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Everything posted by RiverColaLight

  1. think about it the fame = born to die ( highly acclaimed debut album with massive sales) the fame monster = paradise ep (short follow up, everyone loves it) born this way = ultraviolence ( a masterpiece ahead of its time, appreciation comes in hindsight) okay and now this wont make any sense anymore cos honeymoon /=/ artpop lol but yea
  2. Fans are calling Lana a bitch in the facebook comments just bc yosemite is not on the tracklist?? Have some decency
  3. Cherry + BAR.. Don't really loooove the other ones
  4. TBH I think I played the cherry live performance too much, and now I'm kind of bored with it. The chorus is very memorable so it sticked with me and I couldnt resist listening to it over and over. I'm a fool.
  5. ''You say that you wanna go to Holland.. That's far away.'' - Money Power Glory
  6. Stargirl video, I love the way she was feeling herself. After that the L$D video, where she was filming while driving. I liked the one where she was laying on the floor of her closet, rolling around.
  7. Better than most of the songs on UV.. Sorry not sorry.
  8. I'm not watching: -because I'm not interested, sports aren't my thing. I'll watch some though. -The LGTB is treated so wrong in Russia, and I can't stand watching video's of young gays getting beat up. It needs to stop. I live in the Netherlands and gay marriage has been legal for 13 years now. Gays are treated well.
  9. EMGHW: "I was born so bad, not naturally right, the brightest star on hollywood and vine'' ''Íf the radar was gone I'd be lucky to die''
  10. I'll pray for you VH1- you and that disgusting mouth of yours. God bless.
  11. Every song on Sirens Most of the acoustics Strange Love Golden Grill Push Me Down Big Bad Wolf Children Of The Bad Revolution Bel Air (I like it but less than the other songs) Yayo Catch and Release
  12. Noir Video games Pawn shop blues LDR AKA LG
  13. cigarette/Dress: I hope you remember me like this, smoking cigarettes in my sundress (Television Heaven) boss: We were skippin' school and drinkin' on the job. With the boss. (This Is What Makes Us Girls)
  14. Приветствую Вас, дорогие... Сегодня один звонок навеял на размышления... Хотелось бы обсудить эту тему с вами... Уже не в первый раз , ко мне поступают звонки, с предложениями поработать - бесплатно. Это как сьемки в разных передачах, на не интересные мне темы, так и реклама разных товаров.... Удивительно, как людям хватает наглости кому-то такое предлагать. Кто в нашем мире работает бесплатно? Это же абсурд... Но рассмотрим это с другой стороны... Видимо люди считают, что засветиться на ТВ- это уже и есть своеобразная плата, хотя я знаю , что даже в массовке разных телешоу, зрителям и то, платят) Но вопрос сейчас не в этом , а в том, что спрос рождает предложение. Я удивляюсь, как многие люди готовы на многое, лишь бы попасть в ТВ... Признаюсь, раньше я имела несколько иные взгляды касательно этой темы, и приняла участие в разных ТВ проектах... Но у меня была цель- любыми путями нести свое учение в массы. Естественно, что моя внешность и мой характер в совокупности- вызывает довольно сильные эмоции у людей, во всяком случае равнодушных - нет. Таким образом я хотела, чтобы люди видя меня на ТВ- находили в инете, и приобщались к моей жизненной позиции... Изменялись, становились лучше- трансформировали свой Дух... Позднее, эти все проекты меня просто опустошили морально , т к люди настолько непробиваемы, что я посчитала, что ниже моего достоинства вообще заниматься чем-то подобным, и тем более плясать под дудку людей, которые зарабатывают на том, что выставляют меня в большинстве проектов, что я якобы подражаю куклам барби и так далее... Не скрою, что среди проектов с которыми я сотрудничала были приятные и достойные. Но большинство- шелуха и суета сует. То есть даже когда у тебя есть серьезная цель и мотивация попасть на ТВ, в итоге понимаешь, что это не стоило затраченных усилий. И пропаганда через интернет ГОРАЗДО эффективнее, результативнее + затраты времени минимальные ... Вывод- не надо тратить свое драгоценное время на пустое... Удивительно, как некоторые просто рвутся на ТВ... Но какие у них могут быть цели? Потешить свое эго и поймать звезду?... Это только уничтожает личность .... на корню... Или выйти удачно замуж, засветится? Ну возможно это для кого то и является целью- и этот способ на них вполне приемлим... Лично я считаю, что ТВ на 99% это грязь, и туда не стоит лезть. Это арена для шутов, не будьте ими!
  15. But all Lana songs have fabulous names
  16. I don't know because I never heard snippets of all those unleaked songs.
  17. I fucking love the YEAAHHHS. Especially when there's a high pitch lana voice in the back in the 3rd time
  18. I've loved lana's lips since the moment I saw her. I first thought they were real When I sing or playback along to Lana songs I do this thing with my lips and nose so my lips look like Lana's. Don't know how to explain It took some time to get used to Lana's songs. I don't really like listening to acapella's like " Heart Shaped Chevrolet " Only 2 friends of mine listen to Lana, but not as much as I do. They also don't really listen to her unreleased stuff. It frustrates me because I want to discuss and listen to the unreleased with them. I guess this isn't that bad tho. I wish So Legit never leaked. I think that I wanted to keep her opinion on Gaga a mystery or very positive. I do like the fact they knew eachother, and the fact that Lizzy took the time to boo her off is kinda funny. I do hate the fanbases fighting, and shading eachothers faves. I continue to like Lana AND Gaga both. I think Lana smoking is sexy. I wish I had a photo with Lana when I had the chance, standing frontrow at her show, but I was so overwhelmed. When she walked to me to take my letter to her, i just stood there smiling like crazy. Oh well, she held my hand I dont like blonde hair on Lana.
  19. Lady Gaga (2x) Lana Nicki minaj Brooke Candy Marina & the Diamonds I actually would go to the Pretty Reckless but she cancelled
  20. She's beautiful (& young), genuine, so kind to her fans, smart, cute. I also love the style of the old homemade videos. And i looove her lips. I like that she has different kinds of songs. There are moods that I want to listen to pop songs, so lana can also give me that. And I have sooo many songs From her I can listen to
  21. I just don't want to see Shaun the albino in every scene.. Lana should've picked me as Adam
  22. I like almost every song of Lana's ( not always the guitar ones ) and these are just some I picked that I like at the moment. Some songs I overplayed and now they aren't as good as they were at the time. Party Girl/ St. Tropez: It's so different than all her other songs. It makes me happy haha My Best Days I never really paid attention to the song until I was browsing through youtube this summer. It's just so beautiful, and I love the bass. JFK I know this song is very new, but I just had to mention it. I love how she describes the boy. She sings like an angel. Hollywood's Dead I anticipated it for so long because of that one snippet. I remember listening to these 30 seconds over and over again. When it leaked I did too . It's really well produced for a demo. Cola I liked this song at first but after the concert I really fucking loved it. It remembered me of when she came downstairs and took my letter and held my hand. It became so special to me. Blue Jeans It's my most played Lana song with 155 plays haha. It never gets old and I always sing along Honorable mentions: National Anthem, American, Gods&Monsters, Radio, Angels Forever, Million Dollar Man, Video Games, Born To Die.
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