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Everything posted by Slumdog

  1. Negative reaction? Can someone explain?
  2. Yeah and also this classic: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lOqVQPq8zm8 I can imagine her sweet voice singing it .
  3. BAR isn't that great. It's ok.
  4. I wish Lana did something like this some day. The vocalist has always reminded me of her. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zq97Nn9YsOE
  5. She needs to stop with the fillers, they're throwing off her face's proportions.
  6. I'm not sure how that works but wouldn't an important store need to have some inside information in order to put that slideshow. From a "business" perspective. I don't know, I'm asking from ignorance.
  7. I really liked it. Abel is so hot and sexy, I wish I was Lana.
  8. I don't know, haven't finished it yet but up to now I love it.
  9. Loved your entire post. That is a very interesting theory. Although given Lana's past songs and videos, it's hard not to think about a more sinister meaning. But I'd prefer your interpretation.
  10. (Sorry for contributing to the offtopic but...) It's interesting you say your brother is kind, do you see a change in the younger generations or does he just happen to be nice and is an exception?
  11. I think she or a producer mentioned in an interview how her voice was heavily "retouched" during BTD. And that with Ultraviolence they realised natural was better or something. I'll try to find it.
  12. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SFVccVrptqc How come I have never seen this? I feel dumb
  13. I feel so confused, don't really understand all the criticism.
  14. Thanks, this is awesome. So sweet. It will be/would have been a fantastic video.
  15. I guess I'm the only person who is still excited about Lust For Life. Also, it was uploaded like two weeks ago and keeps receiving (almost) nothing but praise from the viewers.
  16. That's sad. How are you doing? I was wondering if everybody's situation is the same or if some are slightly less bad than other's.
  17. I like her friend Stella, she seems genuinely nice.
  18. I know it's "old" but I'm sooo in love with the clip, especially the part where Lana seems to be about to hug Abel but gets shy. And the way he stares at her
  19. The song is slowly growing on me. Also, doesn't it seem like Abel is genuinely interested in Lana or is it just wishful thinking?
  20. I heard "take off your gloves"
  21. I was on the I Want It All leak thread and many were saying how boring it is and doesn't compare to the final version I think it is slightly more interesting than NA?
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