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  1. elllipsis liked a post in a topic by Deleted User in M.I.A.   
    I guess we'd all love a more surf noir reggae M.I.A. like in It Takes a Muscle or Caps Lock.
    But you know, songs like $20 and XR-2 are unable to be made as good as she makes them by anyone else. NO ONE handles the way M.I.A. handles it. I so hope she could still be with Diplo... Their stuff was just... UGH. <3
    Yet the song I'm most hyped for is "Come Walk With Me". And I hate myself for doing so because it sounds as the most poppy mainstream son we heard so far, but it's so addictive!
  2. Deleted User liked a post in a topic by elllipsis in M.I.A.   
    I see what you mean & agree with that. This one's much less intense than usual but it has a lot of charm imo, it's pretty chill & I love the ending!
  3. elllipsis liked a post in a topic by Deleted User in M.I.A.   
    that's the only thing I was able to love from it, really :c I think it's quite lazy :c I hope Matangi is much more destructive.
  4. Deleted User liked a post in a topic by elllipsis in M.I.A.   
    I love it tbh. Also, dat Blur sample.
  5. TrailerParkDarling liked a post in a topic by elllipsis in Lana Del Rey Officially Announces TROPICO, "Coming to a City Near You"   
    Oh I agree with you that she puts a lot of thought into her actions, but at the same time it's like she so frequently misjudges people's reactions & they kinda end up escaping her control? Like the feminism comments, the thing about her & Barrie being the only true artists or whatever... I don't really know how to explain this, it's just an impression I get sometimes... As if she had this exact image of herself and sometimes got so surprised that the whole world doesn't see her / think of her in that exact same way, if this makes any sense. That's really naïve imo.
    Totally agree with you about the meth thing btw, I don't buy it for a single second tbh.
  6. YUNGATA liked a post in a topic by elllipsis in Lana Del Rey Officially Announces TROPICO, "Coming to a City Near You"   
    I don't know if "literally nothing" can't, but I agree that when it comes to music most opinions aren't. I mean, even music critics - who are supposedly (and the key-word here is 'supposedly'...) the most impartial listeners - are influenced by all sorts of stuff, from individual taste to preconceived notions about the artists they're reviewing to wanting to sound 'cool' & stay relevant.
    That's one of the aspects I was referring to when I mentioned her limitations as a songwriter; the lyrics can be unbelievably cheesy & cliché, she also repeats herself *a lot* & I'm not so sure how good she really is when it comes to the actual melodies. Personally, I don't think anything (or almost anything) she writes is ironic or 'meta'. I think Lana is in a way pretty naïve, and by that I mean she's the opposite of the calculating, business-savvy popstar who knows exactly what to say & do in order to turn most situations in her favour & manipulate public opinion. I think that's apparent in a lot of her attitudes, interviews, etc. but also in her lyrics. She's genuine & says exactly what she wants to say, and I think it had never crossed her mind that people could hate her for it (one of the reasons why I think she's never really gotten over the initial American rejection). Similarly, I don't think she realises when she's being cheesy. All that makes her very vulnerable to criticism, but it's also a HUGE part of her appeal imo & one of the reasons why we let so many of her cringeworthy lyrics slide.
    t's pretty ironic that's she was basically persecuted for being inauthentic when I legit believe she's one of the most authentic popstars out there, which is basically the reason why we even have a Lanalysis thread - and imo her authenticity has nothing to do with whether K existed or not, or whether she dated Gnecco or was just an obsessive fangirl, but the fact that she treats her music like her personal diary & talks about her darkest desires, dreams, fantasies without giving a single fuck if what she's writing about is cringey, ridiculous, disturbing, or whatever. And to me that trumps a technically better but emotionally sterile song anyday.
  7. elllipsis liked a post in a topic by lola in Lana Del Rey Officially Announces TROPICO, "Coming to a City Near You"   
    lots of her idols were fucked up addicts and she seems to be heavily influenced by them so that may have to do something with it. even with her alcoholism. in the gq interview she said "i thought the concept was so fucking cool". now i'm not saying she intentionally became an alcoholic (even though i wouldn't put something like that past her ~*~making your life a work of art~*~ y'know) but she may have started drinking bc she saw her idols doing it and thought it was cool but it escalated or something. courtney love said that kurt cobain tried being an alcoholic for a while but it didn't sit well w him so idk...
