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About see1you

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  1. see1you

    Melanie Martinez

    Do we know who produced Unhappy Meal?
  2. see1you

    Melanie Martinez

    Can you share the 3 outtakes here please? 😁
  3. see1you

    Harry Styles

    hunger is so beautiful
  4. see1you

    Harry Styles

    He only had one song leaked prior to this mass. Half the world away, a demo for one direction Baby Honey, Complicated Freak, Anna and Medicine are all confirmed to be sessions from his debut with the rest probably just being 1D demos (i'm not sure about Him tho, probably a 1D demo too) He has an unreleased song that was once posted on souncloud too, Don't let me go
  5. see1you

    Harry Styles

    it's not a song from harry's house btw
  6. see1you

    Harry Styles

    A song called Him leaked https://onlyfiles.io/f/f48ea4d7f854461c981e59a3503f6bf9
  7. see1you

    Harry Styles

    snippets for rehearsals/tour demos(?) not really sure, also leaked somewhere over the rainbow cover https://onlyfiles.io/f/9f3a07bb2c9347b0aaa5be9ce0bc90d2 what makes you beautiful cover https://onlyfiles.io/f/bb41b48ce56f4a458e8fec80b5637cca treat people with kindness https://onlyfiles.io/f/1df08b6f20f047a5bae6a568dd780869
  8. see1you

    Harry Styles

    Medicine https://onlyfiles.io/f/f0cb71e623bd4492972af12c1c0a3ed7 Anna https://onlyfiles.io/f/fb87714ec275429e9e9431441eb0483b Trouble https://onlyfiles.io/f/e2d831bb523d44de93dfe0189bda53cb Without You https://onlyfiles.io/f/007ef5369e4a416b8c5dbb2fc2fcab77 Hunger https://onlyfiles.io/f/3c990e685f6548a9a0591ab60a92b3d1 Baby Honey https://onlyfiles.io/f/7564ec8e050a4b35b06505d74f8c2605 Complicated Freak https://onlyfiles.io/f/3960a1ae3adb4612bdc096bb3f728e43 Already Home https://onlyfiles.io/f/65e6407c57134caf928379f0553aa3af Lay Down https://onlyfiles.io/f/d82baf8fce33423488b7a10e33e19b7c
  9. see1you

    Harry Styles

    A bunch of outtakes from his first album leaked too (medicine finally!) they're all great btw
  10. see1you

    Melanie Martinez

    soo the bombs on monday rough demo it's fake and it was done by playing around with the logic project?
  11. see1you

    Melanie Martinez

    thank you sm!! bombs rough sounds beautiful
  12. see1you

    Melanie Martinez

    can you share your night mime file please?
  13. see1you

    Melanie Martinez

    thank you sm!! the night mime file that you shared it's a different mix from the one we have, but i'm not sure https://dbree.org/v/0b6c99 Can anyone confirm if this file is edited?
  14. see1you

    Melanie Martinez

    thanks a lot for uploading it !!
  15. see1you

    Melanie Martinez

    someone post the unaltered file of drowning plss
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