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Serene Queen

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Everything posted by Serene Queen

  1. Honeymoon 31 GKIT 36 Salvatore 28 The Blackest Day 36
  2. OTTR 19 Blue Jeans 16 Video Games 53 Dark Paradise 13 Carmen 1 MDM 48
  3. Honeymoon 31 God Knows I Tried 34 Salvatore 29 The Blackest Day 37
  4. Yeah I mean most of the photos related to the album gave me a vibe (celestial, hazy) , but not the songs
  5. Cruel World 30 Ultraviolence 29 Shades of Cool 45 Brooklyn Baby 20 West Coast 25 PWYC 46 Black Beauty 45
  6. LDR6 better have UV’s guitars or AKA’s beachy vibes
  7. https://www.google.com/search?q=lana+del+rey+memes&safe=active&client=safari&hl=en-us&prmd=inv&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwi4wsSd1qDaAhUMz1MKHasvDXsQ_AUIESgB&biw=1024&bih=666&dpr=2#imgrc=3VtEc-8qGoltiM: (can’t figure out how to do the photo but whatever)
  8. Cruel World 29 Ultraviolence 28 Shades of Cool 44 Brooklyn Baby 20 West Coast 26 PWYC 46 Old Money 2 Black Beauty 45
  9. HIAB sounds kinda popish, and Jack Antonoff is known for working with pop artists (Lorde, TS, etc). One of the reasons I love Lana is her unique and depressing sound. I PRAY that’s she doesn’t go pop!!! UV pt 2 please!!!
  10. The one that’s crying and then becomes a black block Unreleased song
  11. I’m not just saying this cause I’m a superfan, BUT THIS IS TOO FREAKY TO BE A COINCIDENCE. it also proves my theory that she’s queen of the universe!! TRUER WORDS WERE NEVER SPOKEN
  12. I WISH!!!!!!!!!!!!! Do you own a Björk cd?
  13. Serene Queen

    Song vs. Song

    Dark Paradise vs Bel Air
  14. No Do you own a desktop computer?
  15. Serene Queen

    Song vs. Song

    In My Feelings vs Dark Paradise (I love both these )
  16. Nope Do you own a Demi Lovato album? Any format
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