  8. elllipsis liked a post in a topic by COLACNT in Lana Del Rey Officially Announces TROPICO, "Coming to a City Near You"   
    ya exactly. i definitely think she was an alcoholic and struggled with (an) addiction, but not meth specifically. but what i'm saying is, she included those clips in the carmen video.. and then commented "i got clean too bby xx" or whatever and so people just naturally assumed she was on ~methamphetamines~ i mean i dunno what her fascination is with that particular drug? maybe a boy she liked was on it or something. i wouldn't be surprised if she tried it several times but i don't think she was an addict or anything, she just glamorizes it a bit and doesn't mind if people think she's fucked up or something. or even *wants* people to think of her as an ex-addict? which is why i think she's calculating in some ways. and crazy
    "The graceful and calculating beautiful Lana del Rey swooped into New York to perform at a dinner organized by the It London label Mulberry" -- derek blasberg (lmao @ the shade)  
    this made me laugh the first time i read it. but its kind of true? i don't really know what he was referring to exactly but i feel like .. it makes sense to think that she's a calculating person. "smiling but i ain't happy" "you wouldn't know what i was thinking" "fooling everyone, telling them she's having fun" etc etc .. so when she says "i'm so happy to be here" .. its like, is she really? or is she really just good at letting people think that she's feeling a certain way? the tone of her voice, the laugh, the inflection -- everything to me sounds like its.. so carefully orchestrated? but its not a bad thing. i don't consider her to be fake or disingenuous or anything. its just.. i dunno, theres always something so off about her. she said herself before that when she was younger it was hard for her to get 'excited' about anything, or 'connect' with anything. i don't think thats something you just grow out of, ya know? but people want to know that you're feeling "up" -- so you just have to fake it? i dunno. i read too much into everything. but i feel like she's been judged her entire life and so its like, she always has to be so 'careful' and control the perception, even when it comes down to something as little as introduction to a live performance 
    "im so happy to be here.. with fellow artists.. beauties.. teehee!" 
    calculating and naive in one sentence probably. makes me wanna slap her with one hand and hug her with the other 
    lmao for sure. i definitely think she has to mold a certain impression at all times.. not just cause she's in the public eye but because she's human and wants the acceptance / recognition that everyone else does. and then when she doesn't get received in the way that she wishes she gets all bitter / defensive at that person or... that continent ahaha crazy bitch i love her so much 
    agreed       me too 
  9. Poison Ivy liked a post in a topic by elllipsis in Lana Del Rey Officially Announces TROPICO, "Coming to a City Near You"   
    Oh I agree with you that she puts a lot of thought into her actions, but at the same time it's like she so frequently misjudges people's reactions & they kinda end up escaping her control? Like the feminism comments, the thing about her & Barrie being the only true artists or whatever... I don't really know how to explain this, it's just an impression I get sometimes... As if she had this exact image of herself and sometimes got so surprised that the whole world doesn't see her / think of her in that exact same way, if this makes any sense. That's really naïve imo.
    Totally agree with you about the meth thing btw, I don't buy it for a single second tbh.
  10. elllipsis liked a post in a topic by lola in Lana Del Rey Officially Announces TROPICO, "Coming to a City Near You"   
    i luvluvluv the discussions on here, whether we're just exchanging ideas or debating, if we didn't have these i probably wouldn't be on here tbh
  11. TrailerParkDarling liked a post in a topic by elllipsis in Lana Del Rey Officially Announces TROPICO, "Coming to a City Near You"   
    I don't know if "literally nothing" can't, but I agree that when it comes to music most opinions aren't. I mean, even music critics - who are supposedly (and the key-word here is 'supposedly'...) the most impartial listeners - are influenced by all sorts of stuff, from individual taste to preconceived notions about the artists they're reviewing to wanting to sound 'cool' & stay relevant.
