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  1. niko.g514 liked a post in a topic by elllipsis in Lana Del Rey Officially Announces TROPICO, "Coming to a City Near You"   
    I also read this, and as far as I'm aware there's no Whitman poem called 'Farewell'. There is however one called 'Good-bye my fancy' which has the line 'farewell dear mate, dear love'; it's the last poem in Leaves of Grass and in it he basically says goodbye to his imagination or inspiration. Someone said to me that this poem is also known as 'Farewell'; no idea if that's true or not.
    But imo her 'farewell' definitely has a similar meaning -- closure of an era / project, saying goodbye to BTD/Paradise and its whole underlying concept.
  2. Dua Lipa liked a post in a topic by elllipsis in That One Song You CRAVE For   
    Because I'm more of a fan of Lizzy / rawer-sounding Lana & disliked the overproduction in BTD & Paradise, and think some demos were actually superior to the 'finished' products (Diet Mtn Dew & Lolita come to mind, for instance). OTTR is one of my absolute fave Lana songs so I'm really looking forward to hear its rawer version.
  3. elllipsis liked a post in a topic by COLACNT in Lana Del Rey Officially Announces TROPICO, "Coming to a City Near You"   
    its funny that you should say this as i start to pull myself back and wonder if i'm being ridiculous or if the way i feel about lana is really.. actually warranted, in an objective sense? IS she really as good as i think she is? am i turning into a body electrician? does objectivism actually exist? i have this idea of her as being an actual genius and i don't know if its true. for instance, we all praise the ride video as being a fucking masterpiece .. but i wonder how much of it was her own version, and how much of it was anthony mandler's? is her work really, actually meaningful in its intent? or is it only meaningful in our own personal assessments? i'm getting dangerously close to entering that infinite loop of "what is art"? but i'm just wondering if maybe we are a bit blinded by the visuals and/or our affections for her as a person, or as an 'artist'? tropico is kind of a huge venture outside of her usual realm now that i think about it .. i hope it only solidifies my opinion of her as a 'genius' 
  4. demiannn liked a post in a topic by elllipsis in That One Song You CRAVE For   
    Because I'm more of a fan of Lizzy / rawer-sounding Lana & disliked the overproduction in BTD & Paradise, and think some demos were actually superior to the 'finished' products (Diet Mtn Dew & Lolita come to mind, for instance). OTTR is one of my absolute fave Lana songs so I'm really looking forward to hear its rawer version.
  5. prettydrugs liked a post in a topic by elllipsis in That One Song You CRAVE For   
    Because I'm more of a fan of Lizzy / rawer-sounding Lana & disliked the overproduction in BTD & Paradise, and think some demos were actually superior to the 'finished' products (Diet Mtn Dew & Lolita come to mind, for instance). OTTR is one of my absolute fave Lana songs so I'm really looking forward to hear its rawer version.
  6. elllipsis liked a post in a topic by bdelrey in Lindsay Lohan on Letterman   
  7. BLOODSHOT liked a post in a topic by elllipsis in That One Song You CRAVE For   
    Because I'm more of a fan of Lizzy / rawer-sounding Lana & disliked the overproduction in BTD & Paradise, and think some demos were actually superior to the 'finished' products (Diet Mtn Dew & Lolita come to mind, for instance). OTTR is one of my absolute fave Lana songs so I'm really looking forward to hear its rawer version.
  8. elllipsis liked a post in a topic by COLACNT in Lana Del Rey Officially Announces TROPICO, "Coming to a City Near You"   
    when i said interesting, i was kind of referring to the entire discussion (its a forum, not a blog); theres praise but its tempered w/ valid criticisms 
    well, i hope they end up discussing tropico .. its a different perspective, maybe a bit cringey but lana makes me cringe all the time lmao 
    I’ve watched plenty of interviews with Lana and from my own (yes, subjective obvously) perception, she isn’t a complex character. Her music has this surface. "I’m a bad rich girl with a rich daddy and I was an alcoholic and I like living in America and I like bad men, I’m co-dependent and I like ‘leather on my waisties’. That may be performance. But surely isn’t Nicki Minaj exactly the same? ’I’m a rich bad bitch who likes pink wigs and I use my body as a weapon and am ridiculously feminine in music videos and my father was an alcoholic’. Nobody would create a forum thread for Minaj on MUBI but because Lana Del Rey’s music is sad she is a ‘auteur’? Come on, let’s face it. There really isn’t much difference between Lana’s music and other artists like Rihanna. Lana’s is sadder and more interesting. But where do I see a thread for “RIHANNA: AUTEUR” on here? But any of those artists could be argued to be auteurs if Lana could too.
    the fact that there are so many britney / gaga / katy stans here too (myself included) made me wonder if theres a bit of truth to this? are they really comparable in the pop world? i don't really think so… but then i put hit & run on blast and push myself back to square one 
    Glimmering darling
    White bikini off with my red nail polish
    Watch me in the swimming pool
    Bright blue ripples, you
    Sitting sipping on your black Cristal, yeah”
    That is not assigning some kind of creative look at superficiality in pop music.
