world. I mean, I feel like understand her on that level so well. And then death is like a salvation for her, I don't even think it's depression, but it's a sort of obsession with death. Like, to me the idea of death is exciting, I'm more excited about death than I am about life, because I know death is not the end. So, I kinda feel it's smth similar with Lana, but maybe I'm just writing here complete nonsense and couldn't be further from the truth. It's like, a feeling that unless you die, you will never really find peace&home. It's not like I wanna go and kill myself, but it's not like I wanna live either. Oh Lanz, but there's always the music and I hope she finds that salvation in it and some little bit of peace&happiness in people she loves. She has a very beautiful&sensitive soul and all those idiots who crush her with their negative energy should just shut the fuck up for once. Like, there is smth called an opinion, but that can be said while still remaining respectful towards the person, and then there's just plain stupidity.
  9. SoftcoreBabyface liked a post in a topic by Agnese13 in Lana leaving music?   
    God, when I saw the word ''farewell'' I almost got a heart attack. Regardless of what she implied by that, it got me thinking about how would it be like if it was true and I just wanted to cry. Because, I've just truly discovered her, like, truly discovered, beyond just ''Born To Die. Her music is treasure. Lana herself is treasure, she's so incredible, I don't think she knows that. When being in an age where all the music we get is top 40 stuff, where every song sounds the same, knowing Lana is a gift. Because she makes people feel, because when you listen to her voice, you can feel the heart and soul in that music. And then there's seeing her live, yeah, she might not have some uber-prepared robotic show, but it's enough with her presence. Makes me appreciate someone like her so much
  10. Slumdog liked a post in a topic by Agnese13 in Questions for Lana - what would you ask?   
    Hmmm, weeeelll....
    Question I always have wanted to ask her is about God, like where does her faith in God come from and why is she such a strong believer?
    What does heaven mean to her?
    I actually can't think of anything else, but that question about God is smth I seriously want to know
  11. Agnese13 liked a post in a topic by Trash Magic in Lana Del Rey covers Rolling Stone August 2014   
    Rolling Stone sure changed their view of Lana 
  12. Agnese13 liked a post in a topic by Rafael in Lana's first ever written song named "China Palace"!   
    Lana had an interview with a major radio station in Sweden last week where she revealed that her first ever written song was called "China Palace" and it's about strawberry daiquiri!
    Edited all the redundant stuff and here's what we got:

    Transcribed version by yours sincerely:
  13. Agnese13 liked a post in a topic by lafleursauvage in Old Money: What's its meaning for you?   
    Yeah, this song makes me think of someone I recently lost. It makes me think of having had them a part of my childhood, through my teenagehood; all the way until now, and then losing them. "Blue Hydrangea" reminds me of the serenity and peace that came along with the friendship. The song reminds me of the simple days, the times where everything was just.... simple. This song also reminds me of the care-free and beautiful friendship we had. The "Where did you go?" part always gets to me because when you lose someone, don't you find yourself asking that question? And the "the girl you used to call the queen of New York City" part: the friend I'm talking about loved NYC he always said that. Then in the middle of the song, I am reminded of the price that comes with growing up and finding your own place in this world... and the feeling of loneliness that comes along with that. The chorus makes me think of my friend so much, that if he called me right now, I would go visit him. If he came to me right now, I would run to him. Sometimes when I listen to this song, I can imagine us running straight to each other in an open field, and embracing. My explanation doesn't really make sense but, to me, it does. It's a sad song for me.
    Note: when I say someone I recently "lost", I don't mean we cut ties or our friendship waned and died on its own - I mean that I actually lost this friend, in death. (just wanted to be clear)  
    so yes, this song also makes me think of death! 
  14. Agnese13 liked a post in a topic by PinUpCartoonBaby in LDR on German Rolling Stone   
    It's done!! But don't expect a perfect worded translation...it wasn't that easy to do this as the journalist often only wrote like half sentences, used some words even I as a german native speaker didn't know and just randomly used extremely complicate formulations. The fact that I'm not that good at english made it even more difficult to find the right words. There was also a lot of senseless blahblah and I didn't feel motivated enough to translate all of these things so I left out a few sentences (but not more than about 6 or 7). The last part is only a report about her concert in San Francisco and I didn't translate this one yet because there aren't any new information, I think...maybe I'll get on it later. Done!