    That's one of the aspects I was referring to when I mentioned her limitations as a songwriter; the lyrics can be unbelievably cheesy & cliché, she also repeats herself *a lot* & I'm not so sure how good she really is when it comes to the actual melodies. Personally, I don't think anything (or almost anything) she writes is ironic or 'meta'. I think Lana is in a way pretty naïve, and by that I mean she's the opposite of the calculating, business-savvy popstar who knows exactly what to say & do in order to turn most situations in her favour & manipulate public opinion. I think that's apparent in a lot of her attitudes, interviews, etc. but also in her lyrics. She's genuine & says exactly what she wants to say, and I think it had never crossed her mind that people could hate her for it (one of the reasons why I think she's never really gotten over the initial American rejection). Similarly, I don't think she realises when she's being cheesy. All that makes her very vulnerable to criticism, but it's also a HUGE part of her appeal imo & one of the reasons why we let so many of her cringeworthy lyrics slide.
    t's pretty ironic that's she was basically persecuted for being inauthentic when I legit believe she's one of the most authentic popstars out there, which is basically the reason why we even have a Lanalysis thread - and imo her authenticity has nothing to do with whether K existed or not, or whether she dated Gnecco or was just an obsessive fangirl, but the fact that she treats her music like her personal diary & talks about her darkest desires, dreams, fantasies without giving a single fuck if what she's writing about is cringey, ridiculous, disturbing, or whatever. And to me that trumps a technically better but emotionally sterile song anyday.
  12. COLACNT liked a post in a topic by elllipsis in Lana Del Rey Officially Announces TROPICO, "Coming to a City Near You"   
    Oh I agree with you that she puts a lot of thought into her actions, but at the same time it's like she so frequently misjudges people's reactions & they kinda end up escaping her control? Like the feminism comments, the thing about her & Barrie being the only true artists or whatever... I don't really know how to explain this, it's just an impression I get sometimes... As if she had this exact image of herself and sometimes got so surprised that the whole world doesn't see her / think of her in that exact same way, if this makes any sense. That's really naïve imo.
    Totally agree with you about the meth thing btw, I don't buy it for a single second tbh.
  13. PrettyBaby liked a post in a topic by elllipsis in Lana Del Rey Officially Announces TROPICO, "Coming to a City Near You"   
    I don't know if "literally nothing" can't, but I agree that when it comes to music most opinions aren't. I mean, even music critics - who are supposedly (and the key-word here is 'supposedly'...) the most impartial listeners - are influenced by all sorts of stuff, from individual taste to preconceived notions about the artists they're reviewing to wanting to sound 'cool' & stay relevant.
    That's one of the aspects I was referring to when I mentioned her limitations as a songwriter; the lyrics can be unbelievably cheesy & cliché, she also repeats herself *a lot* & I'm not so sure how good she really is when it comes to the actual melodies. Personally, I don't think anything (or almost anything) she writes is ironic or 'meta'. I think Lana is in a way pretty naïve, and by that I mean she's the opposite of the calculating, business-savvy popstar who knows exactly what to say & do in order to turn most situations in her favour & manipulate public opinion. I think that's apparent in a lot of her attitudes, interviews, etc. but also in her lyrics. She's genuine & says exactly what she wants to say, and I think it had never crossed her mind that people could hate her for it (one of the reasons why I think she's never really gotten over the initial American rejection). Similarly, I don't think she realises when she's being cheesy. All that makes her very vulnerable to criticism, but it's also a HUGE part of her appeal imo & one of the reasons why we let so many of her cringeworthy lyrics slide.
    t's pretty ironic that's she was basically persecuted for being inauthentic when I legit believe she's one of the most authentic popstars out there, which is basically the reason why we even have a Lanalysis thread - and imo her authenticity has nothing to do with whether K existed or not, or whether she dated Gnecco or was just an obsessive fangirl, but the fact that she treats her music like her personal diary & talks about her darkest desires, dreams, fantasies without giving a single fuck if what she's writing about is cringey, ridiculous, disturbing, or whatever. And to me that trumps a technically better but emotionally sterile song anyday.
