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Everything posted by elllipsis

  1. elllipsis

    The Strokes

    Everyone should listen to that utter masterpiece of an album that is Dark Night Of The Soul. Jules' song is also (unsurprisingly) my favourite. Everything that man touches turns to gold.
  2. elllipsis

    Fan Fiction

    No, I did not skip anything. She was seriously talking about her hair and then immediately afterwards of slitting her wrists 'cause she was a little depressed. I will die laughing today.
  3. elllipsis

    Fan Fiction

    @@Beauty King You convinced me, I'm doing it. Will report back later. I don't read fan fiction, by the way. I've only ever done so once - I've spent one entire night (literally from dusk till dawn) compulsively reading The Libertines fan fiction; those 2 were definitely asking for it though, so the line between fiction and reality is kinda blurred. I was simultaneously amused, horrified at how bad most of it was, and kind of embarrassed at myself for doing it. Still kinda am.
  4. The capital of the EU is far too preoccupied with its own internal power struggles and privilege to know or even really care about how bad things fucking are in Southern / South-western Europe, or to think about its own responsibilities in the matter.
  5. Me too. I know lots of people find it annoying, but I think it's kinda cute / endearing.
  6. Maybe I'm just having a slow day, but... what does that mean? And what does the "BHC" above Mandler's name stand for?
  7. Be cut into pieces. WYR: have spiders and snakes walk all over your body OR miss the only opportunity you'll ever have to meet your absolute favourite artist?
  8. Palm trees in New Jersey? I mean, I'm not American so I could be wrong, but it's not the type of thing I associate with the Northeastern coast... "The veranda looks ocean gold" could very well be something like this... ...which would make the "neon palms sway" line a bit more logical - view from the veranda, ocean sunset, neon lights being turned on at dusk, palm trees... Besides, that "the Jersey Shore was long ago" line kinda hints at the fact that they're no longer there? (edit: reading your "lost in drugs" theory, that's indeed a possible interpretation / explanation for being physically there but at the same time not really there... however, meth is not really a sadness or introspection inducing drug...) Who knows, though.
  9. I second Gnecco & Carney. Preferably both at the same time. Those onstage dynamics sure would be interesting to watch... Seriously though, let's see: David Lynch - because why the hell not and I can see them creating pretty bizarre / twisted melodies & lyrics; oh, and the music video would quite simply slay. Iggy Azalea - I'd love a duet in some Off To The Races-like track and also they're both so fucking hot I want to see them get dirty onstage. Nicolas Jaar - because it's such an improbable combination, the results could be really interesting & beautiful.
  10. elllipsis

    Song vs. Song

    Heavy Hitter vs Push Me Down
  11. Someone's interpretation of BTD (mentioned in that OURS discussion board, where someone posted its original link). It's... interesting.
  12. Well, that much at least adds up. From an OURS discussion board, written back in 08: "I am pretty sure his son's name is Jimmy too, no? Some chick randomly messaged me on myspace, some 16 year old girl who goes to school with his son, she said." "Jimmy's son is in fact named Jimmy. By the way, his son is 15 and his daughter, Zoe (pronounced Zoey), is 10 or 11." There's also an interesting topic there called "...that Lana Del Rey song"; currently reading it.
  13. I think it's more the fact that she smokes at all than when she does it... She smoked quite a bit during the concert I went to, btw.
  14. Damn, her legs look soooo fine in that video and in those pics.
  15. The fact that JG is (possibly maybe) about a stalkerish platonic obsession instead of an actual relationship doesn't make the song any less interesting for me; on the contrary, actually.
  16. elllipsis

    John Lennon

    I find the whole overrated / underrated argument probably the most fucking pointless thing to talk about when discussing music. It's completely subjective and basically reflects personal taste & opinion, and it's mostly a dishonest way of saying "I don't like this band or artist and/or don't think they're as good as most people make them out to be, but if I generalise my opinion and talk of said band or artist in terms of being globally overrated for this or that reason, inattentive people will find it harder to contradict me". That being said, I don't like Lennon as a person and I don't much care for him as a musician, even if he's unarguably talented and influential. I don't like his solo stuff (I find Imagine fucking insufferable - if someone wanted to effectively torture me, they should use that song) and from The Beatles I only like Sgt. Pepper's and Revolver, and a few other songs - not that I hate the rest, it just never interested me all that much.
  17. According to Wikipedia, he has 2. Pictures of him with his daughter are easy to find, but I still haven't seen any of his son.
  18. elllipsis

    Iggy Azalea

    Late-ish September, apparently.
  19. Beach House fan here as well. My favourite album is probably the first, but they're all really good. Victoria's voice is so dreamy and moody, I love it. Sadly I've never seen them live but I really hope to change that soon! And I really loved this short film (includes Wild, The Hours, Wishes, and Irene): http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=lgD8vWIB8hs
  20. elllipsis

    The Strokes

    'Is This It' was the most difficult one to choose from, for me... Every single song is so good it's not even funny. I basically excluded Last Nite and Someday because everyone already knows those and went for a mix of fan favourites (Hard To Explain is usually considered to be the best song on the album) and my own favourites (hesitated a lot between Barely Legal, Soma and The Modern Age).
  21. elllipsis

    The Strokes

    @@Madrigal - Sent. 10 track compilation: (If anyone else happens to be interested in this, just PM me.)
  22. elllipsis

    The Strokes

    @@Madrigal I totally agree, I love Modern Girls & Old Fashioned Men! It's a perfect song and that's mostly because of the voice combo imo. They had such chemistry onstage and apparently offstage as well. I don't know a whole lot about the Yeah Yeah Yeah's lyrics, but The Strokes' definitely aren't esoteric / arty. Is This It and Room On Fire, the first 2 albums, are basically about relationships, sex, drugs / alcohol, boredom & life in the city. I don't know which album you listened to but you know, their music has changed *a lot* over the years... Their first 2 albums were post-punk revival, the 3rd one was already pretty different and more alternative rock with lots of experimentation, and their last 2 are basically a mix of rock + synthpop + new wave. So, I'll pick 2 songs from each and I'll make you that 10 song compilation; hopefully you'll like at least some of them!
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