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Everything posted by GeminiLanaFan

  1. She updated her bio on Insta : I thought somebody could tell me how - but I found nobody could ?
  2. The visuals of the MV look insane. No wonder Interscope wants the album to make an impact sales-wise (with the damn vinyls), with the investment made on that MV.
  3. If Chemtrails is coming sooner than March, then the cover album will probably postponed IMO because she wanted it to be a fully realized album rather than a small imperfect project?! March is ok with me; I just don’t want a Summer release because it’s way too far.
  4. About the list/catalog some of you brought, I’d see those as « song possibilities » rather than songs to pick from. I mean, it’s her we’re talking about here loll. She mentioned Patsy Cline songs she wanted to cover (is she considered « American standard? » Vintage America though, which is right up Lana’s alley). I’m not expecting recent songs (nothing earlier than the 70s). And I’m still wishing for a HQ release of The Good Life (when I think of it, 2020 was good to me in terms of unreleased form her I wanted, with the Good Life and Life is Beautiful leaks and Yosemite « almost confirmation » on Chemtrails...).
  5. 50-50? i mean, I want to believe, but have no reason to. The only thing that would make it possible for Friday is because it’s digital only and is a small project needing no promo, and it could be a cute and small EP rather than a whole album. But yeah, it could be Sept 5 all over again loll. Anyways, she’ll say something this week if it’s not coming.
  6. - I was right about her performing two songs and no news about neither albums coming (it really wasn’t the place to do so); - LMLYLAW is a good song for her and it’s where she’s at right now (cute L & C stockings!!!!); - Silent Night was cute but hope it’s not on the cover album (we won’t be listening to that song after the 26 lolll); - she didn’t even post a selfie yesterday of her coming performance lolll. - She is gorgeous AF. Last performance, I thought she was beautiful, but that leather jacket just wasn’t it. And it’s not because of her « weight »: she wore it last year and never looked good on her. - She seems happy. Which is super rare in those weird times. I’m glad for her!
  7. I wish it’s not really called American Standards & Classics
  8. Zach better do a good job on the AS&C album; otherwise, he will become the new Jack here. My expectations for today are very low, like you it seems. I’m tired to set myself up for disappointment.
  9. I'd really be surprised if we got any album news (whether it's for Chemtrails or the cover album) anytime before Wednesday. Hear me out: the line-up for tonight's event is jammed packed. If she performs more than one song, we are lucky. And it's Jack's event: four years ago, she didnt say anything regarding NFR and I doubt it would be «the place» to give precise updates tonight. Maybe some vague info («From my upcoming record» / «album coming soon»). Today:selfie about her performing tonight Tomorrow afternoon: post of her performance. Wednesday could be the beginning of something or total silence. Not to be a negative Nancy; I really think something is coming this week, just not today. I think he's way too nice for that lol
  10. - I am not expecting any news on the upcoming records: there is a lot of people in the lineup this year, and it could be pre-recorded... - maybe she’ll stick to songs recorded with Jack since it’s his event? Two years ago, the four songs she performed were all Jack tracks, and he was playing them with her. - LMLYLAW is the most plausible choice. If there is a new track, I’ll freak out. But the again, if it’s pre-recorded like it was on Fallon, it could be with the same pose she is recording her AS&C album... so maybe? (I fucking hope this album is not called AS&C; sounds very scholar to me).
  11. The show begins at 9 pm, NY time. No word when Lana is playing in the mix. So around 2 in the morning for you guys, if I didn’t mix up my time zones?!?
  12. It’s a weird « era »: as much as we have no news about Chemtrails, we did get a single from it, two covers, two live events, a cameo in a MV, and a cover album. Plus she is very active on her socials.
  13. Cute performance. it was a good choice for her. I wished it was live, but it’s something in between live and lipsync, which I’m fine with.
  14. Zach Dawes’s recent story hints that she is still recording (picture of a cello, mentioning the 30s...)
  15. Like I said before, I prefer no Chemtrails news at all if it’s coming in like six months. Enough of the singles released too early.
  16. Zach Dawes’s latest story (with a cello) suggests she is still recording. I still think it’s coming before Chemtrails (I know it’s an unpopular opinion here lol), and I am very excited for it. Love Blue Velvet as well and The Good Life!!
  17. Still thinking she could be just bowing / doing a reverence and was caught up in the instant it looked like a plane.
  18. I’m totally fine with a 3-4 month wait before the album if she decides to perform The title track and it’s the planned schedule. But not dragging on for six months + though! I think you’re right about the low-key release with almost no promo (plus it’s her we’re talking about: she never does a shit ton of promo anyways). the next days / weeks will probably clarify what the plans are.
  19. I know COVID makes things messy and that they change constantly. But... as much as I want to hear Chemtrails, wouldn’t it overlap the « sorta promotion » for the covers album (assuming it’s still the next album to come out)? what I don’t want is her performing Chemtrails on Monday and not having the single released simultaneously. Or having the title track released six months+ before the fucking album. The NFR pre-release era was enough. I’m so glad she didn’t post a damn audio snippet of Chemtrails when she posted the BTS video supposedly coming « soon ». TJF was enough. Whenever I hear it somewhere, it kinda aches, not being able to hear it in full. if she does perform the title track on Monday and releases it as a single or with preorder, it better be because plans changed yet again and we’re getting the album in March.
  20. I’ve read many things as that pose could be: the plane, the Naruto run... not to burst anyone’s bubble, but could it simply be that she was doing a sort of bowing / salutation like in the old days and was caught up in that pose?
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