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Everything posted by drewby

  1. drewby

    Azealia Banks

    She finally said what we were all thinking about Grimes
  2. drewby

    Charli XCX

    I'm feeling a CTMP/1999 double single drop this month
  3. drewby

    Lady Gaga

    That's why artists who can still sell out arena tours like Celine, Bruno Mars and Beyonce did it right? Britney will get the title of being an actual has-been once she signs on for her second residency, poor that
  4. drewby

    Charli XCX

    I was the only person in my section who knew the words to 5 In The Morning and Unlock It last night. Better believe everyone knew them after I shouted them
  5. drewby

    Lady Gaga

    Pretty sure that's a remix. We have the actual demo for Applause in all its messy, nasal glory
  6. drewby

    Charli XCX

    I'm fully prepared to be the only one in my section who knows the words to 5 in the Morning at my show later today
  7. drewby

    Charli XCX

    Probably because the mods have to keep reminding people to stop spamming the thread begging for leaks over and over and over again. Saying 'leak RNR' is like a fucking dog whistle for some people in this thread at this point. No one likes having to read pages of the same shit every day to actually sort out some type of useful discussion or conversation. I like having fun and Kiki-ing just as much as the rest of y'all but god damn it's annoying as hell especially since 90% of the people saying it only joined to ask for links/leaks and contribute absolutely nothing else in other areas of the forum
  8. drewby

    Charli XCX

    Pretty sure it was for the second part of Peep's album and not hers
  9. drewby

    Charli XCX

    Boy I asked her in 2013 on the True Romance tour and she didn't recognize the name. Best of luck
  10. drewby


    Since this is dead as a doornail, does anyone have a zip of all her stuff?
  11. I think the Civil War season concept they scrapped for Hotel would be good to revisit
  12. drewby

    Charli XCX

    I might see you there. Have to convince my friend going with me to the show to go to the afterparty
  13. The chorus to 17 is fantastic what are y'all smoking?
  14. drewby

    Kylie Minogue

    What she needs to do is announce a US tour
  15. drewby

    Charli XCX

    The weather is supposed to be awful tomorrow and people are going to be queuing for HOURS. Look what happened when Dua was signing V Magazine covers in NY a few weeks ago
  16. drewby

    Lady Gaga

    It hasn't even come out yet. Why are you constantly trolling in here?
  17. drewby

    Charli XCX

    I might actually be able to meet her Sunday. I'll be in Hell's Kitchen tomorrow night
  18. drewby


    Does anyone have the Learn to Let Go demo that reportedly leaked today?
  19. drewby

    Lady Gaga

    Given who she's working with... it's not going to be tropi-pop, regardless of what anyone said. Boys Noize, SOPHIE, BloodPop, DJWS
  20. drewby

    Charli XCX

    You negated any point you were trying to make by saying this
  21. drewby

    Kim Petras

    She officially confirmed the album IS being released song-by-song in a recent interview BUT the writer made it sound like the first track from the album was Heart to Break
  22. drewby


    Imagine thinking someone leaked her real name when it was very fucking clearly listed in writing credits and song repertoire sites. Shut up and spare yourself further embarrassment bro
  23. drewby


    This never existed. The rumor was created by stans
  24. drewby

    Charli XCX

    This is homophobic, doesn't she know we wake up at 11am and brunch until we pass out?
  25. drewby

    Terror Jr

    There's a reliable source on ATRL that's been consistent in spilling tea about the release
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