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American Whore

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Everything posted by American Whore

  1. Same here, I emailed them again today and still no response or anything. I’m at this point going to get my money back from my bank
  2. What’s annoying is i emailed them and got no response so a few days later I emailed them again and they said (a week ago) it was shipping last week through this week. And still, it’s almost Friday in the US and still no tracking number email. By the end of tomorrow if I don’t hear anything I’ll prolly cancel through my bank too. It’s ridiculous. I can understand “10-15 business days” but it’s been a while ass month by this point. 10-15 business days came and went. I want to support Lana but she’s making it fucking unreasonably hard to do and now idk...
  3. Still no email with tracking for me and I ordered Sep 3
  4. And “you fucked me so good that I almost said I love you” lmao
  5. I am just not for AHS. Interesting tho, I’m glad I’m not the only one thinking the same thing!! I just have a feeling it can’t last 10 episodes of this same shit lol
  6. Now I’m just curious and it opens my brain to more questions lmao does this mean if I sent, let’s say, you if you were in one those countries an explicit NFR album with the correct cover what would happen would you get in trouble? Would it be considered like... “contraband”? Hmm on second thought... I’d like that job lol it seems fun lol
  7. It’s actually pretty funny lmao but why is this even a thing hahaha if you buy a physical copy is it edited then too?
  8. I made an account but it’s restricted to pro members :/
  9. I feel you, I loved Roanoke, it was probably my favorite season tbh. And you’re right, it would be a repeat thing from that season but I’m just not sure what’s happening is “real” in their world. The guy being killed and coming back, being seen by literally everyone? I guess we’ve seen ghosts before but usually they know they’re ghosts don’t they? Idk, theres definitely something up with this season
  10. I have a feeling this season is going to have that same shift right in the middle. Everyone’s dying off too quickly and the pace is being pushed too early for it it last 10 episodes. I think we’re watching a movie and then after the first half of the season, we’ll learn it’s all been filmed. Remember how it introduced everyone in the exercise video? That might have something to do with it
  11. This song still slaps. “I’m one of many, one is blue” ugh I love it so much
  12. I can’t remember what all I said bc there’s so many I wanted to choose but... Just let me remind you all Your Girl is from UV dayzzzz/2013/4 so
  13. Queen of the Gas Station (I couldn’t think of any better ‘queen’ titles other than Queen of Disaster lol)
  14. I’m going full on rant mode and I’m not sorry about it but here’s my argument: Why is this even an “issue”? She’s aware of the gayness of her fans and I don’t think she gives a single fuck. I don’t think she cares whether you’re gay, white, black, male, female, whatever you may be. These posts make me so mad bc people try to put words into her mouth because she might say her fans might be young females so then automatically someone HAS to say “Oh she didn’t point me out because I’m gay!! She now must hate us gays!!” No she just simply doesn’t feel the need to single out gay people. She’s aware, she knows you’re there and she knows there’s no need to run around screaming about it. It’s like the fact that I wish “coming out” didn’t have to be a thing because sexuality shouldn’t be a big deal where we have to tell everyone about it. Why??? Why single people out who are just people by making them conform to a label? To me, making a big deal out of my sexuality is a problem. I don’t want people thinking of me as just their “bi friend” or whatever. No I’m not that. I’m much more than that. And for her to say “Most of my fans are gay guys” would personally make me more angry because I’m not just some “gay stan.” I think as I got older I’ve realized that about Gaga, she opted to try to include gays but then it almost went too far as to selling her music and herself to them for financial gain. And that’s not okay with me. “Oh I accept all gays(‘ money!!!!)” and that bothers the absolute shit out of me. Don’t get me wrong, shes done fundraising stuff and pushed for gay rights and gay acceptance but come on... I don’t want to be exploited for money as a fan of ANY artist. At the end of the day, it’s a business. Just like Trump, Lana didn’t talk about it for a while bc politics + business = more problems. What we’ve learned about Lana is that she’s just here for the music. If all her gay fans disappeared, she’d still make music. If all her female fans disappeared, she’d still make music. No matter what, she’s a musician at heart. Do we need to remind everyone of her performance in December at the ALLY Coalition thing?
  15. Ordered Sept. 3 and still waiting for my hoodie so lol idk where they’re at but I hope they come through... or I want my $80 back Does this mean you’ll put on fake eyelashes on one eye?
  16. Bird World became NFR right? I mean she did say she wants to use the un-used lyrics again so who knows
  17. This was such a good album. I have to listen to it on the way home
  18. Idk the actual lyrics of this song seem important to me bc of the whole Harvey thing so I like that she actually kind of calls him out in this song lolol But yeah “Ah, he’s” makes better sense anyway hahaha
  19. I could be wrong but I’m pretty sure. I think Your Girl, Yes To Heaven and a few others were UV outtakes but BPBP was done post UV Wikipedia (which could be wrong too) says it was recorded in July 2014 so that would make it HM, some say it was intended for Big Eyes also
  20. I know that and that’s exactly what I was saying. You’re validating my point. She’s reused old shit before. Same thing with BPBP, it was from Honeymoon sessions and she ended up using it for LFL. I don’t think it would make sense for her to release it but it wouldn’t be the first time she reused old shit
  21. Oh my god. Can someone add in when Lana said she’d be a sexy kitten for halloween in the livestream from last year hahahaha
  22. Then again, she says so much, you can never be sure. But even if Barrie said it, it makes some things during the NFR! album almost refer to him. If he has an old soul, then, not necessarily age-wise, it would tie those tracks together a little with the old music references, making them about Barrie, possibly? Idk but I didn’t even realize she was with Barrie for that long wow
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