    Again this is just my translation of a translation so bear in mind that what I wrote might differ from the actual interview.

  15. Agnese13 liked a post in a topic by FormerLanaFan in Lana discusses the Guardian controversy, Frances Bean, & Barrie in Aftonbladet interview   
    She puts her cigarette out, just little bit too hard.
    – Yes, sometimes I fucking wish I was dead, but I don't glamorize death or people killing themselves.
            Markus Larsson and Lana Del Rey. Lana Del Ray excuses herself, gets up and starts fiddling with the espresso machine in her hotel suite.
    – Sorry, I can't do interviews without my coffee. Keep talking. I'm listening.
    I've always wondered, why did you create the persona Lana Del Ray?
    – Well, it's not a persona. It's a different name. I've always thought that the way you're kind of born into a name, a geographic location, a family makes it hard to choose for yourself who you want to be. By having a different name I felt more free to be exactly who I am. People seem to think sometimes that I am somebody on stage and then you get off and you're another person, but I have a more alternative way of thinking.
    I thought it was some kind of art project, like a Ziggy Stardust character?
    – Yeah, people think that but actually for me it was just a different name. It has made it easier for me to express a very clear aesthetic that I love.
    So what was the inspiration for your aesthetic?
    – All things dark and beautiful. Everything I love, everything I've been through, everything I've wanted to do. My history and my songs.
    You seem rather interested in the beauty of darkness and despair.
    – I've had despair and grief in my life. In the past four years journalists have always asked me about death, icons and my persona. My own depressions and experiences has gotten miscommunicated as this need to be dark. Actually it's not my preferred way of being. I love when things go really well. Anyone who knows me knows this.
    But what about the interview in The Guardian…
    – I'm not fucking happy about the interview, to start with.
    Well, I know that, and you've made that clear on Twitter. But what did you mean when you said ”I wish I was dead already”?
    – Well, first of all… the questions… Sometimes I do feel like I wish I was dead. I've been through a lot. And yes, sometimes I feel like I fucking wish I was dead. But The Guardian made it sound like I was obsessed with dying because it's glamourous. Me being depressed sometimes has nothing to do with other people wanting to kill themselves.
    It must have been surreal when the daughter of your idol Kurt Cobain, Frances Bean Cobain, critcised you on Twitter?
    – She was saying to me ”don't glamorize death” and I wrote back, and I never write to anyone, but I wrote back and said I didn't glamorize death. I don't even sing about death, except on the title track on ”Born to die”. I sing about relationships. The fact that the headline in The Guardian affected people that way feels unfair. That's the problem with the article.
    You're computer got hacked a couple of years ago and 211 songs got stolen among other things.
    – Yeah, someone remotely accessed my hard drive when I was staying in a hotel. The songs are one of a thousand things that was stolen.
    I would have been devastated.
    – Yeah, the fact that someone is watching you. Knowing that you never gonna have the luxury of discretion. These type of crimes won't ever stop.
    Isn't there some legal action you can take, sue someone?
    – Even if he people that started it got caught, they gave it to 40 other people, so the information is still out there.
    Your life is always turned into headlines Like the recent rumours about your recent relationship. It was said you had broken up, but now I heard that your boyfriend Barrien-James O'Neill told TMZ that it's complete bullshit.
    – I mean… I… I didn't use to talk publicly about my relationships. Because things change all the time. But after not seeing him for several months and people still asking me about him I just said no we're not together right now. And when he got to Los Angeles today and he ran into TMZ I don't think he knew what to say. Sometimes it's not real until you're faced with a camera and somebody asking you.
    Ok, it all seems a bit confused. Well, about the music…
    – It's ok. I get it.