  14. elllipsis liked a post in a topic by COLACNT in Lana Del Rey Officially Announces TROPICO, "Coming to a City Near You"   
    i don't really know what to think about her. she contradicts herself all the time! i think she's both naive and calculating tbh, etc. maybe not meta, but i think she definitely puts a lot of thought into her words / actions and that she knows how to.. garner the reaction she wants to garner? like the whole farewell thing, for instance. constantly licking her lips, talking in a baby voice, stuff like that. i don't even think she was ever addicted to meth tbh, but she just included those clips in the carmen video for the hell of it. to promote her "bad ass bitch" attitude or whatever. i dunno. she occupies too much of my mental space for a person i don't actually know. but i think all the reasons people hate her are kind of valid sometimes but entirely invalid at the same time, if that makes any sense at all? 
    i don't remember where i read this quote, but i think it applies to her: 
    "i am everything you think i am, and simultaneously, the complete opposite" 
  15. niko.g514 liked a post in a topic by elllipsis in Lana Del Rey Officially Announces TROPICO, "Coming to a City Near You"   
    I don't know if "literally nothing" can't, but I agree that when it comes to music most opinions aren't. I mean, even music critics - who are supposedly (and the key-word here is 'supposedly'...) the most impartial listeners - are influenced by all sorts of stuff, from individual taste to preconceived notions about the artists they're reviewing to wanting to sound 'cool' & stay relevant.
    That's one of the aspects I was referring to when I mentioned her limitations as a songwriter; the lyrics can be unbelievably cheesy & cliché, she also repeats herself *a lot* & I'm not so sure how good she really is when it comes to the actual melodies. Personally, I don't think anything (or almost anything) she writes is ironic or 'meta'. I think Lana is in a way pretty naïve, and by that I mean she's the opposite of the calculating, business-savvy popstar who knows exactly what to say & do in order to turn most situations in her favour & manipulate public opinion. I think that's apparent in a lot of her attitudes, interviews, etc. but also in her lyrics. She's genuine & says exactly what she wants to say, and I think it had never crossed her mind that people could hate her for it (one of the reasons why I think she's never really gotten over the initial American rejection). Similarly, I don't think she realises when she's being cheesy. All that makes her very vulnerable to criticism, but it's also a HUGE part of her appeal imo & one of the reasons why we let so many of her cringeworthy lyrics slide.
    t's pretty ironic that's she was basically persecuted for being inauthentic when I legit believe she's one of the most authentic popstars out there, which is basically the reason why we even have a Lanalysis thread - and imo her authenticity has nothing to do with whether K existed or not, or whether she dated Gnecco or was just an obsessive fangirl, but the fact that she treats her music like her personal diary & talks about her darkest desires, dreams, fantasies without giving a single fuck if what she's writing about is cringey, ridiculous, disturbing, or whatever. And to me that trumps a technically better but emotionally sterile song anyday.
  16. elllipsis liked a post in a topic by bdelrey in Lindsay Lohan on Letterman   
    Either way she ended up taking Oprah's advice and didnt go to Europe. Plus the interview got more than 1.8 million viewers and was the #2 highest rated sunday telecast of Oprah's next chapter since september 2012.
    Oh and in case your wondering her dress was N°21 by Alessandro Dell’Acqua and wore Oscar de la Renta polka dot shoes.
  17. YUNGATA liked a post in a topic by elllipsis in Lana Del Rey Officially Announces TROPICO, "Coming to a City Near You"   
    I ask myself these same questions sometimes and could probably write a huge-ass text about it but I'm lazy so fuck that.
    I think it's possible to be objective while evaluating musical quality, at least to some extent; then again, stuff like 'meaningful lyricism' is so damn subjective & dependent on personal taste...
    Anyway, about Lana & in all honesty, I would never go as far as calling her a  genius tbh. She has an interesting vision &  imo her main talent is her ability to create a very vivid imagery / mood with her lyrics in most of her songs; I think the music videos are an extension of that, and even if she's not responsible for every single artistic decision, I do think the concept / general idea behind each video is all hers. That being said, I think she has a few limitations in terms of her songwriting abilities & is probably more of a writer than a musician (In a way).
    So I guess that's my attempt at unbiased & 'objective' criticism, but I don't think that's worth more than any other personal opinion tbh. Ultimately you like what you like, and that's it.
