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Everything posted by elllipsis

  1. Are we talking about the same person? She of "you're so fresh to death and sick as c-c-cancer" & "my pussy tastes like pepsi-cola" fame? I don't see how those are any different from her regular lyrics, but a-okay.
  2. Your points make a lot of sense, @@maru. I have to say that in Europe the religion angle was always very apparent, which is why I mentioned it. I mean, to most people in Western Europe, if you're called Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, come from Chechnya and look like that, you're barely even considered European and "Muslim" is pretty much the first thing that comes to mind; yet another type of discrimination and prejudice, for sure. However, I still don't think that the lack of questioning which occurs whenever one of these crimes is committed by a person of another race/colour (because of ingrained societal racism, completely agree with you there) will be solved by not asking any questions or trying to understand said social/psychological/environmental/etc. angles behind such a massacre when it's committed by white people. To me, that would be a case of 'two wrongs don't make a right', which is why I personally can't criticise such an article on racism claims. Btw, the article is much less apologist / romanticising than I'd expected. It was actually a very interesting read.
  3. I think the point of controversy is the cover and not so much the article. And sure, we can turn this into a racial issue but that would be oversimplifying imo; for instance, does American media usually try to 'humanize' Muslim killers as well? Personally, I don't think censorship and/or misinformation by willingly sticking our heads in the sand when the subject at hand gets too disturbing or controversial is the way to go, ever. On the other hand, I do understand why the cover shocks and enrages so many people; not so much because of the so called 'glorification' or 'rock star treatment' of a killer but for the reasons that New Yorker article pointed out - because this particular monster actually looks human and doesn't quite fit our mental image of a mass-murderer, which makes everything all the more troubling and difficult to deal with. Just my 2 cents anyway.
  4. elllipsis

    Song vs. Song

    National Anthem vs American
  5. Mon amour, je sais que tu m'aimes aussi Tu as besoin de moi, tu as besoin de moi dans ta vie Tu ne peux vivre sans moi, et je mourrais sans toi, je tuerais pour toi The rest is your personal opinion so, whatever, but how exactly is the French embarrassing?
  6. elllipsis

    Song vs. Song

    Diet Mountain Dew vs Making Out
  7. Born to Die - 16 Off to the Races - 24 Blue Jeans - 19 Video Games - 14 Diet Mtn. Dew - 15 National Anthem - 17 Dark Paradise - 14 Radio - 21 Carmen - 17 Million Dollar Man - 13 Summertime Sadness - 15 This Is What Makes Us Girls - 20 Without You - 20 Lolita - 17 Ride - 17 American - 15 Cola - 15 Body Electric - 15 Blue Velvet - 8 Gods & Monsters - 15 Yayo - 17 Burning Desire - 16
  8. Not American, so I can't say I have given this a whole lot of thought, but I did read this article in The New Yorker yesterday and I pretty much agree with its general idea.
  9. elllipsis

    Song vs. Song

    Burning Desire vs Diet Mountain Dew
  10. @@Trinity I never thought that, we just have different opinions! Imo in that video she has at the very least: concealer & highlighter, eye-liner (top and bottom), mascara, a slightly darker than her skin tone shade of nude eye-shadow, eyebrow liner & lipstick. (I'd also say she has some sort of foundation and bronzer on, but I'm not even going to include those.)
  11. That's not what I meant. It's just that many (most?) guys are usually clueless when it comes to make-up and often mistake a natural looking one for no make-up at all. And in this video, Marina most certainly has a full make-up on...
  12. Just out of curiosity, but... are you a guy? Cute video, but I expected more from her tbh. Then again, I'm definitely a fan of her most over-the-top self so this 'girl next door'-ish image doesn't really do it for me.
  13. Born to Die - 16 Off to the Races - 23 Blue Jeans - 17 Video Games - 15 Diet Mtn. Dew - 15 National Anthem - 17 Dark Paradise - 13 Radio - 19 Carmen - 17 Million Dollar Man - 14 Summertime Sadness - 15 This Is What Makes Us Girls - 19 Without You - 20 Lolita - 17 Ride - 16 American - 15 Cola - 14 Body Electric - 15 Blue Velvet - 12 Gods & Monsters - 17 Yayo - 18 Burning Desire - 16
  14. "American poet" is also what Jim Morrison used to call himself, and judging from G&M he's also one of her inspirations and/or someone she relates to.
  15. elllipsis

    Azealia Banks

    Well, that sure escalated quickly.
  16. If you don't smoke, you're much less likely to get lung cancer. If you don't drink, you're much less likely to get liver cancer and/or failure. If you don't have unprotected sex or use old needles, you won't get AIDS. ... Do all who have those diseases deserve to die simply because they made wrong choices in their lives? Frankly, more than ignorant and insensitive you come off as incredibly childish and immature with your judgemental, 'edgy', strictly b&w opinions. Oh well, life will teach you.
  17. elllipsis

    Azealia Banks

    But biased about what? 'We' (Strokes fans) like some covers and don't like others, but almost unanimously didn't like this one.
  18. elllipsis

    Azealia Banks

    Oh, I can assure you I'm not. Most Strokes fans I know were quite horrified, haha!
  19. elllipsis

    Azealia Banks

    I agree that she made it her own, I just don't think she did it in a good way. At all. To me, that song completely lost its charm in her version; she somehow managed to remove everything that made it great. That's an accomplishment in itself, I guess.
  20. Oh man, the memories that brings back! Haven't seen that movie in so many years... I used to watch it with my brother when we were both kids and I wanted a magic ring just like hers soooo much! Also, THAT CAR.
  21. Be honest, guys: how terrible would a racing jacket like Lana's look on regular people? I really love it BUT.
  22. elllipsis

    Azealia Banks

    Different strokes for different folks, I guess. Owen Pallett and Real Estate did some OK covers as well, but the Austra one remains my absolute favourite.
  23. They're still technical categories. Credible or not, no one really gives a fuck about those. The VMAs are simply about popularity.
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