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Queen Lizzy

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About Queen Lizzy

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    h e l l
  • Fan Since
    the beginning

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  1. Queen Lizzy

    Charli XCX

    I Got You in HQ when??
  2. Queen Lizzy


    updated her this is playlist descrip too omfg
  3. Queen Lizzy


    any angel that can sync liz’s vocal up w the hq she’s on fire beat?
  4. Queen Lizzy

    Charli XCX

    there's literally 11 tracks we haven't heard yet like pls
  5. Queen Lizzy

    Charli XCX

    can someone point me to till i die? pretty please!
  6. Queen Lizzy

    Charli XCX

    if this was for crash… i lost
  7. Queen Lizzy

    Charli XCX

    can anyone confirm what “even” is?
  8. does anyone have the je t’adore demo?
  9. Queen Lizzy

    Charli XCX

    sitting on that while what you think about me got a slot, the worms!!
  10. Queen Lizzy


    okay but what station is le train at?
  11. Queen Lizzy


    she might be pulling a charli and putting the deluxe out the following friday (fingers crossed emoji)
  12. eventually would have been cute on here tbh
  13. Queen Lizzy

    Charli XCX

    one of the ig comments confirmed new album next year but not which quarter also finished a song with george yesterday liiiiiiiike
  14. Queen Lizzy


    god's fave (how legit are these final mixes for starfucker?)
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