  18. Slumdog liked a post in a topic by elllipsis in Lana Del Rey Officially Announces TROPICO, "Coming to a City Near You"   
    I ask myself these same questions sometimes and could probably write a huge-ass text about it but I'm lazy so fuck that.
    I think it's possible to be objective while evaluating musical quality, at least to some extent; then again, stuff like 'meaningful lyricism' is so damn subjective & dependent on personal taste...
    Anyway, about Lana & in all honesty, I would never go as far as calling her a  genius tbh. She has an interesting vision &  imo her main talent is her ability to create a very vivid imagery / mood with her lyrics in most of her songs; I think the music videos are an extension of that, and even if she's not responsible for every single artistic decision, I do think the concept / general idea behind each video is all hers. That being said, I think she has a few limitations in terms of her songwriting abilities & is probably more of a writer than a musician (In a way).
    So I guess that's my attempt at unbiased & 'objective' criticism, but I don't think that's worth more than any other personal opinion tbh. Ultimately you like what you like, and that's it.
  19. lola liked a post in a topic by elllipsis in Lindsay Lohan on Letterman   
    Idk, every time she was asked that she used to reply either 'no' or some variation of 'I'm in control, all those stories are fabricated' and here she just admitted it right away and it seemed genuine... You know what they say about the first step to recover from addiction, that it's admitting you have a problem? It looked like she finally admitted it...
  20. Philomene liked a post in a topic by elllipsis in Lana Del Rey Officially Announces TROPICO, "Coming to a City Near You"   
    Love that poster, especially the coloured version!
    I think you're overreacting with the farewell thing tbh. I don't think it means anything other than 'goodbye' to Paradise/BTD since it will be the last video & probably some kind of conceptual conclusion to that era; maybe it will gives us more clues for Lanalysis, who knows.
    Maybe she'll have a little break after the South American concerts, but I doubt it will be a long one tbh... Record labels usually put a lot of pressure on artists when it comes to follow-up albums (and here I'm disregarding AKA & Sirens, obvs), and I'm sure they'd like to ride on her recent rise in popularity so I doubt they'll let her disappear for a long time and be 'forgotten'.
  21. my ol man isa batman liked a post in a topic by elllipsis in Lana Del Rey Officially Announces TROPICO, "Coming to a City Near You"   
    I ask myself these same questions sometimes and could probably write a huge-ass text about it but I'm lazy so fuck that.
    I think it's possible to be objective while evaluating musical quality, at least to some extent; then again, stuff like 'meaningful lyricism' is so damn subjective & dependent on personal taste...
    Anyway, about Lana & in all honesty, I would never go as far as calling her a  genius tbh. She has an interesting vision &  imo her main talent is her ability to create a very vivid imagery / mood with her lyrics in most of her songs; I think the music videos are an extension of that, and even if she's not responsible for every single artistic decision, I do think the concept / general idea behind each video is all hers. That being said, I think she has a few limitations in terms of her songwriting abilities & is probably more of a writer than a musician (In a way).
    So I guess that's my attempt at unbiased & 'objective' criticism, but I don't think that's worth more than any other personal opinion tbh. Ultimately you like what you like, and that's it.
  22. yayoop liked a post in a topic by elllipsis in True Love on the Side   
    Usually when it's ~~too much to deal with for some reason. I swear it's not on purpose, I'm sorry.
  23. redrose liked a post in a topic by elllipsis in Overrated Lana Songs?   
    Bel Air
    I find it overproduced and a bit boring. It's probably my least favourite Lana song, I simply don't get why people love it so much.
  24. elllipsis liked a post in a topic by TrailerParkDarling in LANALYSIS: Relating Songs To Known/Assumed Relationships   
    Ugh.. Xcuse another one of my ridiculous posts but I need an outlet and this is fun sOOOOoooo buckle up kittens + add ur input!

  25. elllipsis liked a post in a topic by Creyk in That One Song You CRAVE For   
    Oh I see!
    That's a good explanation.
    I personally really love her totally polished tracks like American and BTD for example, I only prefer the MDM demo.
    But otherwise I agree with you her raw sound is really great too, I love the was she sings in Your Band is All the Rage and So Legit for example
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