    i think it is exactly that. notice how relentlessly she describes herself as something that is passively watched and presumably desired, and who herself desires nothing but the gaze of desire. (**ow**) i’m not a lana del rey fan. i don’t like most of the music nor do i care much about the persona, but i find her play with identity, desire and consumption fascinating. she takes the women in david lynch’s films as a clear inspiration, and like them, assumes an abject sort of helplessness that is both traditionally “alluring” and profoundly creepy. everything about her art supports this: the imagery, the styling, the delivery, the nostalgic arrangements and reverb-drenched production. she makes a feminst point ironically, by exaggerating her helplessness, girlishness and object-hood."
      i think its also interesting that on that forum, the fans are the ones throwing shade and the ones that aren't even fans are the ones supporting her? kind of backwards and unusual   maybe i could have posted parts of it in the feminism thread or started a new thread w/ all the good bits. i dunno, forum was kind of dead yesterday.. thought this would be an interesting discussion to bring over but i guess i was alone in that so brb gonna cut myself lol 
  9. Heaux liked a post in a topic by elllipsis in That One Song You CRAVE For   
    Because I'm more of a fan of Lizzy / rawer-sounding Lana & disliked the overproduction in BTD & Paradise, and think some demos were actually superior to the 'finished' products (Diet Mtn Dew & Lolita come to mind, for instance). OTTR is one of my absolute fave Lana songs so I'm really looking forward to hear its rawer version.
  10. Quentin liked a post in a topic by elllipsis in The Concerts Thread   
    That's an interesting question & I'd love to read more replies tbh.
    I've only been to a concert alone once and it was hands down, by a loooong mile the best concert I've ever been to. Not only was it a show by my fave band, it was also completely WILD in a way that most definitely wouldn't have happened hadn't I been alone.
    So I strongly recommend doing it *at least* once preferably while you're single
  11. elllipsis liked a post in a topic by lola in Lindsay Lohan on Letterman   
    does anyone know where i can watch the interview now?
  12. BLOODSHOT liked a post in a topic by elllipsis in That One Song You CRAVE For   
  13. Philomene liked a post in a topic by elllipsis in Favorite Official Single Cover?   
    Blue Jeans. It's sexy yet simple, and I really love the video's whole aesthetic which was imo perfectly represented in the single cover.
    National Anthem would be my (close) 2nd choice.
  14. elllipsis liked a post in a topic by BLOODSHOT in That One Song You CRAVE For   
    1. OTTR Demo
    2. OTTR Demo 
    3. OTTR Demo
  15. lola liked a post in a topic by elllipsis in Lana Del Rey Officially Announces TROPICO, "Coming to a City Near You"   
    Seriously, that was equal parts interesting & cringeworthy. Like, take it down a notch...
  16. elllipsis liked a post in a topic by lola in Lana Del Rey Officially Announces TROPICO, "Coming to a City Near You"   
    oh my god, he's so melodramatic.
    "Satan pulling her under with him minutes after fingerfucking her mouth."
    "showcasing a historical retelling that rivals Tarantino’s history-swapping events in Inglourious Basterds."
    i'm happy for any positive press lana gets but   
  17. elllipsis liked a post in a topic by evilentity in Overrated Lana Songs?   
    Summertime Sadness (Cedric Gervais remix)
  18. elllipsis liked a post in a topic by Viva in Lana, Lorde, & Feminism   
    I think is what drives a lot of the critics and also one of the things that make Lana interesting: she said from the beggining, several times, that her lyrics are auto biographical. IMO they are mostly bio just not auto. Also Lana was born in wealth. That was her reality. Unlike most artists she didn't study in a public school, struggle to help her family or is a refugee. Lana is a girl that lived in NY, studied in a expensive private school and did go to college (if she actually graduated is another story). Lorde's reality is completely different.
    Lana "made it" at the age of 25 (26 ). She was not a 15 year old that strugles money wise. . The cars, the money, the jets was nothing new to Lana. Lana's reality is the Hamptons not Tauranga. Lana is not a poor girl from Harlem. Even if Lana was a outcast and her stories about the Hamptons are from other people, she still was part of the scene. Lord was born and raised in very different circunstances. Lana talks about what surrounded her and that is interesting to many and like anyone born in wealth will annoy many.
    I agree with Lorde that some of Lanas lyrics are not the healthiest thing for iimpressionable teens. But that is not Lana's job that is parent's and school job to educate. It's lazy to throw that over artits shoulders. 
    I disagree when people say she doesn't make critics with her lyrics. I believe in the country America used to be is one of the best jabs an artist could give towards US and her music critics. I wonder many times how much Lana is playing the media, how much she planned from the start. SOmetimes I wonder if things happened to her by chance or if she actually planned it all including the repercussion of her lips and her plastic appearence. I wonder because sometimes I think LDR is a fool other that she is a genius. But I always like her music that I never question myself about.
