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American Whore

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Everything posted by American Whore

  1. that's basically been the conversation for like 15 pages lmaoooo but maybe? i guess we'll see. i think it's likely, there's already 3 vocal takes and rick has the stems so
  2. nicki's favorite bubble bath consists of hotdog water and curdled milk
  3. I believe it's in one of the versions. There's like 3 or 4 that we have Edit: It's in Take 3 toward the end, check around 2:40
  4. oh wow i didn't see that part! that's interesting to know!!
  5. thats true but i mean with her track record with jack, it wouldn't be shocking if they made multiple tracks in a day or if he went to LA for a few trips here and there. then again, airports have been very limited but still also off topic i want a rainbow lollipop emoji style record color
  6. being realistic, unless she worked with rick or someone else recently, it's more than likely going to be with him. it explains why cocc was so short and why dealer was left off-- she already had extra songs, enough to compile a full album and she already planned this months before
  7. i want a nice bubblegum pink or cotton candy pink and a cotton candy blue
  8. still fuckin shook the fact that she's not stopped making music for what is it now, like 15 or 16 GODDAMN YEARS and she still finds some sort of muse to make music about. absolutely floors me
  9. the only thing i don't believe is the date. MAYBE but highly unlikely. it's still going to happen though even if it's later than june 1. i'm hopeful though. it's just when she announces an album with a title, it usually ends up happening.
  10. I still can't believe she already has another album. Absolutely no COCC tour just straight up moving on. I love her hahaha i mean honestly it makes sense that she can't tour cocc right now with covid so she's working on more music. That's what she should do it she wants to vent and get her feelings out through music. honestly it would be cool if this turned into a trilogy of albums this year. COCC, RCS, and a third album we don't know about yet
  11. yeah but those singles weren't announced 3 months ahead tho. i think she announced it like... a few days ahead right? can't remember but definitely not 3 months
  12. i was thinking rock candy that you eat like a lollipop. at least growing up, i'd eat rock candy sticks like lollipops lol
  13. cocc released on a friday, but then again it's lana. realistically, don't get your hopes up for exactly june 1, we know she throws out dates she's hoping the album will come out but who knows.... i mean, maybe! but i doubt it tbh. also this album title reminds me of when we thought cocc would be "white hot forever", it just seems like random words lol honestly i wouldn't be surprised if she saved dealer for this album! she said before that cocc would be more jabbing at the industry and the culture and media/everything but the only song that was that way was DBJAG, but it makes sense if she actually had several songs that were supposed to do that exactly and she saved them for the next record!
  14. by how she said what she said, it seems like it's an album. either way, if it's a single, it's a song from a new album but i don't think she'd announce a random new single 3 months in advance, it just seems kinda weird to do so? i mean she mentioned songs way ahead of time before but not a release date. we all are thinking its a full ass album
  15. wait but that might be really cool, a whole ass trilogy of albums released within one year would never happen but would be fucking dope oh no ethan has infiltrated LB
  16. DBJAG was the only one that really took a shot at the industry on chemtrails so i wonder if this album will deal with more than what she said on that track
  17. honestly, she can release it anytime she wants, it just depends on if the label allowed it. june 1st is the most realistic date than any other dates she's said but it's lana so take anything she says with a grain of salt bc.... wait didn't she do the same thing with LFL like march 26 or something and then it was delayed
  18. y'all this time i'm not listening to the leaks. no sir no ma'am i won't do it
  19. same i only have like 4 of them and i want them all.....
  20. wait so does this make this thread a super short pre-pre-release thread or does this mean that this can now be a true pre-release thread? also is anyone going to the pop up shop tomorrow? if so, will you please ask lana for details if she's there about the album like if it's truly coming and if it's already been pressed to vinyl? bc those details will be very telling if we actually will get the album in time
  21. keep up, i said it's not on that site. look at it for yourself
  22. same thing happened with UV -- she announced music to watch boys to and then changed it to honeymoon except this time it's a shorter time frame which i sadly somehow believe her this time even though we know we shouldn't.
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