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About Jessy

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  • Birthday 04/17/1996

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  1. Why did we even get this snippet like why does it exist as a snippet and there on that website I don't know but thanks @@god
  2. Jessy


    Omg mess the skip in the bridge of OHDH too This probs sounds so nitpicky but can we get this album in full flawless hq please
  3. Jessy


    ^^^^ There's also a short skip at the beginning of Need You. Are the vinyl rips of those two songs anywhere?
  4. Jessy


    Ok so is someone going to the New York show tomorrow with the VIP package so they can get the album and upload her? I s2g I better see it online by Friday
  5. Jessy


    This is frustrating as fuck... June 9th. We are in February. I'm legit pissed off lol she ruined my day
  6. I think her calling us kids because we call her mom is a reach. Most of us are actual kids next to this 31 year-old woman (not that she's old- just old enough to refer to us as "kids" in comparison). It's just a cool, slang type of thing imo. Like how in Old Money she says "the kids were young and pretty". Yall are taking it too literally
  7. This is such a relief, I feel like this is the type of reassurance we've been needing from Lana for years. Seems like she's not very easily demoralized after all. So glad she's OK and she's able to remain positive even when her life/hard drive is invaded left and right
  8. Nah, that was long before we even knew about UV, and it was FIVE tracks that could have potentially been released in the future, not just one. The YAIL situation is still terrible, but her single, and her entire album, are likely just around the corner.
  9. Anyone could've guessed that it's a friday (worldwide music release day) within the next month It better be Feb 24th tho
  10. Love is def just the title of the film girls
  11. When she announced HBTB on instagram the release date was only a few days later Miss Lana log the f*ck on !
  12. ASGKFJASDFHKJ the floating car on the poster... is this a leaked scene ??? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R3_K3cL7d6E Seriously though so fucking excited im shaking
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