    I'm also glad that Lana wears clothes and not knickers to sing at concerts. Lana's videos are not filled with naked womens rolling in the mud or boobs poping from nowhere in our faces. Some of Lanas songs I can't stand because she seems like a door mat and that annoys me. In other lyrics she is beyong brillant.
    IMO Lana is a storyteller before anything else and her stories from other people cover also girls that are beyond submissive. Girls who are lost, girls who think that happiness relays on $$, girls who like to drive with boys in the Hamptons. Mundane stories from mundane people.
  19. elllipsis liked a post in a topic by Baby V Alex in Sophie Ellis-Bextor   
    Fuck With You         
    I feel like Marilyn Monroe
  20. elllipsis liked a post in a topic by Deleted User in Sophie Ellis-Bextor   
    That was the first thing by her I ever saw! And it blew my mind so I had to dig everything she had done til that moment. Both song AND the video are deadly good <3
  21. elllipsis liked a post in a topic by Deleted User in Sophie Ellis-Bextor   
    You know the dirtiest songs of each artist! hahah <3
    Aw, thank you so much honey <3
    Yeah, lately I'm not like listening to her a lot, but some months ago she was in constant play mode.
    Yeah, I read that that song kinda was one of her greatest successes!
  22. GodBlessMe liked a post in a topic by elllipsis in Lana, Lorde, & Feminism   
    I agree with a big part of what you said, but I don't think she was trying to be controversial tbh. If anything, she was trying to be politically correct by saying something *a lot * of people strongly believe in these days. I think it's kinda sad that a portion (because not all of it is like this, not by any means) of the feminist movement is less about true empowerment & telling women it's ok to make their own choices, and more about dictating how a feminist & empowered woman should behave and be like, and trying to impose those views on all other women regardless of how they actually feel about them.
    This pretty much sums up my opinion on what I just said:

    It sure as hell wasn't right when men did it, and it's still not right when women do it either.
    About what Lorde said: imo (and like I said before in that status) that's an invalid criticism when it comes to music or any other type of art. I don't think artists should 'moderate' themselves or 'rethink' what they want to sing or write about because of a potential copy-cat effect on their audience. She didn't lie though, the drug-loving, adulterous & men-dependent lifestyle Lana sings about & seems to be fascinated with isn't exactly the healthiest in the world; however, and even though she eventually became a role model (even if she never wanted it, she didn't have a choice), Lana is first and foremost a musician & imo her primary concern while writing music can't be 'oh dear, how negatively will this influence my fans?'.
  23. ednafrau liked a post in a topic by elllipsis in Lana, Lorde, & Feminism   
    I agree with a big part of what you said, but I don't think she was trying to be controversial tbh. If anything, she was trying to be politically correct by saying something *a lot * of people strongly believe in these days. I think it's kinda sad that a portion (because not all of it is like this, not by any means) of the feminist movement is less about true empowerment & telling women it's ok to make their own choices, and more about dictating how a feminist & empowered woman should behave and be like, and trying to impose those views on all other women regardless of how they actually feel about them.
    This pretty much sums up my opinion on what I just said:

    It sure as hell wasn't right when men did it, and it's still not right when women do it either.
    About what Lorde said: imo (and like I said before in that status) that's an invalid criticism when it comes to music or any other type of art. I don't think artists should 'moderate' themselves or 'rethink' what they want to sing or write about because of a potential copy-cat effect on their audience. She didn't lie though, the drug-loving, adulterous & men-dependent lifestyle Lana sings about & seems to be fascinated with isn't exactly the healthiest in the world; however, and even though she eventually became a role model (even if she never wanted it, she didn't have a choice), Lana is first and foremost a musician & imo her primary concern while writing music can't be 'oh dear, how negatively will this influence my fans?'.
  24. Deleted User liked a post in a topic by elllipsis in Sophie Ellis-Bextor   
    U have great taste @
    Her music was the soundtrack to so many days & nights spent at the beach... so much nostalgia rn!
    Really love this collab of hers, it's just so chill.
  25. elllipsis liked a post in a topic by Deleted User in Sophie Ellis-Bextor   
    Nü-Disco-Pop beauty, multi-talented angel (She's a model, an actress, a writer, a singer, and a mother) Sophie Michelle Ellis-Bextor (34) who's married to The Feeling's bassist Richard Jones, and has two sons, doesn't hold back in delivering maybe some memorable songs.
    4 albums released ["Read My Lips" (2001), "Shoot From The Hip" (2003), "Trip the Lights Fantastic" (2007), the eternally awaited and title-changed "Make a Scene" (2011)], she's making the final touches to the upcoming "Wanderlust" which, according to her, will sound more natural and folk-ish, and could be her most personal record ever, we have heard just the song "Young Blood"'s demo.
    She has some pretty nice collaborations, and just doesn't grow old. She's one of the most gorgeous women I have ever known.

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