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Everything posted by Barry

  1. Similar with me, at that time I was a massive fan although I listened to more songs but not really the albums I dont think but probably 30 of her songs all the time. I remember it really well when it came out as it was probably the first music I ever looked forward to coming out and knew it was being released and that I actually bought myself and I listened to it that day at work which was probably a huge mistake. At the time I don't think I listened to any singles before it and probably expected it to be like Born to Die, Paradise, Ultraviolence and unreleased songs I listened to at the time. I worked in Landscaping and we were doing a front and back garden laying turf and like digging and wheelbarrowing stuff in and out and maybe putting down slabs and stuff, pretty hard physical work plus we were rushing because it was a Friday and I was listening to this album of calm slow music and remember thinking it was nothing like what I expected and it ruined the album for me for a long time.
  2. First Lana album I bought, maybe even the first album I ever bought myself then I hated it and never listened to until I think Lust For Life came out then got more into it where it became among my favourites in the end
  3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uKkZssqUWz4
  4. Barry

    Instagram Updates

    Same, in the end no harm has been done except to her repuation. She is increasingly coming across more dumb and out of touch, it doesn't really matter to me as im already a fan but it will probably harm her from gaining more fans who when they hear her name are going to think "oh thats that dumb bitch".
  5. Barry

    Instagram Updates

    Ben: Lana people are talking about a picture of you wearing that mask on twitter, it looks really bad, post something to stop people from speaking about it we cannot afford more negative publicity Lana: Ok I got you Lana: Did you check it Ben, I posted a cool video of me driving and rapping along to Eminem Ben *Watches video* Lana
  6. Barry

    Instagram Updates

    Still laying there a month later, the laziness
  7. Barry

    Instagram Updates

    Yeah it does actually. Seems it says "Recepit", Stall #34, 4.02pm, 10.16.2020 - what is it some kind of parking thing or something, why would it have a future date on it
  8. Barry

    Instagram Updates

    Does that say 10.15.2020 on that receipt
  9. After watching a couple more times I feel like it was all put together deliberately to give off the vibe it gives off. I didn't get it at first as I expected a normal behind the scenes of the interview type video, which it kind of is but I think it's a separate thing done on purpose. The video seems like a planned acting of like a kind of weird aloof rich person/celebrity and probably has something to do with the new album. I never thought much about it before but "Chemtrails Over the Country Club" does give the same feeling as this video, when I read that I imagine some rich conspiracy theorist who has went a little crazy. *In bath wearing clothes with cats* "Im never nervous" said in stuttering and repeated way depicting that she is "Crazy? Me... I would definitely describe myself as normal" Standing in front of screen playing obvious mental patient and doctor "It's not like I haven't been in a facility for 90 days already, not my story.... can you still see the Diamonds?" "They say madness swings to genius" Makes sense to me that her and her brother and sister planned to do it like this as some forshadowing of the style of the album.
  10. Had the vibe of like an old interview from the 60s or 70s, made me think of a Janis Joplin interview but also felt like one of those weird reality TV celebrity shows like Anna Nicole Smith and then on top you couldn't tell if it was normal behaviour in the moment and really part of the interview or if it was like performance art and acted out to deliberatley come across a certain way just for this video as a preview to the album.
  11. Sad to hear this guy died, never heard him before but I checked this one song and really liked it.
  12. Barry

    Instagram Updates

    Go back to discussing how her ears are too small for her to be classicly beautiful or something.
  13. I think she probably used to be naive and thought everyone wrote their own lyrics and worked on their own music a lot. I may be wrong but I do remember her saying something years ago about Rihanna like how Rihanna was so amazing and she doesn't know how she manages to keep making music like that. Like at the time she didn't seem to know Rihanna doesn't really make her own music. The more she finds out over time how Rihanna, Beyonce, Kanye West, Drake and whoever actually have a lot of help writing their music and huge teams and they buy songs from people and they have dozens of $millions in marketing and you need to pay to be on radio and whatever she probably was just late into finding out that it was kind of all bought and paid for at the top. She sees herself as more of a "real" artist who makes the music she wants to and puts all her effort into it all the time and is more authentic yet it doesn't matter to people really and the most popular who really have paid to be the most popular will get the awards and praise. "You were probably surprised that I actually write. I guess that’s how I would describe it: I really write. Poems and music. Sometimes I miss the mark, but I know what I’m going for. That’s why I really like hip-hop." It seems she is now quite bitter that people get praise and awards for music thats very little to do with them. Like over time once she started to work with more producers and collab more, people must have been saying to her like "oh you write your own lyrics" and then she's probably thinking like most of these people are just performers and basically actors.
  14. Barry

    Miley Cyrus

    She is going to be on the Joe Rogan Podcast next, so probably this week.
  15. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-lUr-iviLPw
  16. Barry


    I don't know what she naturally sounds like but I like her voice and style of rapping. This was probably my favourite from it
  17. Barry


    New album out today "Queen of Da Souf" https://open.spotify.com/album/1HOYLdaWocKi1YGveli9kF?si=fXW4vqCjQzKTWMD7qV5SFA
  18. I've still not read/heard any of it yet. I was busy when it came out then haven't really been in the mood to listen to it since
  19. I don't know how people can care about politics at all, it's rigged and pointless to get involved in and none of the people involved are remotely likable. Nothing they say is true, they do nothing to help anyone and everyone all kind of knows and accepts its just a pointless game yet they continue to accept it and take part in the nonsense of voting like they are achieving something. To me you need to have lost the plot to bother voting. Obama is probably the most liked and accepted president in decades but if he lived next door to you, you'd never like him. You wouldn't trust him to watch your own kids, theres something overtly fake about his persona and he's killed thousands of innocent people. Him and Trump both come from totally different backgrounds and were probably totally different people growing up yet look at the jobs they done, they've done the exact same stuff. If a rich guy who doesn't even care about politics really and probably just wanted the job for ego and fun and a guy who came from a poor background and worked hard for some reason to get this job both had a go and it was the exact same as it's always been then theres something not right.
  20. Thats a bad thing though, how many innocent people sent to prison and unable to get their cases looked at again or unable to get the DNA evidence checked because she wants her stats to look good. Fair and balanced is what you want.
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