    Back to the music. So… are you together?
    – Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. (Lana basically rolls over laughing out loud)
    – Oh my god, that's so funny.
    I'm sorry, I'm just joking. Why do you mention The Crystal's controversial song ”He hit me (and it felt like a kiss)” in the title track on your new album?
    – I know that people have different opinions about that song. And they're entitled to. I always use autobiographical elements. Mixed with anything I can use as an innuendo instead of saying something super directly. For me the writing comes first. I never felt the need to edit myself.
    Hmm. What are you actually saying? That you have been in abusive relationships?
    – It's a good question. I have trouble talking about that song, I didn't think I would. I don't know what to say.
    Why did you choose to cover ”The other woman”?
    – Firstly it's a jazz song, covered by Nina Simone, she's my favourite. I feel like ”Ultraviolence” has a jazzy feel to it, shades of blue, shades of cool. I'm a huge jazz fan. Billie Holiday, Nina Simone, the singers, you know.
    What have you stolen from them, as a song writer?
    To start with I was just a fan. But I realized early on that I had an inclination to sing songs in a minor key with a touch of a blue note. They are my influences. Alongside The Eagles and The Beach Boys.
    Beautiful music with a dark heart.
    Yeah, ”Dark heart”. That's the follow up album. (Laughs).
  16. Agnese13 liked a post in a topic by YUNGATA in Lana Del Rey on BBC1 with Fearne Cotton (interview)   
    listen to the interview here

  17. Agnese13 liked a post in a topic by AngelHeadedHipster in Lana and Barrie are no longer together   
    Jared Leto and Lana shud get together !!!
  18. Agnese13 liked a post in a topic by DeadAgainst in Lana Del Rey Interview: National Public Radio   
    The comments
    They would probably be better if this pure sweet angel had declared herself a Satanist :biblio:
  19. Agnese13 liked a post in a topic by Rafael in Lana Del Rey Interview: National Public Radio   
    Listen Here
  20. Wilde_child liked a post in a topic by Agnese13 in Questions for Lana - what would you ask?   
    Hmmm, weeeelll....
    Question I always have wanted to ask her is about God, like where does her faith in God come from and why is she such a strong believer?
    What does heaven mean to her?
    I actually can't think of anything else, but that question about God is smth I seriously want to know
  21. Agnese13 liked a post in a topic by Arzi in Lana Del Rey Defends Herself Against 'The Guardian' Controversy   
    i can't with these fucking twitter fans  now jamie will think lana's fanbase is full of 12 years old (might be true)
  22. Wilde_child liked a post in a topic by Agnese13 in Lana Del Rey Defends Herself Against 'The Guardian' Controversy   
    I think she simply has different views on death than the majority of people in this world and saying it quite openly like she did in the interview leads to these kinds of ''sensations''. I just think it says a lot about the world we live in and in what kind of culture do we find ourselves. This definitely was blown out of proportion and twisted, I do believe in that.
    I honestly don't get it, I don't understand what has she done to deserve all the bullshit she gets, because really, it seems like she does get more than other people do. How about just let her be/create music/sing? So simple, yet it seems that our media-driven culture is incapable of just appreciating things for what they are. There always has to be some-kind of ranking/competition system that puts people/artists against each other. And more than anyone else, I don't understand critics. Like, what kind of job exactly is that? It's like all they do is sit all day make fun of/criticize others for what they do, because, well, at least they DO something in their lives. The rant's over, thank you
  23. Agnese13 liked a post in a topic by Polterklaus in LDR Live in Berlin, June 20th, 2014   
    The show was really AMAZING. Find some pictures I took below in the spoiler.
  24. Agnese13 liked a post in a topic by lafleursauvage in Questions for Lana - what would you ask?   
    One of my favorite quotations is: 
    "Ask yourself these three questions... and you will know who you are. Ask: What do you believe in? What do you hope for? What do you love?"
    - Paullina Simons
    So I would ask Lana: 
    1. What do you believe in? 
    2. What do you hope for? 
    3. What do you love? 
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